6/1/2015Tuesday May 26, 2015
Gizmos World Tour STILL needs money for my bus ticket, so make your pledge, please!! all my "friends" will probably "hate" that I want them to "like" the Gizmos, but 3 pressings of 1000= 3000 Gizmos fans can't be all wrong! and "I am in love with Ken Highland and think he's beautiful!" Remembering Brockport Facebook group (I'm tryin' to fergit, but....); Brockport Bowl is closing! near the "Winner By Elimination"'s house, in '71, was bowlin' with some high school mates and one "kid" (now in group, still a townie) writes on the score sheet: Crazy Ken. i took the KRAZEE spelling from Slade, obviously. 40 years later but proof, say the shangri-las "you caint never go home anymore"; and god bless the remembering Brockport "senior citizens" (nostalgic baby boomers); it WAS a head shoppe called THE PURPLE ONION and sold what you'd think it'd sell; all this same tyme Bob Richert, future Gizmos, was at SUNY Brockport '70!"
youtube oldies, dig this: The Mynah Byrds, toronto, ricky james matthews of buffalo ny awol from US Navy, hooks up with some bloke name NEIL YOUNG! this is pre-bufflo springfield, signed to Motown, LOVE-sounding folk-rock (hopelessly obscure 45s on youtube!) then los federales bust RICK JAMES. it's in his biography, so yes, before they were rock stars, neil young and rick james in same band! and that's the Toronto Groupie News! (oh, yeah, a couple of future Steppenwolf in the band also! Toronto rocks!) Thursday May 28, 2015 me and Gee Julie at the ce-ment pond last night and ah fell asleep readin' the New Yorker.....there's a JUGOS by said pool at said health club, "if you lived here, you'd be homeless now" and i am ADDICTED to po' boy sangwhiches! WEEI and NBA action, which i later heared on WRKO wall street journal this morn and Gordon Deal said he barely cares 'bout the NBA! so looks next thursday like cleveland/houston and everyday i keep coming up with a neo-Boston Celtics/Aerosmith victory parade....ok, Cleveland wins and Le Bron James sings "Sonic Reducer" with the Dead Boys! it's all Cleveland, Cleveland rocks! all this and George Noory coast to coast AM discussing how the government will never admit to chem trails or "tic-tac-toe in the sky" (new song?!)....cue up....Voodoo Dolls doin' "conspiracy" opening for Gizmos at middle east last columbus day! i think about, i may even venture Voodoo Dolls blew away the Gizmos, i think aboot it 7 months past and their set in my mind's eye sticks out".... Friday May 29, 2015 Raindrops Kept fallin' on mah haid" so i ran inside, turnt on WJIB and read more of Eric Clapton's biography shall probably regurgitate facts at the NEXT BGN trivia party! (when it aint snowin'!) when i awoke at Positively 13 o'clock (which in Kenglish is 0100), WRCA 1330 AM had a midnight danny stiles (RIP) on the dial show; talkin' 'bout a broadcasting friend who played at 58th and 6th, the piano, REAL good lounge jazz "and he's 88 and plays those 88s!" quite witty, RIP, this Vicar of Vintage Vinyl...ended show with some Wes Montgomery, i swear! Read BGN: learnt octave tricks from J. Angel ABOVE Cantone's and my interest is coz of Hendrix's octave trick influence from Wes; had a shitload of Wes lps that i traded to Matt "Party Dog" Sabo's bro (RIP) for psychedelic lie children of the future)...0100, a repeat of friday's rockin' at midnight with peter sheinfeld; THE FOUR STOPS, i believe opened this set and imagine a Hopelessly Obscure 45 in Lil Richard vein that sounds like the barrance album with greenberg and Howie...BUT it's ALWAYS at 115 AM tyme for Coast to Coast AM and George Noory had on "doctor doom" (see facebook page!) so all that government training in Texas IS to round up everybody, fukishima has polluted the west coast, basically: "we're fucked!"....so on a happier note, left Gee Julie with WJIB so she can get her Bob Bittner fix at the top of the hour about corruption, politicians, big money....can we at least fucken party and ROCK AND ROLL?!?!?!? even in the '50s with the Bomb hangin' o'er our head we had gud '50s music as played by Easy Ed (WMFO!) ALSO at 115 AM, George Noory goes "and a happy birthday to rocker and AVID coast to coast listener, John Fogerty!" add me and Miriam Linna to that list AND supergroup: me, JC Fogety and M.Linna jammin' on an 8-munite version of a "Suzie Q"!!! Blowfish gonna have fun with THAT photoshoppe OR a Mount Rushmore of me, noory, fogerty, linna".... ![]() call me a SCOOPIE BUT Peter Greenberg and Sonic Daze in Italy Sunday 31 may 2015 9 pm! I am due to "invade" in november, i believe"... The Dwight family of Dedham, Mass. has a wikipedia entry; Ma's Dwight ancestor was "second wealthiest" in ye olde town! we became Swamp Yankees BUT it DOES explain my kinship to Edie Sedgewick, so as a Zimmerman fan 'throw the bums a dime" Edie as zimmerman's muse OR a "Zimmermuse", i.e. Joan Baez, "sad-eyed lady' etc...." also in dedham, Mother Brook, founded by ma's ancestor; Sarah Borges playing recently at some arts place there; again, founded by ancestors of Mark Giroux and the Jumper Cables, Dedham was!".. My rockin' at night research has led to the fact that Peter Sheinfeld was on rocknroll memory tyme on WTBS, along with Lil Walter of the Tyme Machine...this musta been during the 'oldies" revival of the early '70s;easy answer; progressive rock or ROCK_AND_ROLL! (or WA's 'rock-n-roll '78", i believe)....peter also posted on some german collector's blog, "my show is re-run during the VAMPIRE hours when WRCA doesn't have a sponsor'...and since i AM kin to Mercy Brown AND AM awake during the "vampire hours"....could my kinship to COUNT Rumford, Woburn, be a factor? Saturday May 30, 2015
HERE's one for George Noory and Coast to Coast; Miss Lyn's "Indian" grandmother is a descent of Roger Preston, Ipswich, Mass. pioneer (Devil's footprints was 1730 BUT....) Roger moved to Salem in 1660 (son married a daughter of Salem witch rebecca nurse). New Ipswich lore is Masconomet, died 1658 on sagamore hill (now in hamilton, but Miss Lyn's ancestor owned 6 acres there), somebody desecrated the grave in 1659, had to sit in stocks etc. so, if you follow all this, I've got dead Indians haunting you, salem witch trial, a grandmother that threw coffee mugs and all way down to BGN editor! Ken Highland LOVES haunted colonial New England lore. ok it's on find a grave; Miss Lyn's ancestor Roger Preston and Elizabeth Nurse Preston buried in salem's OLDEST cemetery, so terry-dactyl can go visit! seems Roger Preston's mother-in-law was died in 1692, buried in danvers accused witch rebecca nurse?!?!? (call George Noory!) so, Miss Lyn's "indian" granny a di-rect descendant of an accused witch? no further comment except (tacky bumper sticker): "my other car is a broom!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"...... |