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Monday, August 9, 2021

"Saturday 7 aug 21, ken and Gee Julie tried Highland Fried in Inman Square; again; the "dinner music" was all Memphis soul! So I was "there" sans a $1000 royalty check from Sator and I always felt this place did Memphis right; I even stopped here in 1998 After Memphis! Coast to Coast AM 0200 sunday morn or is, "Purple Haze" in mono! "Purple haze" released in states on saint Patrick's day '67, "wind cries mary" as flip-side. Wikipedia even says Private Hendrix was recording this in dad's 33rd birthday in 'Nam (8 Feb 67; died 21 Feb; buried Arlington virgnny 2 march 67, lou reed's birthday). Jimi's Army buddy Billy Cox noticed Jimi's Curtis Mayfield influence on "wind cries mary"; if any of my marine buddies noticed a Curtis Mayfield influence on me, it'd be either "Supa Fly' or (my favourite) "If there's hell below were all going""....

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

"Sunday Morning" 8 aug 21; eddie Flowers (Gizmos) has that Beatle birthday and I'm watchin' All About Eve on FXretro. starrin' a couple mah cuzzins! (DEAD PEOPLE FACTS!); bette davis and my great-great-grandmother Highland both share Charlemagne ancestry and my great-grandmother Highland has South County, Rhode Highland ancestry with candle in the wind's alleged pa. but the STAR of this ides of January 1951 film is George sanders! as Addison DeWitt (my dad's side DOES have DNA matches with this ole Dutch name but this is a fictious character, like Esther Blodgett!). Anyway, I didn't even know whom he was til about '72 when I bought Everybody's in show biz/rocknroll's a loser's game; ray davies: "if you covered him in garbage/George Sanders would still have style'...though it's his rapier-like wit that I love! (MATCHES MINE!). he's a showbiz columnist (hmmm...Tinseltown Groupie news?) and his dishy asides have folks saying 'are you rehearsing your next column?" (BUSTED! gee Julie does door at Jungle when Gretchen and M-8 play; "Kenne why are you sitting there talking and laughing with yourself"...SHOULDA said: "I'm rehearsing Sunday's column darling"...Lastly, Wikipedia has full quote but "The Last Tyme I got married' ("in the morning"; juxtaposing my show biz toons!) to my distant cuzzin Linda garreau matt Burns,drummer for THEE PEE-COCKS gave us, wedding gift, a lou reed interview disc'. 1972, Lou: "you know George Sanders just died....his suicide note said "I'm bored""...musta been the Chairman of the Bored!"....

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"Sonntag 8 aug 21. How much can I praise Fx Retro Tv Eye with good morning good morning coffee? After All About eve, we "got to give it up' for TONY ROME! released 10 Nov 67 but I never saw it (did it Do the Strand Thee-ate-er in Brockport NY?). it's classified as 'neo-noir" and DOES resemble the '40s films which,in black and white are excellent. frank Sinatra; Gud singin'/ gud actin'/did it HIS way! BUT soundtrack geeks; (Wikipedia): "Nancy Sinatra, daughter of frank' (nicht sheiss dumpkof!- ich) sang the film's eponymous title track which then appeared on her album Nancy Sinatra; The hit years (Rhino records)". I KNEW it was her the minute the film began; father/daughter nepotism/conflict of interest? Omerta! don't wanna up like John F. Kenne! frank KNOWS more people than I and not in mood for "arguing with ghosts"! ("still wish I was back in Syracuse/lissenin' to the Most"!). ALSO: "RANDY NEWMAN IS CO-CREDITED ON A SOUNDTRACK SONG". dudes, in '67 he WAS Hopelessly Obscure! Probably didn't make any REAL dough til he penned b AND a sides for Three Dog Night (Deutsch tribute band; Drei Nicht Hund! They played Flensburg Deutschland on a European tour with Pierre le Coutre singing "Ein ist der loneliest number": in HIGH German! either way; warsh CAn be fun!"....


Thursday, August 12, 2021

an Alligator person
"Monntag 9 aug 21. Ken and gee Julie go to Portugalia as I show her Dad's Azores DNA matches; then in pouring rain, she suggests I swing around lamp pole singing "Signing in the Rain"; me: perfect weather to listen to BATS IN THE BELFRY; chorizo links! (yum yum!). Til Tuesday 10 aug 21, after Coast to Coast Am ends 0500, first cup of Joe of day, Fx Retro; 1959's The Alligator People! Oh, do I ever have a song...some kinda radiation makes a dude whose ma lives on a plantation in a bayou that looks outta Po' White Trash. watchin' the alligator man wrassle alligators....BETTER than Plan 9 movie, grade Z '50s sci-fi; this is the middle letter: grade M! (which of course, is the 13th letter!) RECOMMENDED and Fx Retro HAS repeated it at 0500, which, after Coast to Coast Am would give one the willies...or drive you loco! caught the beginning of 1959 Compulsion based on Leopold-Loeb case; this was MUCH better than the '90s remake! I guess I'm Ebert, rather than Siskel; he wrote Beyond the Valley of the Dolls starring my eight cuzzin once removed Michael Blodgett! (NOT looking like a Puritan in a skimpy Tarzan outfit with Z-man!)"....

Friday, August 13, 2021

Kenne at Large

"day of Wodin 11 aug 21 0800. I been tuning into WSRO 650 AM Ashland Massachuetts "jazz standards". So Billie Holliday "God Bless the Child" was a treat, before work. BUT "After Midnight" I awoke and said to micelf,agin "that's Miles Davis Bitches Brew"! as sure as I bought that double album 4 July 70 in LIEU of the Woodstock album (hey! I'd just read On the Road by Miss Lyn's Lisotte cuzzin, jack keroauc!) they played a very long-ass song; no back-announcing like WHRB for jazz geeks so it's guess-time. Freitag Morgen DID I hear a riff from John Coltrane's "A love Supreme"....sorry WMBR this makes Breakfast of Chimpanzees need my (Lydia) Lunch!".....


Saturday, August 15, 2021

Kenne At Large
"Saturnalia 14 Aug 21. In addition to WE-TV and Beverly Hillbillies, Popeye and betty Boop (AND: Max Fleishcer's cartoons are SO psychedelic!) at 0800, WSRO 680 AM, "Bitches Brew" from Miles Davis Bitches Brew was played! To reinforce my Alta kaka Rocker memory, I youtubed it and am listening to the WHOLE album as I go On The Road (Miss Lyn's cuzzin!) but not "Under my wheels". from Dino Records: "Ugly Things shipped this week"; thank you everybody reading my interview; Mr Ken never talks unless he's got something to say! (Mr. ed had/was a horse's arsch!)."Had orders for Be More flamboyant from Texas and South Carolina yesterday." "C'mon Giz let's play "freebird"; "ah caint hang with no brown bread"" (reckon tymes is changed! "a change on the way"- Terry Knapp and the pack!). "Could this be the beginning of kenne MANIA"...Fiddy thousand Gizmos fans caint be all wrong can they?...ok while the Delta Blues variant circles around and we mask up again, like Phantom of the Opry, 1130 pm Saturday 21 aug 21, mad painter at Midway! Sunday 12 sept 21 Kenne Highland's Air Force plays Midway for Frank Rowe's 70th! (pray to Baphomet the clubs stay open). Pessimistically/Optimistic (sung to a Music machine song; if I sang "People in me" with a cold would that be ken Boniwell and the Mucus machine? "blew my nose and THEN she blew my mind!"). GLider in October at pete's and mad painter in western Massachusetts in November...if we go back into lockdown, at least I can lissen to Bitches Brew! what a great 4th of July that was! (1970...halfway rolled thorugh, in sight!)"......

"back when records and South of the border monkees were my only friend!"...


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