Bootleg Dan Anklin |
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
"saturday 2 sept 2023. Anklin Dan put on a GREAT night
at Parkside Lounge, LES, NYC.
Bands: The Record Players was guitar/keyboards/drums
whom covered Wilbert Harrison's "Kansas City"; "Old
tyme rocknroll!".
The other bands - Doctor Boat was
two guitar/bass/drum quartet of young'uns but lead singer's
DAD wuz da ballz; he sang "Disco inferno" and Van Highland's
"runnin' with der Teufel"; projected vocals/emphasized
visuals; he might have sang in some '70s bars (duh!).
Anklin Dan made some Mad painter videos, on
painter page; when Anklin and Kipp, the Parkside
Lounge booker/sound dude etc, sang along with Uriah Heep's "stealin'",
dat, too, was da moddafockin' ballz. Russians/Americans; Heep
is universal! (like when I saw them at BB Kings in 2015 maybe;
sat next to a eastern European couple; fug dat Iron curtain shit;
"rocknroll music to da world"! lastly, Jason
Trachtenburg with his '50s doo-wop Lou Reed sweater and
Jon Richman sense of humour; a good variety after the sextet of
mad Painter and again: Anklin Dan is "my
main man", another succesful show under his belt; Billy Ruane
Doctor Boat
Trachtenburg |
Record Players
Mad Painter
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Tony & Laura |
"Sonntag 3 sept 2023. Sometyme in new york city. Me and
Neddlez 'n' Pinz (that's Gee Julie and
Cee Sharon of mad Painter) et at a morrocan Roll brekkie
place, then Girl's Afternoon Out did a walkabout like Thelma and
Louise. Larry Kelly of Kill SLug was doin' hardcore
shows in NYC but I binged on Duck Dynasty and Schmel Herbie
Hind and Al Hendry (guitar/drums) did a walkabout to
a record store and Schmel bought a couple $1.99 Spirit albums:
"They got a line on HIM!".
Lastly, hung with the ole She-Wolves rhythm section, Laura
Sativa and Tony Mann plus Needlez 'n'
Pinz eatin' at some yuppie pizza joint and passing by where GG
Allin did his last gig (Tony being from manchester NH had plenty
of tales about my sixth cuzzin Kev; Tony being in Flying '69).
Lotsa rock tails etc, a great night, glad we stayed that extra
Tony Mann & Kenne
Saturday, September 9, 2023
three score years ago i was blessed with a "baby"
(she's now a granny) sister! Who is/was tenth cuzzin once removed
to Saint Justine Covault, whom, in This Mortal Coil, asked me
"when's your next gig, moddafocka?"
Daniel (in the Lion's Den) Anklin been blessing us but let's
"begin the beguine':
15 sept 2023, celebebrate Alex Gitlin's
birthday at the Square Root with Larry
Newman/captain easychord/kenne highland's air force!
saturday 30 sept, KHAF at Wookiestock
with Tokyo Tramps etc.
monday 9 oct Mad painter at Jungle!
KHAF tour! thursday 26 oct erie pa./ friday
27 oct syracuse NY (Lou reed drank here!), saturday 28 oct parkside
lounge, lower east side NYC.
lastly, dont forget Sharon Crumrine (mad painter/ginger
ibex) offering adult piano lessons (poster). Hope that's it; as
rhythm guitar Scott Fergusson (buy Howl of the
she-wolfs on Dino records) told me about 20 year back: "Ken
you've got 'part tymers'; you only remember part of the tyme!"
"Alta kaka rocka!""....