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Ecuador vacation
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Joanie's Ecuador Vacation


Joanie in Galapagos
Land of sea lions
Joanie in Galapagos
Some famous Galapagos dude
Joanie in Galapagos
Another guy
Joanie in Galapagos
Other places around San Cristobal
Joanie in Galapagos
Sharing the town with iguanas
Joanie in Galapagos
Joanie in Galapagos
And more sea lions
Joanie in Galapagos
Some cocktails, Norm downing the wine, cake and iced coffee
Joanie in Galapagos
Post snorkeling
Joanie in Galapagos
Sadly salt water didn't heal these disgusting ankle bites
Joanie in Galapagos
Off to the ER I go with Valeria where it was free (except $6 for taxis and special soap)
Joanie in Galapagos
Weird to have a Xmas parade in 75 degrees
Joanie in Galapagos
They love glockenspiels in Ecuador
Joanie in Galapagos
Caught a great sunset
Joanie in Galapagos
Enjoying the evening
Joanie in Galapagos
Nice place when your stomach and ankles aren't doing weird things

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