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Kenne Highland Airforce - see 'em this weekend at the Matt Burn Memorial

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sonntag 14 july 2024. STILL diggin' through my 2020 lockdown Somerville Grooves purchases...THIS week on my $65 turntable wuz Brian Auger's Oblivion Express live oblivion volume one live at da whiskey -a-go-go on RCA 1974. Only $4.99! I kinda remember it then but in '74, I wuz purchasin' Lou Reed/David Bowie albums on RCA; let's say Diamond Dogs and Rock'n'roll animal, but after bein' six years in Mad Painter, I have kinda progressed to prog and this album is kinda listed as jazz/prog. In a nutshell, it sounds like a Mad painter jam wid da jazz drummin' bein' Al Hendry on steroids! TWO songs per side ("we be jammin',mon!") and first song side two iz a cover of Wes Montgomery's "Bumpin' on sunset", a Latin/jazzy thang from his Tequila album which I DID own; Wes died 15 june 68 which iz da month i first read about Hendrix in Life magazine and on the woodstock album "star spangled banner" he does some Wes octave chords; thus through Jimi, I collected Wes. "Bumpin' on sunset" is, if you go to who sampled, BEEN sampled by many a hip-hopper, dese samples i have yet to check out, but samplin' Wes ist wunderbar! Also, Brian's vocalist has a Steve Winwood feel to him ala Billy Joel in my 49 cent copy of Atiila with opening track "wonder woman". Saw Brian Auger the regent theater THIS millennium but LASt millennium, heard him play harpsichord on "for your love". and there IS a 3 july 73 O. Rex recording of said toon, 17 year old me goin' e-minor/G/A and WONDERFUL vocals by da late great Solomon Gruberger!....Holy Kerouac! how'd i git from Auger to Gruberger?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monntag Ides of July 2024. 730 PM. somerville thee-ate-er. American Gigolo, $12 if over 65! released 1 Feb 80, so me and my cuzzin Miss Lyn DID leave our South Carolina trailer and watch dis down dere as a teenage Hootie sans Blowfish wuz lissenin' to Kiss records in da Low Country. 44 years later, I semi-remember Blondie CRANKIN' singin' "call me", a toon i still dig and Giorgio Moroder: "I feel love" 'Nuff Said! New bits from the soundtrack: my distant cuzzin Richard Gere (Puritan ancestors!) singin' along wid Smokey and Miracles "the love i saw in you was a mirage", a 27 Jan 67 45; my father died in 'Nam the next month. Gere goes into a RECORD store (talked on a landline too!) with a POLICE poster outside as John Hiatt sings "take off your uniform". Lastly, Gere in gay bar, as Cruisin'-type dated, the bar is filled with Village People clones whilst Cheryl Barnes sings "love and passion". Cheryl wuz in da 1979 HAIR movie (believe i saw dat) and Wikipedia DOES kenfirm some bits shot in DC, sooo...Mike Livewire Heath, Vintage Violence 'zine called MY Laurel maryland landline and told Miss Lyn they were lookin' for extras in HAIR; "oh just come dressed as you are"...yeah right! Holliston High '72 "artist friend Linda" (Gospel according to Saint Mach Bell). This begins a '80s Hot summer nights movies, somerville thee-ate-er has GREAT air condition and when you get out the thee-ate-er after a double feature: NO SUN! "who loves the sun"-Lou Reed wuz right on!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Dienstag 16 July 2024. Another '80s double feature for $18 at Somervile Thee-ate-er. 7 pm wuz Body Heat, musik by John Barry; in my 1979 South carolina trailer when Theodore Turner would broadcast classic black and white, I caught Beat Girl about zero-dark-thirty on TBS and learnt the riff (STILL wanna cover this 1960 toon!). Been sampled FIVE tymes, best 'un is "The Rockafella skank" by Fat Boy Slim; "funk soul brother check it out!": 1998; Kenne Highland Clan records with Ducky carlisle (RIP) but Fat Boy Slim outsold Fat Boy Ken. also, there's a scene in a garage where Bob Seger's "feel like a number" plays; b-side of April 1978's "still the same"; this is month after Slickee Boy Kim Kane turnt Miss Lyn onto 999. 28 august 81 movie release which i didnt see coz next sa next week Hopelessly Obscure wuz recording "College Kids" at radiobeat studios



Next up wuz 9 and a half weeks, 21 Feb 86, DIDNT see coz recording "shoot that gurl" with Willie Loco and Hopelessly Obscure at Arf arf studio, Mass. Ave. next to Plough. I'm a bit of a soundtrack wonk and scenery geek: musik by jack Nitsche; wrote "needles and pins"!. Winston Grennan performs "saviour" in a NYC park; HIS reggae credentials are bigger than my....NOSE! Micky Rourke plays Billie Holliday's "Strange fruit" for Kim Basinger VINYL album on turntable/landline phones!/no computers!/folks hail cabs not Ubers! '80s nostalgia? Fug yeah! ridin' the union square bus solo at 1130 pm (being the BGN film critic has it's perks) I DID awake from my slumber about 11 pm and caught a art opening/party scene and I DID google these facts on bus: extras in party wuz ritchie Stotts on Plasmatics and Ron Wood, bassist in Jeff Beck Group! again, recommending this '80s series, they got more series coming, LIKE Somerville thee-ate-er on facebook etc. Roger Ebert signing off!


Thursday, July 18, 2024

day of Wodin 17 July 2024. More Somerville Theatre Hot Summer Nights 7 pm Fast tymes at ridgemont high. 13 Aug 82 release....sorry, I wuz drinkin' vodka and writin' "twin cities of da mind". Let's focus on da band at da prom: Reeves Nevo and the Cinch who for pretty good! Hopelessly Obscure LA New wave band. Unlike "Colour my world" at all early '70s proms (dinna go to mine; didnt wanna spind th' mooney! Aye!) they cover "life in the fast lane", released 3 may 77; a week later 11 may 77 Ken Kaiser recorded "wild Mouse" for afrika korps album using James Brown's engineer! "Wooly Bully" with Sean's Penn's stoner character is funny; aboot 20 years back, I wuz talkin' to Peter Zaremba, Fleshtones, Midway cafe: "when i first heard Roxy music, i thought they sounded like sam the sham and the pharoahs on acid"...versus one SUPER stoned Spicoli, mannnn

Flashdance followed and i never seen it! 15 april 83....Pep Lester mailed BGN a tape of Hopelessly Obscure live at mavericks....again, "ah'm home drunk agin"...the soundtrack wuz released 11 april 83; practice at 20 ashford street for the maverick's gig? "what a feelin" 45 released march 83; i opened for chesterfield kings at storyville. "maniac" 45 wuz may 83; believe i wrote "who's further gone";read hopelessly obscure interview in sweet potato that year. Lastly: Jen Beals pets a cat in Fineview, PA. at corner of Catoma street and Warren street. 1920 census lists dad's father at carrie street in this Pittsburg neighbourhood; only one minute north and read Fineview, Pa. on wiki and "popular culture";it traces Jen Beal's bike route so her and I BOTH been down dem streets! "He's a maniac/maniac/that Ken"....I got three three rivers in the Iron city i kin go a-fishin' wid DAT ear worm if you'in's care t' jine me!0


Saturday, July 20, 2024

LIKE Kenne Highland's air force on facebook also and come check us out this Saturday at The Burren for The Matt Burns Memorial.

And LIKE mad painter on facebook,



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