Monday, January 10, 2022

O'Connell Trio
Saturday 8 Jan 22, Elvis's birthday. I cant say ENUFF about the
New! Improved! Cantab/Club Bohemia! (especially
coz they musta used New! Improved! Blue Cheer on the NEW loo!).
Staff and all very friendly, just have your vax cards, ya moddafockas,
or as Mickey Bliss sez "you'll be 86ed!"
(actually my life is BETTER than 1986, so glad THAT got 86ed!).
opening was AIDAN O 'CONNELL jazz band; follow
them on facebook! He plays upright bass with a guitarist and
drums. My jazz knowledge isn't as such as a Berklee grad (though
I teach at Beserkley!) but Wayne Shorter's "Fe Fi Fo Fum"
youtube) was done. Hard Bop? Be-Bop? baby Bop? (you had to get
wasted and watch barney in the '90s like I did...)..this 1966 toon,
til the Saturday Hopelessly Obscure, predates my 4 July 70 purchase
of Miles Davis Bitches Brew and also, on the Wayne Shorter
toon, Elvin Jones drums, he being a Mitch Mitchell (Hendrix) influence.
The cantab's "story' has a brief shot of Kenne Highland Air
Force doing "Be More Flamboyant". From a Wednesday phone
call from a Micky Bliss cancellation to a Saturday
squadron formation, I assembled a quarter (like Rat Patrol fighting
the Afrika Korps, which we did (the band!)) I had me guitar/vocals,
captain easychord-keyboard, Larry Newman-bass,
Al Hendry-drums. cantab quotes: "Kenne this
is your best band yet! Some really good guitar playing on that John
Lee Hooker version of Stooges "down on the street": Micky
Bliss, Esquire (Dewey Cheatum and Howe). "You sound
and look like Roky Erikson"- the bartender dude ("I know
many faces but few names"- Harold Madison Jr to Miss Lyn, early
'80s Allston). Ok, I'll take it! All they ever had in the Erie canal
(my back yard in the '60s) was carp, a garbage fish, so aint like
I'm fishin' fer compliments...AND! some young ladies from the upstairs
came downstairs and started dancin' to the more Stones-groove songs!
WITH Andy Pratt! That truly got MY Ya ya's Out
(no yia-yias though, thought if it were a Greek picnic and my Yardbirds
bouzouki solos woulda made you say Opa!, Winfrey...)...So, Andy
Pratt, opened with "avenging Annie", did some
solo piano BUT, old dawg, new tricks, him on acoustic guitar! "Tim
Buckley meets Roky Erikson with weird tunings"- Ken Highland
in O. rextasy: the Brooklyn Groupie News! Again, Cantab staff helped
ROADIE Andy's gear to the Captain's ship on wheels, asking how we
doin', how was our night..cf. to Channel/ Rat "it's hotel or
motel tyme but you cant stay here!" "DEAD BOSTON CLUBS"
and mein schaudenfreud says even the ones I got banned from are
now closed! (do I win?) Andy Pratt has same zip code as BGN, though
in colonial Watertown, his Pratts and Dad's Kilbournes had same,
only ben Franklin not yet BORN in 1630s to become first postmaster
of those bluidy colonies...A GREAT night at Cantab and like General
macArthur "I shall return!" "old Gizmos never die,
they're just eternally on the guest list"......take on Stooges
"Down on the Street" .
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
"Monntag 10 jan 22. Asa Brebner I am not Gone
volume two (insert ordering info) track three: Emily
Grogan with "Going Home". She does vocals,
guitar, bass, drum, keyboard; McCartney/ grogan (That WOULD be
something!) and/or a Gizmo, A True Star. And excellent on all
instruments played! My notes (scrawled): Enya-type vocal intro
(layered harmony and such, very nice), Weezer style crunchy guitar,
a bit of a country solo and chords are Buddy Holly playing Tom
Petty's "Free fallin'". Great stuff as is whole cd and
SINCE all roads lead to kenne Highland....in '90s I tried getting
into Plough and Stars on saint Patrick's day and couldn't get
in (sober on mass. Ave. = "No Fun with my wife/ No Fun"...Druming
for Inky Spoon veteran Emily was none other than Gay Hathaway
whom drummed on my orange album on "Reincarnation" and
very pregnant with neither mine or "Billie Jean's" child;
"Fields of Regret' not seeing gaye drum with Emily but DO
hope to catch her live soon or do a show or "Die trying",
Which IS a definite possibilities with the Plague like my Blodgett
ancestors surived in 1630s London so they could sail to Harvard
Sqaure; Know ye thusly how speaketh I!".....Order
this cd! ($16 each, 2 for $25 Venmo: Larry-Newman-14,
Paypal: deltaljn@netscape.net or send check or money order to:
Larry Newman, 10 Whippoorwill Lane Kittery, ME 03904.) .
Thursday, January 13, 2022
"day of Wodin 12 Jan 22. A twelve inch almost GLUED to my turntable
be The Great Rap Hits, which was five
dollars at Somerville Grooves. ($1.85 on discogs).
Six great early hip-hop toons as Hello World by the Korps (Gulcher!)
plummeted down the charts. Let's start out with "Spoon'nin'
Rap" from 1979, a $1.50 45 by Spoony G. whosampled.com,
yeah yeah yeah...."Blue suede shoes" Carl Perkins ("one
fo' the money"), "Rapper's Delight" (it's a Chic
riff! OR do quote the late, grate on your nerves great Solomon Gruberger:
"I know who they're ripping off!"). THE TRUE GEM, as in
Hopelessly Obscure 45 is "Patty
Duke" by Cloud One, a 1979 45 NOW going
for $308.22 which is $8.22 more than my G (Gruberger)- Boyz from
Crooklyn! Best description: "Space funk"! Just the synth
sounds alone over a funk groove...And let's give it up for Spoonee
Gee (born 27 May 63 Harlem versus July '60 Jay Grubeberger
Brooklyn)...His uncle was record producer Bobby Robinson who owned
a cooler-than-Skippy White record store. Wikipedia photo: "Bobby
Robinson in front of his record store (Bobby's Record and Tape center)
1977". EVERY 1959-1962 "oldie" he produced! (Wikipedia).
Kansas city/dedicated to the one I love/the happy organ/fannie mae/
elmore James "sky is crying"/"yaya"/tossin'
and turnin/every beat of my heart/soul twist/"wiggle wobble"
by les cooper; half those oldies I had on Art laboe's Oldies But
Goodies comps I got up the Brockport NY plaza early '70s (I was
discovering 50s "oldies"). 1979 his 16 year old nephew
wants to do a rap record and the label; Sylvia Robinson DID sing
as half of Micky and Sylvia on 1957's "Love is strange",
where a the NY Dolls on "trash" stole a certain quote
and I, Ken Highland, third generation re-quote, say "aw; how
you call your lover boy" on "I'm in Love" off Asa
volume two! Buy Asa cds and dudes....that ole Sugar Hill vinyl man...since
in 1976 I did "lo-fi" vinyl for Gulcher and Oral records,
"lo-fi" funk/hip-hop "NY Groove' whatever...it's
da ballz!"......
Friday, January 14, 2022
"day of Thor 13 jan 22. second cut on The Great Rap Hits is
the Beat y'all" by Lady B; a 1979 45 going for
$12.95. She was a pioneer rapper AND dj and you CAN
follow her on facebook, thank you Mort Zuckerberg (oops on purpose
I did it again; Mort Drucker did mad magazine, MARK Zuckerberg stole
Facebook but to me they one and the same). who sampled: "Rapper's
Delight" (again!), "Jack and Jill" (1765 traditional
folk though Bo Diddley was rhymin' nursery rhymes a score and ten
before 1979 rap: "say man back again" : "you that
thing I throw peanuts at") AND always the hidden gem: "Rap-O
Clap-O" by Joe Bataan. Doin' the Reader's Digest version (do
your own goddam rock archaelogy!) jOE bataan was doin' boogaloo
records from 1967 onward on local Latin NY labels....well, guess
I'll be occupy Harlem on youtube with boogaloo records for about
a minute"....
Saturday, January 15, 2022
"Freitag 14 Jan 22. Cantab Underground
I think is new name, no longer Club Bohemia; iregardless, fun
WAS had! Phantom Ocean opened, a White Stripes-y
duo with traces of the Shaggs and O. Rex. I enjoyed the low-fi
grunge and slide guitar on "house of the rising sun"
and Leadbelly's "In the Pines" (Big Belly watches Leadbelly!).
Kenne Highland's Air Force flew as a quintet
this tyme with me on Richard Mirsky's Strat and
the house marshall amp and "Yes I am Experienced" though
if anything, I heard a lot of Mid-east yardbirds modal stuff or
whatever I teach at Beserkley...on my right: Captain Easychord!
with a Cantab night sat 22 Feb 22 with captain/ frank rowe solo/larry
newman solo and Mad painter. to my left doing the grace Slick
"High Flying Bird" at Monterey harmonies was Gee
Julie, on bass Larry Newman,drums-Al
Hendry and Pete Loaf of Stigmatics guitar on
"down on the street" (stooges) done John Lee Hooker
style INTO Canned Heat's "on the road again"! (WCMF
Rochester NY FM listened to Brockport Ny released 24 april 68,
so I heard this AFTER I saw Blue Cheer on TV!).
The Stigmatics, as usual. were fantastic, doing
Creeper that album I produced plus Kinks
"Im not like everybody else" and Heartbreakers "born
to lose". Captain easychord thought drummer Bob Whitelock
(he was in THE LINES; check discogs!) favoured Charlie Watts
and "Bobby WAS good tonight, in't he" and those Stonesmatics
DID indeed keep a-rollin' all night long. Johnny Plankton:
New! Improved! A GREAT rhythm section and on guitar, my friend of
forty years 13 march 82 (that was Hopelessly Obscure and the Accidents
at Cantones; doorman? M. Bliss, Esquire, now at
Cantab?) PLUS "surprise surprise" (you should hear Lulu's
version!) Kevin of Miles Deathmuffin and I'll take Linda Bean for
500,Alex! (OR: "in the beginning was Miles Dethmuffin, whom
begat Permafrost, whom begat Frigate, whom begat Chelsea Curve,
whom M. Bliss DOES want to play cantab!). ok, I "picked up"
the set list (my Knotts ancestor was a convicted felon and jewel
thief transported to the Virginia colony before the mayflower; ok
I STOLE it and missed becoming Australian by 200 years): "homicide"
(999!), "essence rare" (gang of four I think) "queen
bitch"-bowie, personality crisis: dolls; Rich Mirsky
sang Replacements "unsatisfied" EXTREMELY well, "pretty
vacant" (pistols) and "Jet Boy" (Elton Motello or
some such) and a bunch of monosyballic titles I forgot. "dancin'
Fool" b/w "Shake Yer Bootie" was Captain easychord
who coulda be dancin' to a early '80s college band out in UMASS
or, in my case, THIS is Bunratty's/Great Scott/Gladstones when I
lived in Allston 1980-1982 (I could walk to the Underground but
rat/cantones was a bit on the ole tube).Fun WAS had, I DID remember
laughter, forget "Bad News" (Cat Mother and all night
newsboy b-side) see you all Cantab Underground
the Saturday next!"...….