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Nancy Neon's Halloween Bash at the Cantab

October 31, 2009
Photos by Miss Lyn except where noted.

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Nancy Neon looking FAB
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BeatGirl as Zombie Cheerleader with Mickey Bliss.
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Oh, that must hurt - a 45 to the neck!
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Crazy Cat Lady and Husband.
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Girl on Top.
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Guy dressed as Merle Allen.
Photo:Michele Meadows
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Jaye as Alex from Clockwork Orange
and Skinny Mike as Zombie guy.
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Ravenous Zombie Cheerleader ready to take a bite outta an innocent bystander.
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Jaye and Missy Lids.
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Jesse and Vic as Gorilla and Vampiress
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Johnny of Spitzz as a super fashionable girl.
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Karen DiBiassi of Girl on Top.
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Kim and Cam out for a regular night of fun.
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Lux and Ivy - Tom and Victoria of Spitzz.
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Medusa and Wood Nymph.
Photo:Michele Meadows
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Michele and Cam in the crowd.
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Miss Lyn, Cam, Michele and Kim.
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The only type of facial hair to have - knitted and removable.
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Skinny Mike and Jaye of the Coffin Lids.
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Tommy T of Spitzz
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The Tucch with awesome basic drum set.
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The Varmints
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The Varmints

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