December 16, 2019
ides of December 2019. mad painter practice
for Brian Young show WMFO saturday 28
dec 19. Volume turnt down to work on vocals and arrangements.
Alex Gitlin (keyboard) plus me (bass) and Gee
Julie DID sound like vanilla Fudge, ironically right
above where I saw Bogert/Appice 2002 (?). Flynn Young
flawless as usual on drums and Schmel Herbie Hind doing
Sabbath chords and Deep purple "pictures of home" scales;
tune in to brian, this stuff gonna sound good! Coast to
coast AM: "Spiritualism/UFO Abduction/Dream meanings'.
Interest piqued! And 0700,WHRB, Ahmad jamal orgy;
they played a 1958 album still have snap! crackle! pop! of VINYL!
musta been a copy I picked up maybe at Stereo jack's
December 17, 2019
Miss Laura - Bats In The Belfry
Monntag 16 dec 19. Sky Saxon wrote "Pushin' too hard' whilst
waiting for his gurlfriend to come out of the supermarket. I was
at market basket waiting for Gee Julie so I tuned
into bats in the belfry WMBR on my i-phone V. fantastic!
concert report; the club formerly known as Bunratty's has a Goth
night on Mondays! there's one coming soon to Thunder road
also; sat 28 dec 19, same night I'm on Brian Young show
with mad painter. Afterwards, WAJR, Morgantown west virginny Monday
night football and New Orleans beat indianapolis. Suzi Cowsill is
a New orleans Saints fan, so the Cowsills beat the Gizmos, but half
those dudes could give a scheiss on Indianapois Colts football.
Coast to Coast AM, WRKO 680 Am "Joseph gallenberger on psychokinesis
and forgiveness" under PSYCHIC ENERGIES. lastly If
Six Was Nine, WMBR nuthin' like coffee in the dark watching
the sun rise as RL Burnsides sings da blooze. I SHOULD have titled
this Radio radio actually; a night of diverse radio!"
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Til Tuesday 18 Dec 19. Crappy-ass weather night but let me say
Machu Picchu in Union Square Somerville serves up a BIG-ass sandwich
for $10. Then "slippin and slidin" (Little Richard on
Specialty) and I listened to my james brown 45s culminating in
"Hot Pants". So fuggin tired on my lil radio didnt tune
in WRKO 680 AM for Coast to Coast but had it on TALK 1200! well,
I DID awake for "Year in Music: 1970"
("Hey boomer!") James Taylor/Chicago/Simon and Garfunkel,
ready to go back to sleep....THEN: "The Doors
released MORRISON HOTEL and "roadhouse blues" in mono
on the AM, then "Mountain released CLIMBING" "Mississippi
Queen" in mono like on Ma's old AM radio in '67 Chevy she
got from my grandmother, "panicing in Detroit" coz Dad
was dead in 'Nam ("1 plus 1 equals?"- Bob Seger System).
Ma's quip about car : "look what I picked up in the riots
in Detroit" ok sense of humour in DNA....lastly 0600 - 0700
WMBR French Kisses, heard Serge Gainsborough (born April 2! )
AND Bertrand Laurent who has translated first Gizmos record into
"plunge le chat"....that should be helpful on tour in
France, non?
Thursday, December 19, 2019
day of Wodin 19 dec 19. Mad Painter got a gig
at Jungle Sunday 8 March 20 and keyboardist Alex
Gitlin had some questions for the soundman whom I talked to after
work and he remembers the GLiDER gig! Always good to "Get
on the Good Foot" in a club. So whilst there caught The Jungle
Open mike hosted by Eva davenport. This looked
interesting, aspiring rappers mixed with classic rock for a "racially-diverse"
(hate these fucken p.c. terms) crowd. In the beginning caught
some local hip-hip videos one of which had giant head statue at
Museum of African American Art in Roxbury; a bushead bigger'n
mine! Followed by a plaid-shirted fellow doing solo electric 12-string
(Jim McGuinn? no...); Jesse Fuller's "San francisco Bay Blues"!
(my last discussion with Asa Brebner was re:
"you're no good" covered by some young kid name Zimmerman).
Listen to some James Brown 45s at home ( and why not?!?!) and
Coast to Coast AM had "Lori Spagna talked about her self-transformation
and the secret powers of animals"! One caller did suggest
putting down their critters but final words were to the ilk of
"ok, go play with Fluffy/Apple/Odie/Pinkie/Bongo/Buster
Brown/Parker" (did i leave out ANY of the Boston
groupie Cats? (You left out You You aka Juniper
Berry !! - ed)). Lastly a 0500 or so reveille
and Pontoon Palace WMBR played Jimi's "lil
drummer boy" lots of feedback and whammy bar BUT as the sun
rose 0700 drinking coffee from a Sci Fi marathon mug gazing where
Snoopy Highland was buried, I heard Bob Seger's
"Sock it to me santa"! I had this 45 in '73, reviewed
in my teen fanzine Rock On (facebook group: Zine Chatter! eddie
Flowers remembers more than I!) and this 45 still 'da fockin'
ballz" (Scheml Herbie Hind) because the guitar does james
Brown's "papa's got a brand new bag" intro BUT vocals
and guitars TOTALLY copy Mitch Ryder and Detroit Wheels, even
my facebook friend Jim McCarty (STILL plays Michigan
weekly and has "liked" me for sharing his gig postings!),
Seger, (?) copping McCarty's guitar style (I just got "Breakout",
oldies reissue, from Grooves Somerville, like
them on facebook my last paycheck. Good Bob Seger at 0700 coffee
and Buffalo Bills embroiders gloves make me go into freezing neo-
Brockport NY weather like janis ian! (In Kenglish, that means
me "at 17' and dudes....Lou Grammatico copping the Spooky
Tooth version of "Society's Child" when he was in Poor
Heart before Black Sheep and Foreignor....Black Sheep played my
high school about this tyme '73 in this kinda weather! THAT stop
a Brockport kid?
Friday, December 20, 2019
friday 20 dec 19. Club Linehan-ago-go practice
for west Quincy Geezer's garage Christmas party. MJ Quirk
enjoyed some finger-pickin' rockabilly thing i did on "christmas
in Jail"; an accident i hope happens on stage again! Ok,
l let me run down the 2020 calendar before I forget it and that's
TWO Boston groupie News writers in one band, KH and JK (John Keegan!)
on saxophone and even a triangle or some damn thing as Lady
Caroline sang that Pretenders Christmas song. ok, saturday
4 Jan 20 cantab CLAGG with buncha jerks and stigmatics,
psyched! day of WODIN 5 feb 20 live WMFO Mikey Dee/ Joel
Simches etc. "lazy Sunday afternoon" 9
feb 20 MJ Quirk birthday party and then my birthday party
Cantab day of THOR 2 april 20, CLAGG could be
8 pm or 9 pm. New Math says I been debuting with them "Five
Years"; "my brain hurts a lot!".
Saturday, December 21, 2019
No Graves & Cash Cowboys
"saturnalia Solstice 21 Dec 19. "Takin' care of business"....Andy
Excuse told me about this Fightin' Fish
gig, so getting off 87 bus ran into Strangeman Johnny Odd
and "Miss X" (Heavy Leather Topless lady; forgot her name
and ONLY wanted to quote the MC5!). "Miss X" briefly:
Her ma followed Private Lightning and her GRANDFATHER in Revere
would have SASS play his house parties! Fuck am I old being KENtemporaries
of Lightning and Sass...Stompers mentioned too but saturday 12 march
77 Third Rail at Club played with SEA KING, Springsteen scally cap
replete on head (draped Snoppy bust!). band one was Johnny
No Graves and the Cash Cowboys, female trio dressed in
BLACK , singer passing for Robert Smith's sister (of Cure) and ALL
Johnny Cassh covers sang supreme! band played good but fuggin' "Big
River"...and I thought Big Al Anderson and NRBQ played good!
(this was Spit or such about '83, Dave Edmunds show....I'd been
bet I couldnt drink for a week and I won, so....Dave Edmunds Heineken!
with Asa Brebner and a crazed Kinks groupie!) ("Kenne,
was I there???" - Miss Lyn! YES! "got a memory like an
elephant!...what's an elephant?"). I was there for Thee
Fightin' Fish and Andy Excuse is very
funny, banter wise. Matt Robinson solid bassist,
Johnny Odd of Strangmen REALLY adds something to
the beat (I been watchin' him, wigged or not, since 1995 (?) and
with 25 more years playing....damn!). Lastly, my "birthday
bro" Bob Roos REALLY channeled Paul Kosoff
of Free during the solos, Les Paul and all, a different (my!) era....last
but of business was, since Bob Roos and I born 2 april, all the
Kenne bands play at 9/10/11 pm and the Roos bands (stigmatics/fightin
fish/cazbats) are 930/1030/1130. Dont be a sphincter mouth! Go to
the cantab day of THOR 2 Apr 20! My last plug:
mad painter on brian Young's show saturady 28 dec 19;
this goes to "print" the Sunday before Gizmas. Merry Gizmas
to all and to all ein guten nacht..