
Stewie |
Monday, December 4, 2017
"saturday 2 dec 17, was lissenin' to BBC four
online radio, loving it. a presentation of A Burnt Out Case
(1960) by Graham Greene. a radio drama done so well i want
to actually read the book and NOT a fucken kindle! plot summary
on wikipedia but i'll short it; famous architect wants to become
Hopelessly Obscure. So he goes to a Congo leper colony late 1950s?!?!?!
He then meets a palm-oil plantation owner, all British accents,
then a journalist blows the whistle on the Hopelessly Obscure architect.
There's also a lot of catholicism in this (as was the author) and
i wont spoil the end of architect taking off to the capitaol with
plantation owner's wife (though nothing "happens"). one
last wiki fact: tiny bouts of contentment: rare film footage of
graham greene in the belgian congo march 1959. Ma has a picture
of Dad smiling his "landmine' smile in between two African
chieftains when gabon got it's independence couple years later.
To quote James Douglas Morrison, same Scottish ancestry as Herr
Drumpf: 'remember when we were in africa?"... or worse yet
to Ken kaiser; "remember when we were in Afrika (Korps)?"......
Tuesday, December
5, 2017
"sunday 3 december 17. AMC Common at Noon
(1:40 pm actually) Pan-Asian film ("I wouldnt pan ANY of them"-Gee
Julie) is.....The Swindlers! Korean movie
it on facebook coz they give you the plot....Like The Grifters,
everybody's tryin' to chisel each other with Ponzi schemes (Ponzi
in Korean is....Ponzi! I LOVE furrin movie where all of a sudden
you hear blah-blah-blah GOOGLE or blah-blah-blah Facebook coz those
Amerika First brands DONT translate!). there's a "ragtag gang
of scammers": two dudes and a lady, who uses her cleavage to
distract a clerk during a jewlery heist! All in subtitlted Korean!
I call them the Mod Squad but Peggy Lipton,
though '60s sexy, was more prudently dressed! and reading my facebook
wall notes, there's a touch of James Bond in these swindlers also,
mostly due to elegant attire, shaken not stirred, "you're so
FUCKEN suave!"....oops wrong movie!). and soundtrack geeks:
"theme song is a boogaloo version of shaft" (me quoting
me 48 hours ago). sounds like a Tele playing funky licks, taste
of wah-wah, plus jazzy/funky organ (Hammond perhaps?) and those
everloveable horns (when they sound like Chicago Transit Authority
accenting the Mauds "soul drippin'", I am in HOG heaven!).
sadly, at this sunday matinee, it was me and an asian couple, so
three bodies does not a hit movie make as folks are watching Hollywierd
pablum. Next Sunday I aim to go catch an asian film again! plus
when i got out the movies my buffalo bills app said Patriots 23;
Buffalo 3 so hangin' at north station Bills bar would be more depressing
than passing out dog-ass drunk in my black clothes lissenin' to
the Cure".....
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
"sunday 3 dec 17; now i had went to park
street congregational (1811!) that morn but with Stewie's
meet and greet, that bluidy rabbit was more popular than Jesus!
(DID THOSE heathens at Kaiser Stadium II take
communion that morn?!?!!?). But my Real Wife is.....Alexis!
Gee Julie said "play some cajun zydeco" but this Hal-ene
(2001 movie reference, female gender) doesn't recognize musical
genres; Ken Kaiser
Kenne and Gregg
Photo:Gee Julie |
had to say "play Queen' s "bohemian rhapsody""
and the Kenz became Kenz World as Gee Julie and
WMFO's Brian Young proved that North Shore/South
Shore, Queen knew NO boundaries! (even Brockport NY back in.....'73!!!!!!!!)......Next
up, Ken Highland WAS at large, but was NOT busted by Jayne Mansfield's
BUSTY Law and Order "dotter" (Gee Julie: 'tahk like western
NY, collapse oll thih volls"). After a Hello World debut
of "dont you want to be on the winnin' side" (Highland-Condon,
c. 2017 Gizmo Music BMI); Crytpic Edge's keyboardist
(Gregg Zoske) gave it a 95; she could dance to
it! I tried showing via Alexis where i stole from the sonics's "the
witch" (me: "a-lexa, play thuh witch bah thuh sah-nix";
like My Fair lady, 'er bluidy diction is impecaable! "I'm getting
married in the morning"! forget Glendora;"the wind cries.....alexa"....)....Next
up, and you can follow all my Drumpf-like tweets on my facebook
wall: I go "uh-aix-a;plaiy Bluh Chairs "out of focus"
and sure as shit, that "summertime blues" b-side, covered
by x blank x, was playing like it was 0700, 1982,
comm. ave., brighton! i neglected that Kaiser asked alexa to play
"calcutta" by lawrence welk; me as Mach Bell
:"dont give me no lawrence welk!/I gotta Rock!!!"....tony
kacynski, Figures on a Beach, via facebook, NOT at Party
of the Century (last century's party with R. meltzer and dick manitoba,
read gulcher #0); "out of focus" is my favourite blue
cheer song!" Let's sample THAT with Figures on a Beach! the
Cheer's "rock me baby" followed, as did "fethers
from your tree"; intro chords stolen for Korps "do the
touch", martha hull autographed cd on Gulcher! lastly, after
fifteen people (13 plus two?) LIKED my "antics", Ken Kaiser
writes: "Now all my devices will only play blue cheer and the
music starts automatically at 0700 at full blast. Highland! I'll
get you for this!";sounds like Klink and Highland! my answer
("anybody's answer", 1969 GrandFunk rules! Blue Cheer
influence!): "Ha Ha said the clown"! (a manfred mann cover
by the yardbirds, b-side "ten lil indians' written by Nilsson
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The return of the Q!
Photo:Gee Julie |
"wednesday 6 dec 17. The return
of the Q! (BGN headline!) after some Sickness (MJ
Quirk played with Larry Lifeless?),
Club Linehan-A-Go-Go returns, doing a Geezer
garage night saturday 16 december, granite street cafe,
quincy Mass.;an Albanian owned breakfast eatin' place
that has been putting in Albanian music; wicked close to where
i lived (past tense), quincy's spiritualist church and of course
WMFO's own Brian Young (the Thighscrapers
at an Albanian restaurant? I COULD make it happen!).
Two new songs: "sookie sookie" first steppenwolf album,
me and the Q double-singing (or is the word duet?) it like either
the Black Souls or ZZ Tops "beer drinkers
and hell raisers".....hangin' on that 9th chord and doing
the Michael Monarch (guitar) climb, Light Dawns Over marblehead;
slow it down and it's "purple haze"! and my favourite
Jimi is his pre-Experience r&b gigs. the other toon was Elvis's
"merry christmas baby", recorded on a cell phone; sounded
pretty good! O. Rex on a cellphone, that's what we need! I was
faked out, the Q almost did channel elvis, the joe quinn/kevin
linehan rhythm section had a good bluesy groove and John
Keegan on sax and me on BB King-cum-Jimmy Page solo,
a lot of sustain, playing SLOW I learnt from Paul Kosoff of Free
(Andy Fraser, RIP, facebook friend!)...so DO go to this gig! Music,
only friend, until the end....(and the Lizard King wins a Nobel
prize for lirks (lyrics) with me!".....
Friday, December 8, 2017
"rounding out week and return to music even: on that great
day of WODIN, ah-lington thee-ate-er has sneak preview
boys from nowhere; I'm in it, but priority is practicing
Steppenwolf's "sookie sookie" for Geezer Night, Granite
street cafe, quincy. But....beep beep beep beep beep beep....Helskinki
Groupie News! Pete TNT asks what are my lyrics
to "amerika first";after listening 1000 tymes caint
figger 'em all out; THAT is my Out of Our Heads mono copy Jagger
enunciation! Reason: they're doing Killed By Death/Bloodstains
acrost US covers, much like Sweden's Sator did a PINUPS style
"old punk" album featuring"kiss of a rat"....so,
with my 2% Scandinavian DNA, that's TWO Viking countries covering
Gizmos songs! Pete TNT supposed to supply band info and youtube
of cover; MOTO on tour in finland, they sent a photo of some kid
in leather jacket with Gizmos logo. So Vikings/Gizmos, "rain
of death" Broken Jug Deutschland AND...dat-dash, dot-dash,
dot-dash, dot-dash, dot dash" Flensburg Groupie News::
Pierre le coutre sprechen: "not to forget the 1983
O. Rex over by eric hysteric/erich knodt RIP: Video on YouTube
of eric
hysteric-Kleine Susie! YES! He covered the song AFTER "califawnia
gurls" that I drummed on, O. Rex's "Suzi"!
did this: to high(land) lite: eric hysteric's Wasted Vinyl
label, VON FRANKFURT. cassette of Wasted Vinyl label, A TASTE
OF WASTE, "sub-sub-sub rudimentary Germanicized cover of
a tune by O. Rex about Suzi quatro. o. rex brooklyn-based '76
project of Kenne Highland of the Gizmos (whose dad had Deutsche
roots both sides; MY quote!). O. Rex's lone homemade
single is devastatingly rare and has never been reissued....most
simple, lo-fi adoslescent records also notable is its tune "my
head's in '73"....So for the WTBS arselochs that "Laugh
at me" back in '76, kuss mein esel und scheudenfreud ist
gut for du!"....
"at the risk of never being played on WTBS again, how cum
the Krauts GET it and fucken MIT geeks dont? I deserve a Nobel
fucken WAR prize!!!! O. Rex finally gittin' their due! Schadenfreude!!!!"....