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Ecuador vacation
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Joanie's Ecuador Vacation


Joanie in Ecuador
Our hotel
Joanie in Ecuador
Very spacious inside
Joanie in Ecuador
Out on the night nature walk
Joanie vacation Ecuador
Some random bugs and a bird and bonus tarantula
Joanie in Ecuador
Hanging at the outdoor bar
Joanie in Ecuador
Morning slippery nature walk, bring your walking sticks
Joanie in Ecuador
Lovely termite home
Joanie in Ecuador
At the waterfall
Joanie in Ecuador
Our guides Miguel and Alex
Joanie in Ecuador
Out on a paddle boat
Joanie in Ecuador
Mini alligator
Joanie in Ecuador
Monkeys at the restaurant
Joanie in Ecuador
Monkey and souvenirs
Joanie in Ecuador
Out on the grounds
Joanie in Ecuador
Sunset at the Amazon

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