Monday, May 23, 2022
"Freitag on my mind 20 May 2022. mad Painter at
the Jungle! The p.a. system started playing Stooges "No
Fun" and keyboardist Alex Gitlin asked if
it was Kenne Highland's Air Force! And we both agreed that Ron
Asheton's guitar solo WAS Schmel herbie Hind. A VERY exuberant
crowd which totaled forty paid customers. Even on bass, my "Head's
in '73" listening to Deep Purple Made in Japan and Uruah
Heep Live was realized. Crash Cadet followed;
two guitars and drums. A lot of leaping about (oh, to be young
again...)...and a sound between grunge and thrash-metal. Lead
singer also played a Moog, giving tribute to Alex Gitlin with
"wish I could wish my shoulder like that!"...Lastly,
Devious Intentions: Gee Julie was facebook friends
with the Richochet Reynolds-looking guitarist who went chordless
into the crowd with lightbulbs on his fretboard...ONLY photos
will tell of this '80s "lack of" hair metal and drummer
had all kindsa props, all kindsa props with fake flames and skulls
adorning the drumkit: drummer Al Hendry of Mad Painter "Kenne,
are you having a '80s flashback?" (If mad Painter is '70s
like punk never happened, these guys were '80s like grunge never
happened! My distant cuzzin Kurt Cobain would still be here!)...loved
both bands, hope to gig with both soon and even Micky
Bliss showed up! He's way to the right in the photo below!
(gave his card to Jungle owner sam Epstein, so I will try my bit
for Club Bohemia at the Jungle? Why not! Like Eisen and Klein,
we got "nothin' to lose"!"....
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Jim McCarty |
"Sonntag 22 May 2022 0100. Coast to Coast AM,
guest is...my facebook friend Jim MCCarty, yardbirds drummer!
"Coastie' all-star band; Billy Gibbons and John Fogerty on
guitar, me and Jim as rhythm section backing up Miriam Linna! Since
I usually see double, jim has written Mag Four books! Once a yardbird,
Always a yardbird; I gotta rock coz I'm a man, Nobody Told Me (yardbirds
book) AND: ; She Walks in Beauty about a pair o' normal stuff. the
Gospel according to saint James before I go into the infirmary!
jim...talks of him and Keith Relf being mediums; and if you
want the reincarnation of Keith Relf, lissen to harp as played by
Saint mach on "Princess of the Trailer Park' on howl of the
she-wolf; dinorecords.net (a VERY shameless plug!)".....
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
"Sonntag 22 May 2022. "Sun shines on AMC Common at one/
all the gurls were "No Fun"...my apologies to John Felice,
my sense of humour stuck in 1966 reading mad magazine which means
ken still ten! They wanted extra MacMoney for Dr Strange 3d glasses
and I had a movie pass from work that was CHEAPER than AMC Boston
senior price so 130 pm Firestarter it
was. remake of a Drew Barrymore movie from a Stephen
King book which came out AFTER Carrie, since the young heroine can
start fires with her eyes (Tell A Ken Nieces!)…..yeah yeah
yeah...I Gotta Rock(s) (in my head) part 13 (more exciting!)...I
had et dinner with Jack Kerouac's distant cuzzin and there had been
a Writer's conference a summer we wuz working at a college attended
by Lord manuel (Varulven!) sister when whom bumps into us in the
hall but STEPHEN KING! THAT is why I got mentioned
in that book of his (read about my fading memory in my talking book
Once a Rocka/ Now An Alta kaka and dig this Zimmernan rewrite that
ranks with terry Knight and the pack's "dimestore debutante";
"my steel trap memory now has been rusted/ and all my frenemies
I never should have trusted/ my costume jewelry now has been rusted/
with tyyyyyyymmmmeeee"....) Let's "roll away the stone"
and look at Stephen King famous kin....Stephen King is seventh cuzzin
thrice removed of Milton Bradley, founder of the "Games People
Play" company via Thomas Roberts, a 1600s Dover Nh settler;
lots of king's people are early maine settlters. As a William Pillsbury
descendant, he IS distant kin to THAt company SO if'n you see a
Stephen king movie with the Pillsbury Doughboy as a Chuckie-type
doll, you KNOW I'll have Dewey/Cheat'um and Howe filing suit for
this bluidy brilliant idea on three cups of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!("Kerouac
on steroids": Schmel Herbie Hind".....
Thursday, May 26, 2022
John Keegan!! |
"day of WODIN 25 may 2022. Kenne Highland Air Force
practice for Geno's gig Friday 24 June Portland maine with
Tiger Brood and Jobriath Dante. Starting out with an insane
jam on Roxy Music's "remake remodel" with a Kenne Rotten
vocal/ captain easychord impersonating Eno with kitty cats runnin'
along the keyobards and Gismo John Keegan TOTALLY
doing Andy mackay on sax this Roxy cover rivalled the Look doing
"Virginia Plain" in early 1977 washington DC opening for
the Slickee Boys (and then Howard Wuelfing ended up IN the Slickee
Boys on bass! hmm....musical incest below the mason Dixon line as
flies flock on the car windows and the NSA goes through your rubbish....endless
games of Scrabble and beer with Myron Breiholtz on the Amerika,
First university college station...I mUST be kin to Jim Morrison!
lookit that edgar alan POE-try!)...since geno's gig is Lt larry
Newman's birthday week, I institute (anliased) a new policy of "it's
your birthday you make the set list" so larry picked out
John Keegan singing velvet underground's "what goes
on"! Me and Schmel herbie Hind in unison on
Armenian raga-guitars and Al Hendry HAS done Velvet Underground
covers with me pre-Covid AND with Joe Vig! Captain easychord: "it's
like riding a bicycle'...A GREAT reason to crank up Army veteran
Jobraith's "Bi-sexual built for two"! (let's plug the
mach bell book I Gotta Rock! (Available
on Amazon) "artist friend Linda" goes "THUNDERTRAIN?"
and next night the Rockabilly Yobs see Jobriath in Chicago! 4 and
5 August 74! LAST week of Tricky Dick! "18 and I like it!""...…..
Friday, May 27, 2022
Sonntag 22 May 2022. Miss Lyn gets movies from someplace so I caught
Tear the Roof Off; the untold story of parliament-funkadelic
(it's on Amazon) Sex....drugs...ho hum...https://www.okayplayer.com
music says "George Clinton shares a supernatural Bootsy
Collins Story'....'we were driving into Toronto together
and were contacted by a UFO"...."we weren't high because
he (Bootsy) had just crossed the border"...sounds like Niagra
Falls to me 63 miles from my house! https://www.eriehistory.org
blog mentions "ufo sightings appear and disappear in the Erie
County region"...this was 31 July 66 and I saw lights above
a field as ma drove over the "crick" from Grandma Blodgett's
house...though Bootsy didn't join funkadelic til '72 (when I had
started Rock on fanzine six years after seeing that UFO; three years
past 1966, writing lyrics and four years after first guitar...hmmmm….)...maybe
George Clinton will call into coast to
Coast AM with this tale....George Clinton had just turnt
30 (1971) and the band moved to Toronto for a spell! didn't relalise
he and I lived so close together and maybe saw same UFO! Even better,
in '73, George woulda been playin' with Bootsy when 3 june 73 I
first played with jay gruberger in O. rex! O.rex/P. Funk similarities
and UFOs....three cups of Dunkin' Donuts coffee theory!"....
Saturday, May 28, 2022
"Freitag 27 may 2022 was a mad painter practice
for O's Bar, Sunderland Mass 3 June 2022 (versus 3 June
73 when I first played with O. rex; buy "Gimme Shelter' on
O. rex cd on Gulcher!). Nine pm Sunday 29 May 2022 at
lilypad, Leon Rich/ captain easychord/Sharon crumrine!
Friday 24 June 2022, Kenne Highland Air Force with Tiger
Bomb and Gene dante of Jet Velvet Trash! lastly, and
if you're interested, DO write to Alex Gitlin c/o Mad painter
facebook page: "Mad Painter is being offered two gigs at
the Jungle in Somerville, both Fridays, 22 July and 26
August" (note: buy Afrika korps live at cantone's
on Gulcher, recorded 21 Aug 77! "If you are interested in
sharing a bill with mad painter, please let us know. Typically
these are three band nights' (versus Three Dog Nights!-Kenneth
Ed-itor) " the sequence of who gets which slot hasn't been
established". Please notice this NICE tone from Alex Gitlin
of Mad painter...now back in the Joe Flash days at 8452 Ridge
Road, I'd crank up the b-side of "Be My Lover:,so…"this
is ALICE speakin'!!!.....suffer"...….