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The Maxie Awards

The Middle East
Jan 15. 2006

    Did I mention we came in fourth? On with the show...

There must be a life after this!!
There they are...the last vestiges of dignity leaving Pat McGrath
Nice neck, Nate. Bite..slurrrrrrrp
Hey, Manray is closed.
Nate Rogers and Kara Troftt
To be fair someone went out for a smoke
The audience statistics are in :
50% = Dancing, 25% = Standing, 25% = Siting.
Let's see...yup, that adds up to four.
Powhida, Rock Adonis.
Oh, get a room.
John Powhida and Mary Lou Lord.
What does this guy have, I want some
Get a room.
John Powhida and Andrea Gillis.
Powhida, the Love God
For god sakes, get a hotel.
Michelle Paulhus, John 'Love God' Powhida and can't get close enough, Rita...Lolita..Frita...whatever.
We should NEVER leave the cyber world
Another valley. The BGN is no help.
Michelle, Miss Lyn and Blowfish.
A very perplexed Mack Bell
Mach Bell gets punked.
Michelle's in on it.
Well deserved Hall Of Fame goes to Carmalita.

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