Monday, November 26, 2018

day 23 nov 18. ken and gee julie caught kurisawa's
seven samurai at brattle (7 pm) which
let out in tyme to go to plough and stars right
as The Handymen were covering Cream's "Deserted
Cities of the Heart" to which, if i WERE Wayne County (where my
father was born in Detroit) I would, indeed, have "CREEM in my
jeans". The Handymen played Matt Burns of V's
60th birthday 2014 and maybe february next MJ Quirk brought back
club linehan-ago-go....SOME of the cover ideas are same and let
me praise "Krazee Horses"! (I had to tell Jimmy Boticelli,
a MAJOR record collector that it was a 1973 Osmond Brothers hit
plus 9 july 74 Cub Koda told me travis Wammack was on guitar).
fucken Jim Janota thought he was playin' Zeppelin's
"imigrant song" on drums, Bonzo-ing all over, Jim Haggerty
on bass. Tony Kacynski keyboards/vocals, Chris
Cote-guitar/vocals,Charles hanson playing
excellent lead AND (A Gee Julie FAVOURITE!) melissa Gibbs
out-Patti-ing Mrs Sonic Smith on "Gloria"....I'm a HORSES ass
if it werent excellent! Too many covers to list (Tony put list
on facebook) BUT their next Plough gig is Friday 21 dec 18, to
it, I play a "private party" in Quincy (contact me c/o facebook
for the NSA meeting place; Spy vs Spy. hint: Geezer's garage night,
location to be obscured coz of...."Reasons"! a song i havent heard
the handymen do....YET!!!! "it's magic" by Pilot was enuff!)....oh
yeah,Tony kacynski singing "changes" off black sabbath volume
four;a Hopelessly Obscure cover! ok, so either see me "somewhere"
in south shore or go to plough and stars, Highland/Hanson, either
way it gonna ROCK!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
24 nov 18; after work got to midway afternoon show, Baylies
Band was doing this two-chord 'waitin' for the man" riff
(two guitars and bass) as the singer ranted on, funny as hell....only
caught the one number but LIKED it! Figure
From Ground are from Malone NY (hometoewn of Bob
Mould, Husker Du; lil adirondack town north of albany that i AINT
been to). They had four electronic keyboards/synths ala Kraftwerk,
lots of experimental sounds. There's a Russian emingre lady who,
besides synth, bangs on a banjo and does other notable things
(otherwise it WOULD be four geeks staring at synths like Kraftwerk!)
I talked to her/friended her/she thanked me for coming down and
she also coroborated Alex Gitlin (mad Painter/A5)
tale of Russian sailors smuggling in records when the wall was
up....still need to get my Cold War medal....lastly: FABLE
GRAZER!!!! (facebook>Fablegrazer)
"experimental improv collective. yes!!! I know Ken Kaiser
was opening for Keytar Bear so he MISSED
this but the lads were in good form; Hofner bass
doing all kinda Beefheart-ian thumps, Bob Moores on
his Miles Davis/Bitches Brew trumpet PLUS guitar and drums (somebody
didnt show up; suprised I wasnt drafted!) and Mark Drinkwater
did guitar and drums. There were THREE songs performed, LOVE their
LOOOOONNNNGGG jams since we played with Grex at lilypad (a Gizmos/MX-80
gig if there ever was one!). "chatting" with mark Dinkwater afterwards
(a Cold War PLOY as to how to get secret information! I DID guard
the NSA!); Figure From Ground will return once the Adirondack
snow melts; they had played the Hearing Room in Lowell the Friday
night previous (I done velvets covers there and there's rumour
of Alice Highland in the land of Kerouac!). So a show i wanna
plug is Til Tuesday 8 Jan 19 (two days after Kenne Highland/Mitch
Murphy at tavern at end of world 5-7 pm!). It's Elvis's birthday
and Mark's Blue Cheer/Sabbath heavy rock trio playing the Midway.
opening act; a buncha circus freaks swallowing swords etc; Mark:
"the opener IS the headliner!" if My sweet Lord's willin' and
the crick don' rise, like Michael jackson: "I'll be there!" ("just
look over you shoulder honey!")"
Fable Grazer
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
sonntag 25 Nov 18. Natalie Flanagan open mike
tavern end of world; I have a GIG! sunday
6 jan 19, 5-7 pm, unplugged me with Mitch Murphy of triple
thick opening. I DO encourage EVERYBODY to come down and sing
along with me, requests etc. Hendrix's birthday, I did up from
the skies/crosstown traffic (unplugged!), a howlin wolf version
of yer blues, if drinkin dont kill me, pale bluegrass eyes...the
list IS endless. Gee Julie's birthday was the
Monday so we went pub crawlin', we did, to the Cantab
and very seasoned musicians of colour doing Motown whom
I've known, like 20 years: Bobby mac from way
back (Marvin's "pride and joy" was his callin' card), a newer
younger brother did the Temps "I wish it would rain" but when
Richie Rich got onstage,he tore that place up!
It was like a soul version of Johnny and the Jumper Cables (I
was like Elvis watching the gospel singers and STEALIN' moves!)....there
was a funky medley of theme from "Shaft" (wah-wah was superb),
a superb trumpet player then a medley of a couple Temps toons,
but fucken "Cloud Nine" blew my muthafuckin' mind! All those single
parent Motown toons appealed to me coz we wuz the country version
of that when ma was between fact, I think of the
late great Mark Giroux when i hear "Papa didnt know the meanin'
of work/he disrespected mama and treated us like dirt...I'm doin'
fine on Cloud Nine!" maybe "papa was a rollin' stone" was the
other....Sly-influenced Temptations aint no joke! LIKE Ritchie
Rich and 24 karat funk on facebook,
lotsa videos, old school covers (my Dad didnt graduate Cooley
High '52 in Detroit for nuthin'!) and the footage of Funkadelic's
"Maggot Brain" covered live AND Ritchie Rich hangin' with george
Clinton....just ask Ken kaiser, when I was stationed Charleston
SC, all the Soul Brother marines called me Doctor Funk! I AM funky!
smell it too"
Richie Rich and 24 Carat Funk
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Kenne dancin' photo- Gee Julie
"Til Tuesday Hendrix's birthday, 27 Nov 18. Slade's bar
and grille. "the vocal jazz cafe. every tuesday night 730-1130
pm featuring frank wilkins rollins ross & friends plus
dj and open mike set with the band. NO COVER". Frank Wilkins discography
at discogs. Discogs>artist>246561-Frank-Wilkins this piano player
is no joke! amongst his production credits are a lot of Beantown
records 45s AND a Teaneck NJ rap record 1980! (worthy of a Brian
Coleman-ish panel/article etc). So a Gizmo walks into a bar, mixed-race
DNA c/o Henry Dorton, Morgantown, WV Revolutionary War soldier of
colour, checks out the scene: retro-bar, once owned by Bill Russell
and I expect to see John Shaft and Foxy Brown walkin' in ("
all right").....Gee Julie joins me for her and
Jimi's birthday,the wings are INFAMOUS but I got fish, rice and
beans and collard greens..."make it funky"? damn sho smelled funky
after I's done! Frank Wilkins band (piano/bass/drums
plus percussion and steel drums) reminds me how pre-Bad Brains,
they had a return to Forever-type jazz/fusion band and THEN they
heard the Damned! way it should be...a lot of professorial berklee
beatnik jazzbo older gents there diggin' the music; FINALLY I'm
LIVING On the Road! (my copy "is on the top of "Dirty Eddie" Flowers
shelf"!). Band takes break, but then dj Ken and Gee Julie dancing
to Michael Jackson (photo) gene Vincent leg actually felt
GOOD and folks of my generation up on the floor STILL dancin',so
I FINALLY got to be on Soul Train ("after I watch AB right before
Soul Train"). An artist who looks like the Former Prince,furs,earrings,pony
tail got up on the dance floor and "He's the greatest dancer'. 9
pm,a "school" night but gee julie "boogie oogie oogied til she just
couldnt boogie no mo'" and WILL be back to Slade's! "We are the
only real people"! No Hipsters! well,the bassist had a man bun....."and
the Gizmo had a beard" ("swalbr"-jack Bruce #1, if Jay Gruberger
still alive he'd me LOVIN' it!!!!)"
Friday, November 30, 2018
day of wodin 28 Nov 18. club linehan-a-go-go
practice for friday 21 dec 18 "private party" ("write me" i give
you address),some christmas "rock" toons....Lady Caroline
espoused her love for Carly Simon and Led Zeppelin! hmmm....we
nusta had same 1972 albums BUT...."you're so vain" in a minor
wins the "I know who they're ripping off" Solomomn Gruberger award
for "I know who they're ripping off!" (40 hours of NO sleep december
'73,partying in harrington park NJ!)...KEVIN Linehan-ago-go went-went
tro the Plough for me so here's the 411 on the wednesday
Plough blues jam; saw Jim Seery, Triple Thick
heading home, he DID tell me at Bob Colby's goodbye that
he's the seems a 28 year old kid hosts it, they pass
a bucket "hey we gotta tote all this gear here" SO support hungry,
starving musicians! (like me...i "really" look like i'm starving!)....Young
kids mixed with older Cambridge gents; I believe Miss lyn is "not
fond" of "hippie blues jams" but some good seasoned players who
probably got into blues during the "white college boom of late
60s" (e.g. Cream: "crossroads") all, pleasant enuff and
kinda sounded like early Paul Butterfield albums aping Chicago
blues...hate to compare but the ole black cats i jammed with at
the cantab....well, Ken Highland will have to be AT LARGE there
next! My december calendar filling in good! one gig but still
"seven day weekend" of fun, so see y'all around and "come along
if you dare""