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Joanie's Balkan Vacation


Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Zadar has lots of ancient ruins
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Ruins and the ocean
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Grounds by the forum
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
In the night time
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Downtown Zadar
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Nice art space

Joanie's Croatia Vacation Entry to the old town
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Across the bay, it looks like Miami
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
It's not all beautiful
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
Cool windows
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
They're known for their sea wall
Joanie's Croatia Vacation
And the sea organ, the water somehow makes music
Everyone gathers for sunset
Alfred Hitchcock says it's the world's most beautiful

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