Monday, April 8, 2019
sunday 31 march 19. jay allen's messaround plough
and stars. Tom Baker opened, then the Dogmatics
did a Louvin Brothers song, goin' for THAT hillbilly-roots sound
and quite excellent. Lee Harrington of Neighbourhoods "I'm
nuts for anything with a British accent"; I'm the opposite
BUT fuckin' "Soul Love" off Ziggy Stardust! i
had a Bowie songbook back in '73 but i never learnt it as well as
this performance. Dave Barton of Outlets did a
slick country set, alt perhaps, tho I hate the term, with a Stomper
on bass. Jay Allen (photo below) was of
course his usual funny self. All this was "in the round",
a maxi ep's worth of toons, another splendid Mess Around til Marathon
Sunday. Our John Keegan drove me to Tavern
at the End of the World open-mike. Trick Wallace
and Bucky Bear dueting (photo at end of
column), good to see guys who played with Asa Brebner/John Lincoln
Wright (both RIP) continuing on doing good country/Celtic/folk (for
lack of a better label). Trick Wallace enjoyed
me pulling out "Prodigal Son" tho he and Buck did Steve
Miller band's "baby's calling me home"! Rob Lynch
doing Irish and AM radio 70s hits enjoyed solo acoustic "oh
well" (I love singing "dont ask me what I think of you/I
might not give the answer that you want me to"). Lastly, somewhere
in there, MJ Quirk has been doing toons from Pink
Floyd's More album and THAT is Hopelessly Obscure! Remember:
EVERY Sunday Tavern End of World open mike and watch Boston's BEST
pull out some Hopeless Obscurities from their record collection.
and DONT forget Natalie Flanagan!"
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
day of Wodin 3 april 19. club linehan-ago-go practice.
Joe Quinn on bass back from Ireland. My three songs were "empty
heart" dedicated to Sir Mick after his recent surgery, "ramblin'
gamblin man" and a John Keegan/Lady Caroline general consensus
on the "Lou-grass" version of "pale bluegrass eyes".
MJ Quirk ran down the calendar so next show for Club Linehan-ago-go
in saturday 27 april 19, private party in Quincy. (I'll send you
an invite; "write me"-aerosmith!). and with Joe Quinn
"under my wheels"; R U Sirius? (radio!): James Brown's
"shout and shimmy"!!!! "whaaaa!!!! Good God y'all!"
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
day of Frigga 5 april 19. back in '74, at a fanzine convention I
met Scott Duhamel and Bob Bear Richert in New Netherlands. By 20
march 76,"Mean screen" had been written (my riff; eddie
flowers and scott's words) and released on Bob's Gulcher label.
fucken 45 years later still rockin! (fuck i am an olde 63 vs, an
Olde 97). Cantab, Mass. Ave. Papa Joe band did "Beautiful Sunday"
by Daniel Boone quite excellently and thank you to the guitarist
for helping me tune and use of marshall; great guy! It was Jon
of Butterscott birthday (which he shares with a Hollie!)
and Butterscott are like a cross between the Rutles
and Bonzo Dog Band. English music-hall with bizarro British humour
and with four British grandparents, I dig it! otherwise "Two
fingers pointin' at you" and I mean the UK way, not Seeds.
Bassist Joel Simches gave me his 80s MONTREAL record
Joel in '80s spandex. it was a good night for VARULVEN records alumni:
Joel was in Smuggler (Bon Jovi kicked them out of dressing room
so he could sing "let's get it on" with some "jailbait
janet" at the Paradise) plus Lady Caroline plus MJ Quirk and
I were on varulven comp #20. I never did an Ace of Hearts record
but goddam: VARULVEN! club linehan-ago-go did a
damn good show at 11 pm and there were even folks hangin'! i know
I led off with stones 12x5 number "empty heart", MJ Quirk
did chuck berry version of jimmy reed's "baby what you want
me to do" in bflat, Joe Quinn (bass),Kev Linehan (drums) always
tight rhythm section. John Keegan on sax and he sang Velvet underground
"what goes on"; Al from Jetset liked my ringing/droning
Middle eastern guitar riffin on such (not Screamin Lord Sutch) in
D but our piece-de-resistsance was Lady Caroline doing Donovan's
"Season of the witch". I know Blowfish liked me snd her
rat beach partyy of Joplin' "Summertime" but yes! after
20 years I took Keith Beauniece's advice ("cant you play with
some restraint" and me getting drunk and cussin' him out like
Sonny Boy Williamson callin' Leonard Chess a "muthafucka";same
living room as this column is typed!) Again Caroline sang huskily,meloically
superbly and I tried selling my soul to Satan to copy Jimmy Page
but ole scratch gave me a free walk through hell and G'day mate!
I ended up in Oz-stralia with that gecko that thinks 'e's the craown
jules"! (ernest borgnine as Roo, some movie i saw my trailer
in south carwolina USMC). Night didnt END; John Keegan and i watched
the soul band upstairs (drummer Diane Gately was in the Devotions
in 90s) and they went from a Philly song into SLy's "family
affair" as I bellowed and growled along....now THAT'S music!
Thursday, April 11, 2019
saturday 6 april 19; the days of the months are same as 1974! $8
somerville theater matinee of apollo 11, two pm, lotsa archival
footage; see it! and instead of O. Rex, it was Mad Painter
practice, tho alex gitlin (keyboards) HAS been to Gruberger
ground zero which is Lviv, Ukraine comrade! We rehearsed the album
(on youtube!) for saturday 3 may 19 headliner at
sea note, hull mass then worked on Bee Gees "to love
somebody" NOW sounding more small faces than vanilla fudge!
More mad painter news, as this best place to promote: wednesday
5 June 19 (my cuzzin martha Hull's birthday!) live
on WMFO nine-midnight is Mad Painter. lastly let's not
forget Mad painter and Glider at Koto friday 5 july 19.
Name all those "borrowed" "Heepishy Purple "
Friday, April 12, 2019
7 april 19: "tavern at the end of the world 5-7 pm
matinee show. Frank Rowe did his originals,
then I compiled a New Colony Six of me, Nat flanagan's guitar;
Frank Rowe on a Delta steel thang (The Regressive
Blues Expirement); Larry Newman, Lt USMC and
Bunratty Kinks tribute band-bass; Captain Easychords-keyboards;
Cal Cali-tambourine and Jon Butterscott-maracas.
Bo Diddley medley including "say Man back again" ("you
that thing i throw peanuts at"),"Boom Boom" (a
lot of medleys coz i only knew one verse!), Fleetwood Mac's "oh
well", 13th floor elevators "slip inside this house"
(Rick Harte was impressed that I bulshitted my
way through most of the lyrics quoting Roky; the rest was improv)
and lastly velvet underground b-side "here she comes now".
some folks said Dr Ken, the Night Tripper used "magic"
coz these six had never played together before "you were
the glue"....nay! to quote Philip berg's nephew Uriah Heap
("of shit"-editor) sang "The Wizard" off Demons
and Wizards! ("dont quit the day job"-Ken Hensley/Ken
Highland!). highlights I remember of open mike: Nat Flanagan
singing Irish traditional "black velvet band" as Robbie
Lynch sang onstage; NATALIE FLANAGAN!; and Bucky Bear and trick
Wallace, two guys who miss John Lincoln Wright and Asa Brebner
somethin' fierce, doing Town Line City Limits and swappin' tales....Trick
had me on a couple songs. where I played lead acoustic quoting
"mississippi queen" and "badge" as only I
can....open mike tavern end of world EVERY Sunday 730 pm! BOB
CENCI will be a nine pm feature he said! (ran into him
North station the next day but we did NOT duet on Moto's "I
hate my fucken job"!)"......