Monday, September 17, 2018
"Thor's day 13 sept 18, outside the paradise
with Boston poet Lee Litif, someone said "there's brother Wayne!"
and this lil short guy walks by and waves: WAYNE KRAMER
MC5! Bought a spare ticket from popgun manager
Stu Ginsburg who ran THE POND, fresh pond circle club
and then it was ME holding court outside! Finally met Rob
Basso who played guitar on first GG Allin
album which resided "further on up the road" at 25 walbridge street,
allston mass 02134. Detroit Cobras sound more
like the Black Souls than i realised! "putty
in your hand" and "leave my kitten alone" were covers and higthlights
and singer rachel nagy mentioned Scrabble and
said she had six cats! (normally she acts Amy Winehouse tuff and
both great soulful singers!). I was standing next to Peter
Wolf, near sound board, then HE's onstage doing the "brothers
and sisters" rap. Kick out the jams in it's entirety! Wayne
Kramer like a wind-up toy, i should only be so limber.
Zen Gorilas singer Marcus Dorann (?) totally channeled singer
Rob Tyner. By now, Tony Kacynski (Figures
on a Beach: DETROIT!) and I were singing along with call me animal/high
school/shakin' street off that MC5 back in the USA album i had
Miss Lyn buy at harvard coop early '77 plus "Future/Now" off my
$1,27 high tyme album brockport NY june 73. encore: i can only
give THEM everything/american ruse/lookin' at you....Jams were
kicked it,SO worth it,go to my facebook wall,fans still goin'
viral and see you Sunday at Once at farewell bob colby
(who WASNT there)"....
16 sept 18, part one. Mad Painter practice.
so by 3pm i get to arlington mass to common ground, same bar as
what was once jOHNNY D'S allston. mostly for quick sandwich and
some american football (Bills lost AGAIN!). John Geary
of Mad Painter picks me up and this practice was concened with
John's songs for friday 2 nov 18,10 pm sea note Hull Mass.
John on guitar, me on bass, some strawberry alarm clock chords/zombies
minor chords, alex gitlin on heavy keyboard, Flynn Young drummming
up a storm. On bass i did a lot of jack bruce cum andy fraser
of free and in between songs as a bass/drum exercise,Flynn and
I sounded like Kenny Kaiser at that age and me
channeling Jack GruBRUCEr on "buzz stomp".....though what really
was fun was a bass/drums Deep Purple medley! practice every sunday
til 2 nov 18 basically....
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
16 sept 18 part two. took HIGHLAND avenue bus to the Once
but with road diversions endded up in goddam winter hill!
(ok, 0.3 mile pain in ass). as I approached Highland, I heard "is
that Kenne?" and Jen E. Talia and Death
of Samantha saw "Highland on Highland near Highland Kitchen!".
toss Gee Julie into mix and we et at a pizza joint
with Indian food (!) Punjabi Pizza? walkin' down Highland, I was
goddam Boss Hogg (Dukes of Highland); Triple Thick
drummer Jim Seery was playing in a new band, DOES
book the Plough still, so "hit me up" if you're in the 13 bands
i play in. Once outside Once ON Highland, the papparazzi wouldnt
leave Jen E. Talia, Boston Groupie News "IT" Gurl alone (insert
Paul photo) and saw Prime Movers/baby's Arm/Tea in China and maybe
more local bands outside.(CANTONE'S STREET PARTY versus Rat Beach
Party?). I must admire Bob Colby for keeping "current"
on young bands I was not familar with. He videotaped every band
and I took an artsy photo of HIM! (though, of course, not looking
as fabulous as Jen E. Talia). Jim Seery's new band was good; "ethereal"?
SO Colby! (though I got a mesage from ISTANBUL, Jay Dobis: pair-a-phrase:
"tell my olde friend Bob Colby farewell, usualy it him, me couple
mo' watching Modern Lovers, one of two or three BEST bands in town".
Having lived with Bob Colby for a year, I did hear
Velvets/Modern Lovers etc. as he orchestrated the between set music.
which Bob Colby DESERVED for seeing EVERY band since Modern Lovers,
to me in '77 plus more and even liking new ones. Let's see, Chris
Brokaw played solo electric, good songs i thought. all
female garage band covered "teenage kicks"....i didnt get there
till 10 pm or so....very fried, left, missed mary Lou Lord
and "dotter' (female child) but my parting Colby words:
"me, but, Bob, I'm NOT leaving!" Bob: 'then you can be the one to
tell the stories"...to be more Roky 'slip inside this house" (lyrics
are the Bible on acid). Bob has now ascended, I am merely a disciple
to tell of what REAL Rat rock was!".....
Wednesday, September
19, 2018
Tieu's day, 19 sept 18; besides watching dragnet
reruns on youtube, I ALMOST went to trash night at the Brattle.
(LIKE Trash Night Video on facebook!) as i've said before, Gen X'ers
with 80's nostalgia (like Flynn Young, drumemr
of Mad Painter!) and last night's selection was SPACEHUNTER:
ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE. there's trailers plus a podcast
discussing the film (film geekage!) but it says: "a crash-landed
salvager meets a waif and saves woman from a cyborg on terra 11".
other reviews: "this is a walmart level empire strikes back" or
some such stars wars ilk; if, so my cousin Carrie Fisher (ancestry
app!) or leila or whichever is: MOLLY RINGWALD! 20 may 83 release
and there were plentry of good Unattached and Prime Movers movies
to see than this BUT, in hindsight...ok, so like John felice
sings "Now you know"".......
20 , 2018
"20 sept 18, day of WODIN! Me and my Viking twin
Frank Chip Langille and posse met at the tam
near Wilbur theater for Glenn Hughes doing classic
Deep Purple songbook. I'd seen "sonic reducer"
and "kick out the jams" done by original artists plus these former
member of Trapeze delivered the goods! Folks standing/shaking
fists/drinking/headbanging; a Viking delight! setlist.fm>fm>glenn-hughes-3bd68044
says glen hughes at wilbur theatre, boston mass set was stormbringer/might
just take your life/you keep on moving/sail away/getting tighter/you
fool no one/mistreater; Glen was on three 1974-75 albums that
I listened to before the ramones. But the fucken encore; smoke
on the water/highway star and burn! Folks just goin' NUTS!!!!
Jim from Evert was there, introduced him to my Quicny
Krew; showed sarah billingsley how i was related
to Snoop Dog! Gee Julie had as much fun as Wacken
in USA! ran into Marian ferro, rock under the radar,tuesday
6-8 pm. www.facebook.com/rock
UnderTheradar. Glenn Hughes had a blonde Swede with a Strat
on lead guitar through a marshall (skol!), he used ORANGE bass
amps and keyboards, according to drummer Al hendry, was a hammond
B-3. Hoping to hang with my "twin brother' Chip at more heavy-metal
happenings soon! (i.e. warn me and i'll make sure i'm not gigging!)".....
Friday, September
21 , 2018
start out NEXT week! AT LARGE! sunday-mad painter practice; monday-club
linehan-ago-go practice; wednesday-CLAGG live on WMFO on the town
9-midnight; friday-state of union?; saturday-Tiger Bomb? I will
shirley sea y'all around!"....