Monday June 6, 2016 "what better way to spend Ken Kaiser's 39th plus 20 birthday than Saint Athanasius the great greek festival, arlington, mass. c/o greek boston.com if like me you feel like being a "Greekhead" (follow 'em around) or reliving Sgt. BG Highland's 1959 Mediterranean cruise or if the hopelessly obscure record was in a window in Athens...I was Zeus on the loose! with Gee Julie and Miss Lyn. music by DJ salonica boys is techno/hip-hop/dance in greek but Music to Eat By ($20 Macedonian platter!) 6 pm was a dance performance by sons and daughters of Alexander the great (is that Alexander Piandes of WMFO? Alexandros Magos!) lots of good shopping (I sent Miss Lyn and Julie to shoppe Greek items my dad woulda picked up and brought back to camp Lejeune NC when I was a wee lad) and lastly JUST for Ken Kaiser: live music by the Makredes Ensemble. A red chuck berry Gibson, chords were played, keyboards, drums, a barefoot and pregnant lady singer AND bouzouki!!!!!!!! David Arnson of Insect Surfers has been doing surf gigs on said instrument, ok, Dick Dale being Lebanese, YES Alexandros army brought that influence there but my favourite riffs were when they held one-chord like "mister you're a better man than I" and the bass riff was from that garage classic the Brood covered "baby the world aint round it's flat"...and Jim Foley and Blowfish KNOW I aint talkin' out my ass! see y'all next Greek fest!".....
Tuesday June 7, 2016
"so Mark Parenteau RIP, a lot of good AND bad spoken about him on facebook in boston but let me go back to an earlier tyme when he lived in Detroit, married to Gail Parenteau. never actually met him, though he may have been pointed out to me at WBCN that I went to for to party, otherwise "kill ugly radio"...as it is, do a google on Mark Parenteau and Detroit and then hit "books" and excerpts from great rock books come up! IDA May: billboard 23 jan 71 he was "new personality" at WABX-FM; i believe I was walking through the Brockport NY snow with a $1.97 Eden's Children album under my arm; "I'm so knocked out/yea yea, I cant take it!"...(hey that's the year I bought my Elektra stooges albums as cutouts!). iggy pop-open up and bleed-paul trynka 2011, page 146, stooges arrive Detroit 18 march 73, homecoming gig 31 mar 73 (2 april 73 SUNY Brockport-me stoned and Hot Tuna/Orphan!). so read page 146 Iggy "acting up" on WABX Parenteau radio show, asked "not to return"...there's a Casablanca book about kiss/aerosmith, there's parenteau charging champagne to Genesis label (the Rochester WCMF guy was there too, so NOW I know why I heard genesis on WCMF in high school!)...lastly, billboard, 4 may 74, parenteau quote on new bowie 45 "rebel rebel"....so THIS impresses me, WBCN and later life and scandal, no, but this is as fitting a eulogy as you'll get from me and DO read Noah Schaeffer's piece on bishop Harold branch which DOES have the quote "give me my flowers while I'm livin'!"....
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
"IDA MAY: coast to coast AM, george noory discussing that whatever talent you have now is a reincarnation....e.g. Miss Lyn descended from Micmac artist? I KNOW my great-great granddaddy Darling was both soldier AND regimental drummer for 14th WV (west Virginia creepers!), though another possible reincarnation could be a troubadour IN THE COURT OF THE CRIMSON KING!!!! (long flowing sleeves, crushed velvet pants, long curly locks)...also "Noory in Arabic means "light"".... ITEM B: Gizmos doing another Go Fund Me, so help get us to the Midwest for our 40th ANNIVERSAY!!, like the Facebook Gizoms page and I AINT lettin' up on this the next three months! I miss my Midwest friends and I DEMAND money! "Give me my Gizmos while they're livin'"....
Friday, June 10, 2016 ""God Only Knows" what BGN field trip will happen THIS weekend, but let's do an advert for next week. Saturday 18 june 16, midway afternoon Hixx has a gig with Club Linehan-ago-go, jody moore band and kenne highland clan. since everyone's doing double-duty this = "Hot Fun in the Summertyme"! (clan Stewart). a good Club Linehan practice with an e.p.'s worth of toons: "in my chair"-October '70, status quo (boogie in E!); "somebody's gonna get their head kicked in tonight" (in E, like it's son, "we're gonna rumble"!) plus sweet's "no you don't" and dead boys version of "tell me". rhythm section of kevin linehan on drums and Joe "The Mighty" Quinn on bass very tight since they all grew up in Southie with MJ Quirk. MJ Quirk playing left-hand, me adding chuck berry licks = a bluesy version of O. Rex!!!!! I hear Jody Moore is doing "New Wave" covers, superbly, I'm sure and the Kenne set COULD be Kenne's greatest hits, me vocals/guitar, Quirk-bass, Kaiser-DRUMS, Jody-vocals...ALMOST afrika korps live at cantone's 21 aug 77, "THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME!" "where's that confounded bridge?" AND Tommy Bonham? (Kaiser's predecessor)".....