Monday, July 9, 2018
Freitag 6 july 18, micky dolenz
at regent theater arlington. My sister and i wuz textin', her boy
chile goan have a young'un in February, her oldest gurl baby comin
de-cember....thought I'd make "Granny's" day since she's
been a 50 year Monkee fan since i bought her the album begining september
68 (and i'd only started my rochester NY democrat and chronicle paper
route in august; musta gave her meet the monkees but bought ME Cream
and Big Brother 45s!). So the money benefitted "65 roses",
so it was $40 for photo (now going viral; those krazee Gizmos caption
it "Kenne asks Micky to join the Gizmos") then grab reissue
merch for $40 for autograph, so I got my sister a 50th anniversary
HEAD poster. Micky asked me my name but FOR ONCE that was unimportant,
this was all for my big lil sister so i started babbling "it's
Julie; can you write "julie do you love me" coz she liked
that song; she had bobby sherman, she had the Monkees"....Bubblegum
is the naked truth! So he oblidged; there was q and a. Micky started
as a flamenco guitarist, age 12, auditioned with "johnny b goode"
but obviously they stuck him on drums....."davy only played maracas
so we're goin' out there as a power trio".....Gee Julie thought
the Head movie and it's non-sequiters was like an LSD trip;
it was but the music's great! to be Rock Scene, seen was Roy
Sludge and members of Butterscott/Sticky Business/Dents
and a bunch of Monkees fans! (some COLLECTOR got Headquarters
autographed.....again, my sister's gonna travel 425 miles for
this?!). Jim Sullivan, local writer, by way, did
q and a at a COMIC CONVENTION the next day and shared me the hour
long video! thank you SIR! and also done by a Mike Nesmith-cover
salute solo acoustic; he plays bass with Ken kaiser
in Moose Mudbugs, but also and you CAN like it, LOOSE
SALUTE, all Nesmith toons. Lastly, Nesmith gonna be somerville
theater in september, so NO gigs that day.....ok i gotta go answer
Bevis Frond whom surely woulda loved HEAD"......
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
sat 7 july 18, cantab, Mass. Ave. walked in heard
The Very, they had me on first note! I went to see
Tim SPRAGUE (junta d'amour) but as i walk in Tim
go "I love acoustic sounding electrics that sound like real kids
"just like darts"! So, this banana-album sounding "ostrich
guitar" "really got me" (haha!). there was also a lady
playing a Beatle bass. Robert Alan Colby of Frenzy
magazine walked up to me with his WATCH that said "Kenneth Highland
made a comment 'bout ewe" which was "dang! Bob Colby would
love this band! Afore He heads out to where Vince Furnier sang with
the Spiders and the Nazz, here's Colby background info: "Julie
Kantner, guitar. was in Twig. As the Twig
is bent so grows the tree, candy floss 1996. Julie Kanter (love her
guitar playing), Donna SARTANOWICZ (sorry, I can
only spell the Polish-American names on my first Gizmos records) on
Beatle bass and DID I mention their folk-rock harmonies? Leslie
Boisset drums, all three was in Fertile Virgin "but
is moving today". Final opinion: first Velvets album meets an
in-tune Shaggs; Francis Vincent Highland leading a cow in HEAD
sez so! BGN John Keegan said Crow Follow
(I been following Tim Sprague since 1982 Junta D'Amour/Noise Pencil
gigs!) was kinda like Morphine....I take it back a few decades. My
notes (kinda): Engine Judy adds Exene vocals to Tim's
John Doe (again like Junta D'Amour) Tim boogyin' on a Dan Electro;
John Keegan doin' some wailin' baritone sax solos, crossing Blasters
with Tom Waits (who stole from Beefheart, so Morphine is like third-generation
Beefheart, in the opinion of a 295 pound former marine, try-n whup
mah ass)...rhythm section damn good, bassist lookin' like a young
Mark Sandman. maybe a few notes on Sandman: i liked the treat
her right song that sounded like Lizard King, I met him Fort
Apache a session, saw him the plough he WOULD stop say hello; I like
humble "legends", so cant say no nuthin' bad. all this and
meetin' Micky Bliss's growed-up daughter (me, I'm "Grown Up Wrong")
and both the Very and Crow Follow
I would Shirley gig with!"..
Crow Follow
Thursday, July 12, 2018
sunday 8 july 18. argentina film at brattle. raven
books, church street has a $5.95 crazy world arthur brown bio; believe
gulcher interviewed him in '70s. My point: Ian Gillian ,Deep
Purple, even ADMITTED he stole "I am the god of hell fire"
for his vocal style that i stole for "kilebasa". Border
cafe's country music drove me in, hot as hell with a fake O' Douls
beer....yep, file under: Life is good. ZAMA
was the 230 pm argentina film at brattle; I passed out sober during
first hour but rest was damn good. A "corregidor" (kinda
like a governor) in Paraguay wanting to be transferred to Buenos Aires;
this is the "colonial" period. He also is looking for a
mythical bandit. the new yorker and them kinda magazines
DO agree with me that the last half hour was "influenced"
by Aguirre the Wrath of God. They're in
some kinda primeval, indigenous Indian come out attacking Spanish
troops, there's a whole tribe of blind (!) Indians that ghostly walk
through the Spanish camp....i'll even tell you the ending coz is so
surreal....the bandit chops off the corregidor's arms, goes "put
them in the sand so you wont bleed out", then the corregidor
with visible stumps for arms in a dugout canoe, lil Indian boy asks
him "do you want to live?".....since I slept through first
hour I WOULD see it again and again, fans of Aguirre: check out this
Friday, July 13, 2018
of Tiw (Norse god, look it up; it's Tiw's day!) 10 july 18. Club
Linehan-ago-go lodge meeting, rib-a-geddon in south boston saturday
14 july 18 next gig. also learning velvet underground toons for
velvets set in Lowell in september. Gigging every week, so when
my great-niece (uncle Tom Highland's granddaughter) has her first
birthday in Colorado, I shall be be playing geezer's garage bbq,
as reviewed by AJ Wachtel in the Noise
in years past. That's AJ of the Beat and friend of the Cowsills!
(hey he made me friends with suzi cowsill so he's alright in my
baby's book). let me mention my weekend in case
I really DO go and will review next week: after Rib-ageddon, Mad
Painter at McGann's saturday night; gonna be jamming on some Small
faces with them. sunday afternoon midway, Ken kaiser and Mick Lawless
have been Moose's Mudbugs, but Mick on bass; now he and kenny in
a pop combo and this is Boston debut.....if it sounds like Hello
World, my lawyers,Gruberger/Gruberger and Berg (madonna's kaballah
guru) WILL be suing!"......
Signed Monkees poster
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