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Somerville Yard Sale

Saturday August 7, 2010

    Chris and Jennifer Daltry of What Cheer Antiques and Vintage, along with the Somerville Arts Council, put on yet another great event in Union Square this year.
Their Rock'n'Roll Yard Sale gets bigger and better every year....this one was mobbed....with attendees and vendors.

    They also had bands playing throughout the time of the event, including Chris Daltry's band the 'Mericans and a vinyl only DJ spinning (and here we mean literally spinnin' ) excellent tunes between bands. There was also a psychedelic showcase of music and both PA's Lounge and Precinct so it really was quite an event!
    People came and stayed....for hours. There was a lot to see, to hear and lots of friends to spend time with/catch up with and compare notes and purchases. Of course there were many vinyl vendors sellin' them old school (and still the best) records! Everything from 50's and beyond to current day stuff. Of course there were CD's and even the classic, for real collectors, 8 Track tapess!!
    There were also a lot of clothing vendors there selling a cool mix of vintage and funky weird, some were very reasonably priced and others were just too expensive.
    What I just love seeing nowadays is the proliferation of the DYI craft people. Like for example The Glamour Ghouls Accessories...excellent stuff...a goth rockabilly mix but really for anyone...great sense of humor....skeletons hands in your hair barrettes, flowers with glitter spider stuff. You can also buy their stuff on Etsy.
    And I so love it coz there were things I thought I'd never see...tatted up punk rockers CROCHETING and embroidering and selling their wares...what would my mother say?? She'd probably love it like I do!! Fussy Gussy was another vendor I thought was fun, practical stuff like potholders and aprons, but with a 50's rock'n'roll touch. There were jewelry vendors too and everyone was having a great time....AND you could see parents with their kids and teaching them about awesome stuff like used records and funky fun accessories...very cool!!! So What Cheer is a store in Providence and they sponsor lots of these vevents through out the year, so if you missed this one you can check out their facebook page and find out when the next one is!! For example... their Next Event is Sunday 3 October @ the Met Cafe in Pawtucket, RI.

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Aimee combing through some prospects
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Record fanatics
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Chris band
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Eric with Paul Zone LP
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Eric and Carl go scrounging
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Fussy Gussy
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Fussy Gussy stuff
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Glamour Ghouls girls
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Glamor Ghouls sign
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Like father, like son
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Mitch - Tim -Joanie - Eric - Aimee
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Young record fanatic
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Young fashionista

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