5/18/2015Monday May 11, 2015
BGN exclusive! Eddie Flowers has Some Product! Gizmos world tour cd comin' out soon, Gulcher AND on Hate records, Rome, a Rockabilly Yobs 45, graphics by our own Maureen Tucker! (Kelsey Simpson, one kickass drummer!) and (ho hum, oy vey, send money): Gizmos GoFUnd Me (you can get the new CD with your donation!!) , Kennethen needs to ride the bus to Bloomington!" was studying on the legend of Devil's Foot Rock in creepy rhode island; there's a youtube video; it's north of Wickford, RI and Mercy Brown the Vampire's grave in Exeter, RI; quite interesting as i found ancestors living in Wickford, RI. my mother's Indian ancestor Elizabeth Corey died 1713 in Wickford RI; Devil's Foot Rock legend has Indian maid meeting the Devil....hmmmm....something to smoke peace pipe about AND since I'm the boy who LOOKS like Roky; "I've got levitation"! getting a lot of this Wickford, RI info from a site by The Cory Family Society; my Cory's married into Spencers into Blodgetts into Highlands AND Ken Kaiser should check out 1) the myth about kinship to sir francis drake and 2) seems one of my Cory ancestors whom married the Indian orphan, his brother married a Rhode Island TABER.....things could get SO cryptic, SO obscure, why, I might even find 39 if I look for it! Been gittin' my WASP on, yo! AND for Ken Kaiser, Phillip Taber could have sailed on the Mary and John, like me and Johnny Black's ancestors, lived in Watertown, Mass. with mine and Carl Biancucci's ancestors, THEN got run out of Mass. to RI livin' with another branch i had, then November '71, through Kinks and Circus magazine I meet Tom Taber, Albion NY 300 years later! (know ye, he sold me many 39 cent albums for $1.00!) the moral: I went lookin' for 39 and it IS there, in ye ole New England! we shoulda stayed a colony! bring "whippin' post" and the whipping post or have you tied to same lissening to same! (TOOORRRRRRTURE!!!!!!!)"
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Kins They's ashamed of: a bloke name David Dowling on rootsweb does celebrity family trees; only, sure you're a shirttail cuzzin o' somebody famous but what the fuck did YOU ever do? (in my case, none of 'em made as good records as me!);so i trepidaciously clicked on Kim Kardashian; obviously grandfather from ARAM-menia though i'm sure stanton park don' wanna claim 'er and she damn sho' aint Cher BUT that white trash mother actually has a blueblood New England line! (i should talk, so do I, but i aint THAT trashy)...goin' back to the 1600s, best century EVER, i see Abigail Burt marrying a Bliss, Springfield, Mass.; oh shit, that's ma's line via the Blodgetts, first white man to settle in Brimfield, Mass.! (Nipmuk hunting grounds). I SHUDDER to think of the photoshoppe of me and Kim in Pilgrim gear" Wednesday May 13, 2015 From the Blowfish memorial library (wait, he's Still Alive and Well!), Flying Saucers Rock'n'roll; i recognized Phil Milstein and Billy Miller/Miriam Linna (record geeks all!) but through Facebook have became friends with James Porter (off Bomp list, i think; he has great taste!). His David Alan Coe and Sam the Sham articles are awesome and now i shall tell him! (and "everybody you know, you got some "rocknroll soul" heard on a mono AM radio fall of '72, ridge road); maybe he will read BGN but as a record geek, they all KNOW about it, but probably go for the "deep-collecting" Miriam Linna 'zines, i'm sure"... "Echo and Bunnymen, Tuesday 15 sept 15 in Howland center Ohio! huh? it's near yougntown, i think that's the land of Stiv; that DEAD BOY will be there in Spirit! ("1984" on the music scene, Ed Cassidy lookin' like Big Daddy from Kill Slug!)"....
dealin' with the Dead: me and the Kardeshians both descend from Henry Burt, Devon who was one of 8 settled Springfield, Mass. with Pynchon; how the mighty HAVE fallen!...OR, go on wikipedia, Robert Coe (colonist), his descendants ARE: winston churchill, george bush and david alan coe! that's like Dan Quayle and Mark Giroux both being John Alden descendants! BGN exclusive! David Alan Coe and Alice Cooper BOTH have Throckmorton lines! THESE actions are Giroux-approved! (plus i descend from 2 of RI's signers, plus DAN Williams of Disc Diggers records plus ole Throckmorton and Disc Digger Dan certainly sold Alice/Highland/Coe records when that wonderful store was open!". David Alan Coe had an ancestor killed during RI's Great Swamp Fight 1675, also had ancestor in Middletown, Ct. where ma had people settle; this ties into ma's harriet beecher stowe line! me and david Alan Coe as blue-blood Yankees (?) ok it's on find-a-grave AND there's a book; David Alan Coe and i (and winston churchill!) have same common "I founded Middletown, Ct." ancestor! irony: I was IN Middletown, had supper and a lovely duet did "waterloo sunset" by the water, restaurant on the river AND onc't I opened for Local Jack at O'Brien's unplugged and did david alan coe's "if that aint country i'll kiss your ass"! the Allin brothers big David Alan Coe fans and i think i reviewed his 1978 album down in laurel md. for radio free rock, edited by gizmos Mach II drummer, Shadow Myers! like George Noory sez "there are no coincidences!" got a Moby grape earworm of "hey grandma" comin' in; Ken Kaiser NEEDS
to know; got the album (finger cover!) for $1, TOM TABER and Solomon Gruberger
had all five 45s! God bless wikipedia: Bob Mosley, bass, quit after third album
Moby Grape '69, TO JOIN THE MARINES! got diagnosed paranoid-schizophrenic, discharged
after 9 months....i always loved that "quit the band to join the marines"
(me, Gizmos '76!) but i did four fucken years! STILL, he werent no draft dodger
like Nugent or Mark Farner!" Thursday May 14, 2015
Miriam Linna; "our boy is home and recuperating" meaning Billy Miller! GREAT news, I prayed to Odin for that Finnish-Canadian's husband to NOT go to Valhalla! (always good to toss in Viking lore!) boston groupie news wishes Kicks a gud recovery! Friday May 15, 2015 BB King died in his sleep after Club Linehan-a-go-go practice! a lil jam on "psycho-daisies", couple Chuck Berry toons, Kinks "it's alright" ("you really got me" b-side!), sonics "he's waiting (for the kiss of the rat", drop-D tooning for velvet underground's "run run run" and MC5's "black to comm" with john keegan from Gizmos on sax! this is MJ Quirk's high school band, we sound like that two guitar Gemini on full moon cd! in honour of BB King (heard of his death on WRKO) i used Gee Julie's Guild acoustic and was jammin' on ten years after "i'm goin' home" in E, instead of A; when alvin lee goes "BB!";I got THAT lick down! will do it on stage tomorrow at cantab 9 pm and using Richard Wayouts Mirksy amp; "my amp would be honoured to be used by you" ("you lazy, cheap Sod Highland, you! move yer fookin' gear"...truth is, wi' the kielbasa a-lukin' like Nessie, i got ALL the gear i need, ye ken, aye?"".
Saturday May 16, 2015 boston groupie news exclusive! Miss Lyn's "Indian" grandmother descended from Deacon Samuel Stone of Lexington (ye olde burying ground, terry-dactyl knows it)...Carl Biancucci's mother also is a Stone descendant and my mother's Blodgett ancestor's FIRST wife was a Stone (left for Brimfield, Mass., she died, I descend from an Ingersoll)...the way to read this: Miss Lyn kin to the Jumper Cables! (Consolation, the "Indian" grandmother WOULDA been there in Chelmsford, mass. same tyme as Patti Smith's Kidder ancestors; let's put on them Pilgrim hats like Ritchie Blackmore!" Before i rock the Cantab, Ken Kaiser needs to know I have FOUND 39;the New England roots of Tom Taber! (Kinks kollector i known since age 15, '71; sold me Fugs Golden Filth for a dollar; where do you think the Gizmos lyrics came from?) in a nutshell, it's back to RI; both have mutual ancestors living in kningston, tabers married into my mother's Cory line, so I'm kinda a taber cuzzin!, our ancestors both founded Portsmouth, RI but the REAL rarity (as a lover of rare records AND rare graves!) is his Tillinghast ancestor, buried in Providence and ancestor of a vampire! wow, all my hobbies in one!) Tom's wife Leatha, whom Ken Kaiser knows of, always claimed Tom had an FDR kinship; it's the Hugenot De La Noy (Delano) off the mayflower; let's go to Plymouth and see the Taber's ancestor! (oh wait, Kenny's ma was in the Anne, the next boat, with my dad's side AND Lester's Bangs!) In between gigs this summer, I SHALL be in rhode islands beautifully kept up cemeteries!". Sunday May 17, 2015
after watching American Pharaoh win the Preakness, I was a bigger stud than Smarty Jones playing lead guitar with Club Linehan-a-go-go house band, fronted by MJ QUIRK (GTR/VOCALS); not TO BE CONFUSED with rochester Ny's THE QUIRKS,'60s garage band! review micelf? let's just say MJ's 1985 Southie band did chuck berry (quoting the Korps "the progresssion"), Stones, Kinks, velvets, MC5....a dream cover gig for me on lead guitar! Jedediah Hixx: "this is my NEW favourite band" and we open for Hixx at Midway saturday 20 june afternoon show. Hixx has new rhythm section, still Gizmos meets Black Oak arkansas BUT add Zappa's satire on faux-redneck thangs like eatin' meat/cambridge/poltically correct/pro-choice;new songs funnier'n hell AND MySPACE! (first album). Dusty Hixx loaned me his gear and is a GREAT guitarist since the Wayouts; Bob Daley on drums was in allston guns/harlequin/surficde;kickass drummer as Nikki Hixxx! more gigs comin' and a great tyme with my "plethora" of bands. OK folks here it is: Billy Squire interviews "Kenny Highland" at midway for Joe coughlin fest; a good innerview, ah sound like one the Blodgetts down on the farm!" Check it out on this here link. Graves FOUND on find-a-grave (even more fun than hunting for rare records!) in ye old harvard square burying ground lies Simon Stone, ancestor of Miss Lyn's "Indian" grandmother; his great-granddaughter married my Blodgett ancestor is buried in Brimfield, father and grandfather in ye olde Terry-dactyl Lexington burial ground. GREGORY Stone, Simon's brother and ancestor of Carl Biancucci's ma, buried in ye olde Watertown cemtery. everybody still looks good in your "human shell" (my Ma's 8th cuzzins to edgar rice burroughs, so sci-fi!) after 350 years!" |