Monday July 28, 2014 those damn disco naps! (lissenin' to Big bands and Crooners noon to midnight Sunday on WJIB 740 AM cambridge!) Sally O' Brien's is becoming both "Closer to Home" and "Tragically Hip"! But without sayin' I'll be attendin' a gig that i dont (like all my yes replies on Facebook; road to Hell, Michigan paved with good intentions (or "Bad Intentions" by Washington DC's RAZZ!!!!) and I'm not William Ruane III (RIP); only Kenneth Highland I, Royal Plantangenet line,"Dont start me talkin"...(was Sonny Boy Williamson and James RAW POWER Williamson kin? one was a Razorback, other a Long Cool Texan...)...
TWO POINTS: Ida May: Steve Painter (12 cent donkey on Gulcher!) notices her Dylan influence; item B: when she had her LET (dedicated to God and Kenne Highland!) lineup, I gave her one Christmas a vinyl Bringin' it all back home coz she DID sound like side one: acoustic/electric/keyboards/bass/drums...."Love in Vain" was damn good, she's a big Beggar's Banquet fan (we've jammed on "Jigsaw Puzzle")...I may be headin' back for more Sally O' Brien's rock; read the calendar, good stuff happ'nin'! AND an appearance by Richie Hughes MacKenzine of Stranglehold, whom are reforming for WMBR Pipeline thang as is Gizmos/Voodoo Dolls etc."..... Tuesday July 29 , 2014 a week bit broke and $135 for a passport OUT of the country while they're lettin' fucken illegals IN for FREE has got me hotter'n Ed Anger in the weekly Groupie News! (call me Kenneth Edward Anger!) but at least Tour Italia, Kenne and Sonic Daze AND Classic Paisans (well, Biancucci/Ruins, as is) WILL happen! "other than that, not too much" as Captain PJ would say; otherwise doin' BB King leads on a Rachel Lee backpacker guitar to ole blues records or doin' Bass Lines to the Oldies (Carole Kaye; Kaye as in Kenne?) like herman's "kinda hush all o'er the world" or Gary Puckett's "woman woman"; GREAT chord sequences, all on WJIB 740 AM between 6AM and 7 AM! I haveta keep track o' tyme, be late for work...tonight, have 28 Chuck Berry hits cued up on cassette c/o Cheapo Records (and it WAS cheap-o or i wouldnt'a bought it!"..... Wednesday July 30, 2014
meeting Gee Julie at airport 8 pm and this half-Greek is bearing me gifts; Athens had a record store with the Hopelessly Obscure ep on majestic in the window in the '80s maybe? (source: Dinos Mekos, WHRB! GREAT garage show and he plays the Gizmos!) well, her next trip's my Italian tour doin' "jailbait janet"/"best bette"/"that's cool" with Sonic Daze!"..... Friday August 1, 2014 trying to tidy up my week here, so lookin' at 48 Hours (wicked excellent movie!): met Gee Julie at airport, she'd stopped in Zurich, home of Mark's Farner ancestors, via Rockin' In Athens; got me a tank top that sez "vintage" and has a vintage Les Paul on it, a cheap Euro knock-off of an Amerika First design. Carl Biancucci (Tea In China: VARULVEN) got an e-bay sale on O. Rex cd (Gulcher) so am autographing up a storm. last night (day of Thor!!!!) Gee Julie in a black cocktail dress (that's "Long Greek Woman in a Black Dress" with the "that's cool" riff!) ran into Bob Colby "doin' the Boob" on his way to Lilypad and his birthday coming up at Store 54. Sally O' Brien's 3-fer and will elaborate later: Ken Kaiser and Tommy White (Korps meets Unatural Axe!) in Beachcombovers and Tsunami of Sound FRIDAY; SATURDAY= GENE DANTE!!!!!!!!(in Somerville?!?!?!?!?!? oh yeah Jet Velvet Trash at Kirkland Cafe!) and Sunday 2-6pm, Stan Martin doin' honky-tonk (saw him organize a John Lincoln Wright (Beacon Street Union (RIP)) birthday at Cantab and he sho' can pick! SO that's probably it, til I run outta dough....Freitag morgen WJIB song of the day fur der Kaiser, as witness by Miss Lyn and Gee Julie: "the stripper" by David Rose!!!!!! believe you me, I was sashaying down that Spiral Staircase inspired by a Miss Lyn Project Runway marathon Thor's Day (what, no Vikings?) night....in honour of Gene Dante, do I need to "Be More Flamboyant"? (played by Michael DesBarres of Silverhead on Sirius Radio!)"....... Saturday August 2, 2014
Next up was Beachcombovers who were 75% Beachmasters! Tommy White (unnatural axe) and Ken Kaiser/Bob MacKenzie (THEE Hoplessly Obscure!) plus mein doppleganger J. Bruce Scott on bass. Surf standards plus kaiser's "surfin' ayatollah" AND "andy and bill" and "austrolopithicus" by Might Ions! (ok, these guys were in THOSE bands)...excellent! Cal Cali had 50% Jetset (Al on guitar digs this column coz i talk about all the ole bands; and why the hell not?!?!?!?) plus Frank Rowe-classic ruins, guitar, but the STAR: Yukiko Fuji, Tokyo Tramps bassist, who looks better'n Carl Biancucci and can outplay him with one finger, so that that, Jay Gruberger (RIP) (as i cop Solomon (RIP) Grubeger's writin' style)...all covers and fun but highlight was L. Reed and "i cant stand it" and Yukiko does Motown: " tracks of my tears" and "heatwave"! MJ Quirk WOULD have dug it! Good, Clean Fun (Kim Fowley album on imperial) and tonight at sally o'briens: GENE DANTE!!!!!!!"........