Sunday August 24, 2014 Diane Beer, whom I met Thursday 14 April 1983 at a Dangerous Birds gig at the Inn Square S&S restraunt, just emailed that John Carmen of Thrills wrote a song about Michael J. Crowley (RIP) entitled "Woofty" and it's excellent! Crowley and I usedta get stoned and write songs ala Jack Bruce (a Scotsman!) and Michael Brown; I should finally record them maybe! ("Jumpin' on the bandwagon")"........ Monday August 25, 2014 A Hard Day's Night, but overtyme = money for Gizmos in Memphis! lissened to jazz on WGBH (Eric in the evening), then some kid came on about 1 AM; "I'm 16, I like disco", started singing "she's the greatest dancer" (Sister Sledge), SO I did the New Math: a kid born 1998 playin' a 1978 VINYL= me, born 1956,diggin' on a 1936 hillbilly/race record 78 like Robert Johnson/Carter Family, etc. I reckon it's all relative, so I DO salute this young'un for "diggin' through the crates" and lissenin' to "good stuff"; maybe I sang "death to disco" in '77 but compared to "today's music ain't got the same soul"....yep, I DO dig "olde tyme rocknroll"!"(opinion expressed is mine and not BGN nor Mrs. Beasley Broadcast system, tossing in a Family Affair reference!"....... Tuesday August 26 , 2014
Wednesday August 27, 2014 a buncha radio channel surfin' after a HEALTHY Gee Julie supper and landed on WGBH The World. Ida May: Tim Horton's been sold to Burger King; this is a Canadian institution but, me vs. my cuzzin/sister Gy. Sgt. Julie Pruss, USMC: "I go dunkin' donuts" Her: "we got Tim Horton's up here" (Brockport, NY near where my Barlow uncles had farms and due south of where I "bot" The Stooges $1.87 (13 cent tax!) WT Grant's December '71)....main point is, the Canadians ALL upset about losing their cultural icon and living 63 miles from Niagra Falls, yeah....there IS a diff'rence! plus he was a well-known Canook hockey player (Ken Kaiser likes it when I talk sports but Charles Hanson, the Handymen, Canadian-born and hockey fan as is Bobby Goudreau (the Annoyed) and Eddie Levasseur (the Odds).... other item: England voted AGAINST Scottish independence, so with my 3 english grandparents vs. my McBee grandad, that's a 3-1 vote....lastly, Coast to Coast WRKO: someone was talking about "and she hanged herself last year" Christina Angell, RIP, who went out like two of Badfinger, then George Noory (Dearborn, Michigan navy vet!) asks a lady "are you a medium or a psychic?" she replies "I'm a medium; I'm also a small and a medium"...haha, funny joke at zero-dark-thirty (Coast to Coast has future shows on Facebook page, that's WRKO 1am-5am for you insomniacs!"....... Thursday August 28, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014 a GREAT practice with MJ Quirk for the Count's Love and Flame at Cantab Saturday night, learned seven originals plus Pretender's "mystery achievement"/velvets "sister ray"/dolls "pills" and i fergit what else. In the Quirk-mobile, 98.5 FM with FOOTBALL!!!!! then over to classic rock for Sabbath/Zeppelin/Skynyard!!!!!!! Wicked cool/wicked rare/wicked sick!"......