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Ecuador vacation
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Joanie's Ecuador Vacation


Joanie in Quito
Tour of the Pululahua volcano with our guide JP
Joanie in Quito
Basically a village in a dormant volcano
Joanie in Quito
Nice view but some nasty bugs got me there
Joanie in Quito
Off to the hummingbirds
Joanie in Quito
Cool hanging out with them
Joanie in Quito
They love the sugar water
Joanie in Quito
A walk by the river (maybe *this* was where the bugs got me)
Joanie in Quito
Off to the gondola
Joanie in Quito
In the gondola
Joanie in Quito
View from 14,000 feet
Joanie in Quito
The boys snapping pictures
Joanie in Quito
The money shot

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