Monday, June 27, 2023
Larry & Kenne at Porchfest |
"saturday 24 June 2023, Quincy porchfest
3-4 pm, Kenne Highland's air force. lineup was
me on guitar/vocals and Shel Pierce of the Runes
pinch-hitting for Schmel herbie Hind; as KEnfusion
says; "if you cant get schmel, get Shel!". larry
newman-bass and Al hendry-drums AND
double keyboards: Captain easychord AND Alex
Gitlin of mad painter! Highlights: Asa brebner's "I'm
in love" with double keyboards took me "All the way
to Quincy";captain sang Doors "Five to One" and
the sun appeared (we were WAITING) after "the rains came'
suring "reincarnation' which channeled Plan Nine more than
we should have! (OR the Tom Constaten 1968 dead of Aoxoamoxoa/anthem
of who loves the sun/live dead, captain Easychord playing like
PigPen, and me looking like gerry and smelling like Pigpen. The
band after us, wicked nice guys, lap steel,guitar, upright bass
and drums opening number had band harmonies. "Fat man in
the Bathtub" by Little feat was done; i got BIG feet and
captain easychord had to lift out a "Fat man in a Lounge
chair!" Captain and i did "ride captain ride" as
i gave thumbs up to other band for doing Allmans "aint wastin
time no more' which we diddnt coz captain had to "get his
act together and take this show on ride" for Glider
at Jungle....to be KENtinued and two cups of coffee and
a 1369 coffee house croissaint equals On the road as written by
highland S. Thompson!".....
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
"saturday 24 June 2023. after my disco nap. tyme to "run
to the jungle"! matt trainor on facebook!)
was acoustic punk wearing a pogues t-shirt,which was one influence
with some Billy bragg tossed in. also KEnjoyed 'you can get it
if you really want", mon: harder they come as midnight movie
at Orson Welles Thee-ate-er summer '81! GLiDER's
bassists keep spontaneously combusting or is it like Goldilocks
where "this is just right"? GLiDER wins the Afrika Korps
soundalike contest; Al the new bassist learnt
my ole basslines BUT I swore i hear Jay gruberger playing "you're
a tease baby' (Music to Kil By on Gulcher!) on one toon.
Cal cali drums like Tommy Bonham using traditional
grip on drums. Schmel Herbie Hind is as solid
as Solomon Gruberger on guitar and captain easychord
adds some Stranglers-type colour to the sound. Covers: "stuck
on the same refrain_-Peter dayton; Prince's "raspberry beret",
999's "Homicide" and....ON jeff beck's
birthday, yardbirds "Heart Full of Soul", again cf.
Schmel versus Solomon on Afrika korps Live at cantone's (Gulcher!)
with a note-for-note solo that wont leave you arguing with Solomon
gruiberger's ghost like i do daily. gotta mention Condition
baker whom followed and did a Weezer cover; in '90s,
my cuzzin linda garreu Highland took me to Landsdowne street to
see Weezer/Tuscadero; not only was i the Geezer at Weezer (ALREADY
an Alta Kaka rocka!) BUT there was even "stage Divin' on
landsdowne Street!(dont you know it's a real treat, say it again").....go
see New! Improved! GLider open for Dead Boys
in Rhode Highland for some "peace of Mind"! ('you gotta
know when to fold 'em/ or play like randy Holden" ("my
facebook friend/and let it be KNOWN he aint someone like Ken!"))".....
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
day of Wodin 28 june 2023. Since I am channeling "Valhalla
i am coming", let me remember the Omega of Jack Hickey;
he was my neighbour and we had a drunken party jam to which he
taught me the Zeppelin b-side "hey hey what can i do";
with beer jack daniels and Stones songs jammed, we were Exiled
on hampshire Street. The Alpha was autumn '82, Tim Sprague's
Junta D'Amour, i went to see and a suprise treat was
Noise Pencil (Turbines with differrent rhythm
section and Hopelessly obscuire!) jamming on Stooges "1969',
a $1.87 album i bought December 1971, WT Grant's, Brockport NY
whence I learned my initial barre chords. This same autumn I wrote
"She's my best bette' covered by two former Stooges in Dark
Carnival as "Best friend". RIP Jack Hickey and
"will the circle remain unbroken"?"
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Eddie Flowers! |
day of Thor 29 June 2023. Stenson Eddie Flowers of
the Rockabilly Yobs (formed in Chicago summer
'74 after talking to Hound Dog taylor and seeing Jobriath) sez
It's Psychedelic baby magazine wants to inteview
me; they
already done eddie and Craig
Bell, whom wrote the music for "Final Solution"
back in '74 ("leg/table/chair/ leg/table/chair"-Pere
Ubu at bethesda maryland's psychedelly with Suicide
Commandos; Chris Osgood recognize me from Gizmos e.p.!
been Hopelessly Obscure ever since). This fanzine originates in
SLOVENIA which is where Micky Dolentz's father was born! Get a
DNA test! Interviewed by Micky's cuzzin? You KNOW I shall, that
way, turn around the conversation,me, after you throw down the
stairs to me, mon chapeau!"