- Better Be Good and Who Needs
You - The Real Kids on LIVE AT THE RAT (Rat Records) 1977
- Common At Noon w/ All Kindsa
Girls (French label,Sponge) The Real Kids 1977
- All Kindsa Girls w/ Taxi
Boys - The Real Kids (Red Star) 1977
KIDS(full length) - The Real Kids (Red Star) 1977 (Norton reissue 1991)
- Nyquil
Stinger - The Classic Ruins (Varulven) from BOSTON BOOTLEG 1979
- 1+1is Less Than 2 w/Heart
Attack w/Nyquil Stinger - The Classic Ruins (Ace Of Hearts) 1980
- Let's Get Dull - The Classic Ruins on Throbbing Lobster compilation ,Nobody Gets On The
Guest-list! 1984
- Lose That Girl - The Primevals and Geraldine - The Classic Ruins on Throbbing Lobster
compilation - Claws! 1985
- Lassie Eats Chickens - The Classic RuinsThrobbing Lobster) 1986
- Primitive Souls EP (Grown Up Wrong) 1987
- Nothing Pretty - John Felice and the Lowdowns (Ace Of Hearts) 1988
- The Varmints EP (Dogmeat)1989
- Grown Up Wrong - The Real Kids (Norton) 1993,cuts from 1976-1978
- Hot Dog w/ Just Like Darts - The Real Kids (Norton) 1993
- Bad To Worse w/ My Baby's Book - The Real Kids (Norton) 1993, (Dogmeat) 1994
- Ain't No Good" - The Varmints from BOSTON ROCK 'N' ROLL ANTHOLOGY #
20 (Varulven) 1997
- Better Be Good - The Real Kids (Norton) 1999,cuts from 1977-1979
- Down To You ep - The Real Kids (TKO) 1999
- I'll Never Sing That Song Again - John Felice And The Lowdowns (New Rose Box
Set) 2000
- ASSORTED VARMINTS - The Varmints (Endora's Box) 2002