Monday, September 20, 2021
Saturday 18 Sept 21. Hendrix died 1970. Davis Square ken sees Roland
Pearsall busking (like
him on facebook) and he was raving about Hopelessly Obscure
"twin cities of the mind" on youtube: "I like the
phasing" (Herr Kaiser!) "it's like "my white bicycle"...a
1982 song; Tomorrow?! danke! Mad painter practice,
let me list those gigs: Thursday 14 oct 21: Union Tavern.
The O's Music bar: Sunderland mass. 8 pm! (you'll be back
before the Witching Hour to Salem maybe!) I broke out my Alpenland
duds for Oktoberfest at Bronwyn: three
course meal $38, non-alcoholic Deutsch bier served by Saint pauli-looking
girls in Dirndls (whom Ich liebe more than "califawnia gurls")
BUT playing with facebook at der bar; Larry Lifeless ist
tort! Das ist von Killslug-official page von der facebuch.
Forty years of memories: Arthur Freedman and I
were amongst FOUR people at the Underground watching the Sickness
slaughter the Association's "Windy"; later after appetizers
and fortune cookies in Chinatown Art took me to some loft and I
met larry whom was playing a scratched-up copy of Funhouse. "I
love larry; he's so..lifeless"-Art Freedman '81 (?). After
a Hopelessly obscure photo shoot, I rang Miss Lyn on a PAY PHONE
(fall '83): "Kenne, Larry Lifeless is here;
come on over!" The Korps DID witness Chris the Cup
say "do you want to see gold appear in my hands" (a Hopelessly
Obscure Hopelessly Obscure song!). I was roomates with take it magazine;
Larry and Rico drinking 40 ouncers and larry talkin' 'bout how he
had a priest regain larry's virginity ("Hail Mary"!).
Kill Slug shows at Allston food co-op! (was I singing in Jumper
cables and police arrived? "I don't remember; I was drunk"-
KH interview ugly things part 2!). Did larry play my first divorce
singing for Kill Slug 2 april 86? (read ugly Things part two!).
Lastly, I was a mission Hillbilly (before second marriage to cousin)
and Larry stopped by with: mark Giroux (now mort with Madonna's
ancestor Touissaint Giroux) plus Cheez ("I'm
gonna marry you into hell") and Harold Madison Jr.
("Kenne Highland! you got fat!). ALL Tort except me and my
mayflower cuzzin Big daddy and Peregrine White's distant niece).
"and in the end"....RIGHT NOW Jim Condon and Larry Coyle
are playing that great Allston Food Co-op in the sky, Mitch cerulli
at the door and they are indeed "on the winning side"".....
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
"Montag 20 sept 21. Werner Herzog kino, brattle theater, Harvard
square AND IHOP has a age 55-plus meal deal! (Brattle senior discount
is age 65 also!). Even Dwarfs Started Small;
saw it half a lifetime ago, same location with my cuzzin/wife linda
garreau and her roommate from Gizrael. BLOGS are dedicated to this
movie and it is as weird as EL TOPO to say the least! All-dwarf
cast (ala terror of Tiny Town, film geeks pointed out!) hold a revolution
in an institution filmed on location in canary islands. Imagine
if Todd Browning's freaks acted like the Droogs in Clockwork
Orange....this 1970 black and white art film DOES have some
animal scenes that disturbed even me i.e. WAS Herzog commiting cruelty
to animals? (blog discussion too). This film has stuck in my memory
half my life; yes, I WOULD see it again JUST to figure it out".....
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
"Til Tuesday 21 sept 21. 2-10 PM is HOPPY Hour at I-HOP;
six dollar entrees! And whilst surfing facebook like I was brian
Wilson's cuzzin (I am!) got THIS mad painter news "Radio Vallee
de la Lezarde. Thanks for playing our "Letter"! First
time in France! RVL- Radio Vallee de la Lezard . patryck Albert
whom recently played Hopelessly Obscure "Rain of Mort"!
Wired on a pot of IHOP coffee ala 1975 Bloomington Indiana, I caught
yet ANOTHER Werner Herzog film Where the Green Ants
Dream, which I hadn't not yet seen. Austrailian mining
company tries to take over Aboeriginal lands but the Abos say the
green ants "dream" here. Waiting for that 10 pm bus to
Inman Square I did my movie research and yes this IS the Outback!
Another film geek mentioned The last Wave, which was a early '80s
Harvard Square and/or Janus thee-ate-er film (double feature with
Walkabout featuring full-frontal jenny Agutter!) and I always like
the Abo Charlie, chanting and causing tidal waves. lastly, let's
not forget the sound of the didgeridoo! google it on google, du
arschlocks! (No Ken Kinksi in THIS film!). lastly (spoiler alert!)
one of the mining blokes "goes native" ala dancing with
Wolves, kinda.Recommended by me and had a lot of pertinent social/ecological
whatever, aint got no college degree....I only got 45s by the Three
Thursday, September 23, 2021
 Kenne at practice |
day of Wodin. Kenne Highland Air Force practice
for Friday 15 OctoberFest 21 Pete's Grille, Quincy Massachusetts.
besides that fabulous set that you saw at Frank Rowe's 70th at the
Midway Café, we wrote an e.p.s worth of tunes! First up was
by deceased Boston poet Christina Angellopolous called "The
Family", a poem about dysfunctional families. Lt Larry Newman
wrote the five chord riff, kinda based on Hendrix's "Hey Joe"
progression. Let me mention the sixty dollar amp he got me where
I sounded like either Spirit or Mountain! Captain Easychord
wrote some "easy chords" and I read from a sci-fi collection
in a Moody Blues voice, then did the Spirit-cum- Mountain guitar
solo. Al Hendry's jazz-influenced drumming maybe added a Mitch Mitchell-cum-Spirit
feel. Captain and I co-wrote "No Wife/ No Kidz/No Problemz"
and it's a Who-style rave-up echoing early Alice Cooper "Return
of the Spiders"; Ken and Schmel Herbie Hind on dual lead guitars
was like black oak Arkansas echoing Page/beck on "stroll On"
on steroids; why aint this album out yet on Dino?!?!?!?! (easy...not
yet recorded!). I inverted "pushin' too hard" backwards
and came up with a Schmel phrase "Dick Clique" about so-called
friends keeping mum about Secret Affair (I WONT keep mum coz I saw
'em at the rat early '80s! Inn Sqaure "Dead Boston Men's Bar
Club" bartender headed this commercial U-2 cum Police 1981-sounding
combo; they were a "bit of alright, then, guv'ner"...)…
all in all, a great practice, even John Keegan
blowing Roxy Music-esque sax AFTER his knee operation! Get
well soon John!".....
Friday, September 24, 2021
"Freitag on mein Kopf, 24 sept 21. turner classic movies
0600: get yourself a college girl! Certain
I had the soundtrack as a Brockport NY teen: I mean, DC5, Animals
and Standells?!?!? certain it was about a buck back when a quart
of genesee cream ale was 68 cent and cigarettes in Indiana 32
cent! ("and coke was still cola and a joint was a bad place
to me"-Merle haggard, "are the good tymes really over
for good"?). As a "grownup" I'm diggin' astrud
gilberto singing 'girl from Ipanema" and Jimmy Smith trio
sounding like Micky Bliss organ combo! Half the damn movie is
all this music performed at "teen hotspot". movie released
18 Dec 64. beatles '65 released three days previous. Us highlands
left manassas virginny 5 dec 64 in a snowstorm (Lil Richard's
birthday: whoo!!) to the 1851 Blodgett farm that ole John Bull
Blodgett deserted from 140th NY in Falmouth Virginny and helped
out the Undeground railroad...my point: when this movie came out
I coulda gave a scheiss! krieg mit der Civil war! "Today"?....Jefferson
Airplane live at Monterey!"...…..
Saturday, September 25, 2021
"Freitag 24 sept 21. 7 pm. the eyes of tammy faye
clubs give you a seat or a senior discount? The movies are open
again; "Gud buy Gudbuy/ I just want you to say Gudbuy!"
So Tammy was from International falls, Minnesota, nowhere near Frostbite
Falls or Pelican Rapids and she and Jim Bakker were Assembly of
God, just like Elvis and jerry Lee (and look how THEY turnt out!)
and their "rebel music" at Bible college was fats Domino
and "Blueberry Hill"! Good soundtrack too with THREE toons
by fats PLUS a Pat Boone song; hey, that WAS America down south
early '60s! So I was goin' to grade school in a segregated schoolhouse
while JFK in white house and pat Robertson was ALSO in Virginny..Forget
tammy's wig and makeup: it's her PUPPETS that made them big! Ma
says I usedta watch Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop etc down in north
caroliny, but Tammy (whom would have conversations with herself!)
talked to a puppet in her real voice and then the puppet would answer!
(or tammy in puppet voice). Future evangelicals would say "oh
the puppet people! We LOVE your show!" (brainwashing kids through
puppetry with scripture). Tammy's knowledge of Biblical scripture
rivals Nancy Neon walkin' down Mass Ave. quoting scripture on the
Sabbath after Hubba Hubba closed as we walked to Harvard Film Archives
to hear Kenneth Anger speak! (Patricia ragan, September '76; HER
copy of Hollywood Babylon so this was dream come true!). I must
also mention Tammy's music career! Wikipedia lists NINETEEN releases:
collect them all! I crashed from my daily caffeine mid-movie (occupancy:
me plus three, FOUR total! I almost felt like howard Hughes and
Citizen kane! everybody stay da fug home; "don't bother me"!)
AND a Somerville theater bonus is eating at Mike's! (HAMBURGER CLUB!)...yes,
I enjoyed micelf agin..outside of my two bands practices, I SHALL
be at the movies (nodded out this morn DRINKING coffee watching
some Heddy lamar movie on Turner classic) BUT I SHALL see you at
Lyres/ Classic Ruins sat-dee next, Middle east. Those bands are
an institution! I only belong in one: 'cherry blossom clinic"!"......