Monday, December 18, 2017
"let me lead off with NEW MUSIC VENUE QUINCY MASS. maybe they banned dancin'
'round the maypole in Merrymount, but the Granite street cafe
looked like a Hibernian Hall for baby boomers saturday 16 dec 17. I'd been asked
to play there by the Albanian-born owner; one SupaBowl I watched madonna at
halftyme as popous drank raki (albanian schnapps;100 proof, $5 each! i actually
bought the quincy townies SHOTS and when do i EVER buy a round for the lads?).
there has also been ethnic albanian music nights here too, albanian version
of OPA! raki same as ouso, two countries bordering "ees similar' said one
waitress the once in roslindale (soc!) So Greedy Geezer took
the Granite Rail and moved it to Granite street! (And here's
some wikipedia info about the
Granite Railway!) REAL close to Brian Young WMFO (my hint
being as subtle as a flying mallet). I even caught the 703 pm 215 bus (door
to door service!) and caught Paddy O on piano who sings a hell
of a "wooly bully". Joey Fingers had a nice quartet,
bassist sang JR cash's "get rhythm" recorded on the afternoon of monday
2 apiril 56, sun studios, we all know what holy day that was: SAINT KENNE'S
DAY! Paddy O also did some JR Cash. i think Bayou Boy Orchestra came up, a Gizmos-cum-P.
Funk lineup only playing Cajun/zydeco! Gee Julie MUST attend!
MJ Quirk wants to nab the washboard player for black oak arkansas's
"when electricity came to arkansas". Tokyko Tramps awesome
as usual, Satoru was doing some Little Feat slide guitar, less
of a Robin Trower sound than before; drummer had just gradiated Berklee! Me...I
learnt at Beserkley! John Keegan was turnt onto the genius
of Doug macDonald, so here's a bit of a rave/history: I saw Tidal Wave 1985,
Johnny D's, Allston; Dougie grew up with all the Braintree
Mass. natives on Boston not LA (TAKE NOTE MISTER SOUTH SHORE BLOWFISH AND this
quincy location!).Doug has an Obnox-level drummer and he does a lot of Bo Diddey
on his red Gretsch with a Scotland plate on the case; lyrics flow out of him
like "subterranean homesick blues" only club linehan request "tip
toe across the avenue" was about getting kicked out of bars in....Southie!
(I was whitey Bulging at the Southie table of MJ quirk/Joe Quinn?Kev
Linehan and regular customer John DiCicco (hope i
spelt that right) who, though from Southie, knows everybody I ever met in the
Gallery East/Channel pit at hardcore shows; to which i DID
add hardcore drinkin' with every Irish-American born/raised in Boston!). and
club linehan-ago-go keep getting tighter year-by-year. i saved
a set list, nuff said: sookie sookie/tallahassie lassie/worlds greatst sinner/santa's
back (elvis in bflat!)/ramblin' gamblin' man/born to be wild/goin' down. geezer
very gung ho about this Brewer's corner restaurant "we found a new home";shit,
it was janaury '76 i went to MY marine recruiter so I WANT YOU to play Geezer's
garage night. contact "winston smith". especially if you're a WMFO
dj! LOVED it! i joined the marines to go exotic places/meet exotic people
music for them! (hey! do you want me to be ted Niemiec or TedNugent?)".....
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Miguel d'amour |
"Miguel d'amour played guitar with me on "best bette",
hopelessly obscure, throbbing lobster record and 12-inch hopelessly
obscure record. His landlord selling his place 31 march, "anyone looking
for a roomate???". He gave me permission to give his number to ring up;
617-470-7422. Now I've branched into real estate, Miguel will pay me in "any
kind of fish you like' (bacalauu!) (portgei salted cod), my weight versus "catch
of the day" (300 pounds of pesce? I'll be barkin' like a damn seal!).....HELP
MIGUEL D'AMOUR, dont be a pissant".....
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
"sunday 17 dec 17. groggily after Geezer's garage night, stumbling to
flann o'brien's, brigham circle, it's PREMIERE LEAGUE action; NFL later
maybe but I love it, yeah, yeah, yeah that Liverpool beat Bournemouth four-nil.
Beatle geek fact: the Fab Four coulda gave a shite about footie! But I enjoy
the atmosphere and the brogues;so there! four pm or so, Kendall cinema pass
from work, I was told catch Three Billboards outside ebbing, missouri.
after gigging at Geezer's garage night, quincy, I swear i slept two hours of
this two hour ten movie! corrupt rural sheriffs have been happnin' since In
the heat of the night but nobody ever painted three billboards
calling out the chief of police. I DO admire Fargo lady's Ozark Mountain She-Devilness;
she dont take no shit! I did wake up to the ole ultra-violence in a barrooom
brawl as Joanie Phanie sang "night they drove ole dixie down"; soundtrack
credits, i missed four tops AND Townes van zandt! another credit; Ebbing Missouri
dont exist, this film was shot in asheville NC! apple-ach-ia loookin' like the kinda film but watch again when less tired for my movie column
will be Sleepin' Through the Movies! (it's more surreal; and nothing to be well-hung
Thursday, December 21, 2017
"STILL on a kick about Hungarian rock band Bergendy's
1971 album Beat Ablak ($5.88! AND a wikipedia entry
in Hungarian!). So side A, track 4 is a cover of "black night" (Blackmore).
What blows my mind about this album is western rock goin' 'crost the Iron Curtain.
Drumming is exemplary in the Hungarian Bergendy cover; I should also as this
is BOSTON Groupie News mention I once saw Girl on Top cover
this the Midway, drummer was Ray Boy Fernandes. So let's "dig
in the crates" on this NON-LP 45....."Black Night" released 5
June 70; cuzzin Martha Hull was a Chuck Berry toon covered
by Ten Years After (is there a prize? SURE! $13 from me at Vinyl Acres
Frederick Maryland!) This 45 changed lineups, so one singer went TO Captain
Beyond, t'other FROM Episode Six (some great 45s from that lot, roit!) the riff
alledgedly nicked from ricky nelson's 1962 "summertime" (I still love
the guitars on Big Brother version) but any damn fool can tell you it's 'aint
got nothin' yet" (and Peppy Castro IS a close, personal facebook friend
of mine!). The Fall "took to performing a medley integrating the song into
their own comostion "cash n' carry"....will have to bluidy check that
out plus 2007 Finnish power metal band Twilight Guardians;Viking rock! But i'm
also a sucker for b-sides (check out on wikipedia "speed king" 1970
BELGIUM single picture sleeve!). Ian Gillian whose "space truckin'"
vocal DID influence kielbasa ('is da born Govan, Glsagow.....why d'ye t'ink
'e's nsme ian?) also admits "the first that came into my head were chuck
berry and Little Richard words, so i just stole them"..;this also true
in "Berry Rides again" and of course ANY Kenne Highland toon that
Ken Kaiser has been FORTUNATE enuff t play!".........
Friday, December 22, 2017
"I forgot i joined this facebook group but The
Bond Among Us: the graham bond organization. When you have a rhythm section
like Jack bruce (#1!) and Ginger Baker, pre-Cream....but
todays DISCovery is "waltz for a pig'. I went out early '72 buying Who
45s a dime apiece after Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy came out; they were all flops
on amerikan first radio in the '60s! So i DID have the atco version of "substitute".....Live.Journal>classicrockmen>
says graham Bond hammond organ, Bruce/Baker rhythm section, Dick Heckstall-Smith
on sax....have a gud Gizmas and maybe i will cue up some Coliseum as heard on
WCMF rochester NY early 1970 now that it IS winter"...