Tuesday, September 4, 2018
The Johnny Thunders Chorus
1 sept 18, Count Joe Vig and drummer Robin
Baltimore picked me up at a hotel Keith Moon hadn't trashed
during half-tme of west virginia mountaineers rout of tenesee volunteers!
Rat Beach Party "six o clock" (Lovin' spoonful) Jiblantos
were onstage but, as i told John Keegan;
"you've been on tour with me! My belly (prominent in many photos
of the two nights i played) comes first! I'm CAL CALORIES!!!" So
Count Joe and I had a nice supper at Schooner's
discussing the varulven Empire, which co-exists, of course,with
the Gulcher empire. Blowfish totally reviewed the evening right,what
CAN I add....a lotta jeff beck licks on a keegan Strat (maybe I
channeled the Beck orange album for 'summertime" with Lady Caroline)
and Blowfish DOES act "what goes on in his mind". answer: 1978 boston
groupie news interview; "I got the Music in me!" (it was a hit then,
total Jody Moore song). Count Joe wanted to get to the Club Bohemia
closing, so i maybe lined up a future Crunchtime gig, but besides
Alabama KICKIN' ASS!!! it was George Noory and George Snorey".....
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
2 sept 18. MJ Quirk texts my MC5/iphone 5: "are
you in hull?" i was binging on Law and Order marathons!
(Jayne mansfield's "dotter"). Pink Floyd was asked "should we pick
up Syd?" "why bother" but am glad Mj Quirk DID bother! Hull had
double on Sunday what Saturday held. Jody Moore opened
with Sweet's "no you dont" and Paul Armstrong of the Flashcubes
(SYRACUSE NY!) and captain easychords were smiling like knowing
record collectors whilst the dance floor was filled like Wigan Casino
on a Saturday night! club linehan-ago-go opened
with that "Gimme Three Step"pin' Beatles "dont pass me by" and again,
another rockin' set; John Keegan sang "what goes
on", I sang "white light white heat' ;with keegan/Quirk/Quinn and
Linehan, it was a real Irish showband, though they didnt "do the
hucklebuck". 145 (Syracuse!) up next with Judd
Williams (WATERTOWN NY!) on drums. Then, there were TWO
basses as the Pop tarts/Antionettes bassist plugged
in (Syracuse/Rochester;it's in all in I remember Scorgie's!) and
I was third guitar for: Johnny Thunders orchestra! I forget the
order but "chinese rocks" (Cal Cali onstage with
Ken Kalories!) and "born to loose" I HAD to sing "Baby, I was born
Giroux!"....this WOULD have been Giroux approved actually! what
the fuck..... Flashcubes/The Most/Pop tarts/Antionettes and Gizmos
supagroup! Everyone either lived in/attended/played SUNY Brockport
or the Roxbury Inn on Main Street OR (townie that I am) went to
high school there! I was more happier'n Ken kaiser hangin' out with
Teaneck peeps at the Mount Vernon in Worcester! Glider, new bassist
and captain easychords on keyboards, I liked Lyres "how do you know"
and at 0100,end of show,On the Beach: 4 and 20 "Fresh Air"! looking
forward to next year and rock star hotel!".....
September 6,
Tuesday 4 Sept 18. O'Brien's ALLSTON; Sandy Summer had went to SOMERVILLE
so helped her roadie though they still charged me $8 but Gizmos
fans EVIL ENGINES, Mississippi wuz on tour and
needed the dough. ok, glad I took notes on facebook wall. State
of the Union were superb power-punk-pop and covering Neighbourhoods
"No Place like Home" (a b-side!), influences on sleeve, kinda. "Beat
on the Brat" was a delight, so between punk and power pop, they
"all stole from me! whooooo!" Both Korps albums,Ken Kaiser might
even agree! also check my review against Blowfish. I liked Gasco's
guitar sound; a marshall head in a wood cabinet and a crybaby wah
wah making the sound somewhere between Jim McCarty's solo in cactus
"Evil" and/or the excessive wah-wah on first Stooges album. A special
guest for AEROSMITH'S 'draw the line" so let's say influences are
classic rock/punk/grunge and guitar heavy. Also kick out the Jams
high energy is Mississippi's Evil Engines. In 1547
a McBay (my granddady was a McBee and i'm eighth cuzzin to Elvis)
in scotland swore fealty to a Campbell, of whom McKellar is a sept.
The Rebel Yell came from
Highlanders yelling as they ran into battle
and you dont gotta read about Silas McBee (daughter married early
Mississippi govenor) in Grady McWhiney's Cracker Culture South book
to know i aint talkin' out my ass; they came charging out the gate
like a cross between Pink Fairies, Dictators Blood Brothers and
Blue Cheers's Vincwbus Eruptum meets Kick out the Jams. I saw Nashville
Pussy the once (Blair is Gizmos fan) and the Hookers from Lousiville
opened; they sounded like Motorhead on hillbilly heroin. There was
some double MC5 "human being lawnmower" solos; Tom Petty's "I need
to Know" on cd clan MacKeller gave me!) was played like Dead Boys
"aint nuthin' to do", same way I played it with the brooklyns;
punk Petty? Lastly, as sure as I sang Roky's "I Dream of Demons"
with Triple Thick at Pat Todd, Lazy Cowgirls gig
at Midway (Mitch Murphy threatening another Keny
sings Roky gig), these guys got the right stuff! there;s even a
"pumpin' to playboy" riff in G ("y'all dont know how big a Gizmos
fan Lindley is"....traveled from Mississippi to "disaster in dayton"
and name-checked by eddie flowers: "y'all think
ah'm a peace-lovin' hippie/but dont you mess with my friends from
Misissippi! coz i'm gonna beat yew lahk a red headed stepchild!").
wicked nice guys, their accent not as harsh as mine...a whole BAND
full of laid-back Eddie Flowers types! But their roadies and "Fifth
engine" (like a "fifth Beatle" or a "third wheel"): SADHU
BADA! We posed for the Roky Erikson lookalike contest!
He's kinda like their guru and kinda Roky-like even if he's about
Metal Mike Saunders height (Lil Rock arkansas, now!). He is kinda
the go-to guru of the Missippi/Alabama punk scene (even knew where
Eddie Flowers grew up in Jackson alabama!) and Mister Moto (Paul)
"discovered" these guys whilst living in New Orleans, they being
equi-distance from New orleans and memphis. Gizmos in Jackson, Mississippi?
birthplace of Eddie Flowers (I was in northern virginny then!) review
of cd in Vulcher? airplay on crash course for the Thigh Scrapers?
Glad to hang with this Kenfedarecay of Dunces and Blowfish agree
with me;Boston too Puritanical! Blame it on ma's ancestors!"......
Friday, September 7,
I'll sleep when warren Zevon's dead but let me even forewarn you
of KH/BigFoot (size 13!) spottings at large! (space aliens too coz
"i'm a space invader/i'll play "bitch" for Jimmy Miller on 'shrooms";
sorry david Jones!). I asked my facebook friend Maureen
Tucker for her blessing on Velvets covers in an art gallery
with three varulven artists in jack Kerouac's birthplace. aimin'
to see Dead Boys and Wayne Kramer,
two separate nights, there goes my vacation tyme. sunday 16 sept
18, mad painter practice 5-7 pm, Love and
Flame cantab jam 9 pm upstairs (I play guitar with both)
and then I aim to say Gudby T' Bob ("he's in a Frenzy/see
how they ran")....let's see; classic ruins= baby's Arm, I be representin'
Afrika Korps....as a final Gudbuy t' Bob, should I get drunk ala
saturday 19 Nov 77 cantone's and say "hey everybody! Bob
Colby's having a party and the address is....".....and
he's still speakin' to me! "if they gonna have a party, gonna need
a marine guard outside....who cares? C'mon Everybody!". Metal Mike
Saunders as our 1983 houseguest; his 1972 review of Humble Pie's
SMOKIN' declared UFO's version of "c'mon everybody" better than
the Pie....answer; one sounds like "kilebasa", t'other sounds like: