BGN- You guys have been in the studio this week?
David Minehan- Yeah, we spent 4 days at
Soundtrack. It's a very obscure studio only used for commercials for the Telephone
Company and McDonald's and stuff like that. No rock & roll has been there.
John Hartcorn - The
Vinny Band recorded "Mama Mia" there though.
BGN- How many songs did you do?
John- We did five.
David- We'll pick two for the 45 and add
a third for a 12 inch promotional disc that'll be given to our friendly record company
people and radio stations.
BGN- I can't imagine you're playing at your volume
in the studio. Isn't that a problem?
David- You have to play at your regular
volume because you don't want what you're doing to have an unreal sound.
John- We tried a lot of miking techniques
too. David had three mikes on his guitar at all times. I had two on my bass.
David- We had Ray
Boy Fernandez helping out too. He was bringing in surprises for bigger
and better sounds for Michael everyday. See, we're doing this right. No quick,
half-assed things. All the way through, the package'll be great.
John - Rick Harte,
who's producing it, is very sticky. He doesn't want anything out that he's not
proud of. That's what he's into.
David- He just got through producing The
Infliktors' single which was only two tracks! That's amazing!
BGN - Does this studio time have anything to do
with what you won at the Rock & Roll Rumble at
The Rat?
Michael Quaglia - We didn't get any studio
time from that.
BGN- Well, you got a thousand dollars. Where'd that
David- To our roadies. We have the best
roadies in the world.
Michael- We don't touch a thing. They take
care of everything and we never worry.
BGN - How do you pick the songs for the studio?
By what goes best on stage?
David- Well actually we were really aiming
for airplay.
BGN- So you're doing it that way, huh?
David - You really have to.
John - Otherwise no one's ever gonna hear
David- We're not making any sacrifices
or changes. I mean, we like the songs.
BGN - Does the tape sound like you live though?
John - It's getting there. We haven't done
a remix or anything yet.
Michael - It actually sounds like shit!
John - Actually Michael fell asleep the
first day in the studio. We had a lot of fun too. We put matches in his toes
and lit them.
BGN - You've had a lot of difficulty as far as your
recordings go. You're on Live At The Rat II and
The Boston Bootleg and Third
Rail's single, none of which have ever been released! The only thing
you're on that's out is Lord Manuel's second single.
David - Oh God! That single was done in
half and hour! We learned it in ten minutes then went into the studio and did
Michael - He kept saying, "I paid for
this! Let's hurry up!"
BGN- What about the big name producers? How'd Andrew
Loog-Oldham's name and Nick Lowe's name
come into the picture?
David - Oldham's name was something brought
to us by Bruce Patch.
John - He was mentioned to us, at one point,
as a feeler type thing. He was supposed to come and see us in New York and be
introduced to us but both times he was out of town.
Michael - He sucks!
David - Michael had a great night last
BGN - Michael, would you like some Pepto-Bismol or
Michael - No, I haven't decided what I want
John - But you know, it's a funny game.
They tell you they've got somebody and you never get to meet them.
David - Unfortunately nowadays we are getting
to meet those people and it's no different. The game still goes on.
BGN - So, you're leery of that?
David - Oh! (EVERYONE NODS) We aren't quite
jaded though. We've heard something from almost every major label. We're not
gonna wait forever but we can wait another 6 months. The band is only gonna
get better. And we're in a changing sort of thing right now. The Neighborhoods
ARE growing up!
BGN - Since winning The Rumble have things really
exploded? Do people act differently toward you now?
David - Since the
Battle we can't make too many moves without someone saying something
about it. But I guess it's a better position to be in than total obscurity.
John - A lot of people you don't know will
know your name.
David - And then they start touching you!
John - These two guys (POINTING TO DAVID
AND MICHAEL) were getting grabbed at last night. I got touched on the knee.
David - I tell ya, I was concerned about
my genitals last night! Some girl was LATCHED on to my crotch!! But yeah, you
know, we're not walking around like "Hey, we're the BIG WINNERS!"
But it was a good boost.
Michael - The best night was the second
Monday. We played with Thrills and The
Axe That was so intense.
BGN - Did you doubt yourselves or did you say 'Hey,
we'll be OK tonight."?
John - We weren't really nervous.
BGN - How did you feel the last night, up against
La Peste?
John - That was…strange. We got stuck with
two sets and we don't really have two.
David - Yeah, we're rather short on material
and two sets really spreads it thin. The way we were winning, actually, was
because we have one good set in us and we knew that. So that last night we were
worried 'cause La Peste has so many more
songs than we do.
BGN - Why don't you have more songs?
David - We had to stop and start all over
again to re-learn the songs with John.
John - Then all of a sudden we had a couple
gigs right off the bat, and then we had the battle. Since then we haven't had
the time either 'cause we got kicked out of the place we practice in.
David - We don't even have anywhere to
live! We're just scattered around.
Michael- Scavengers!!
BGN - For a long time I thought you guys were underrated.
You still are! You are booked under other bands. Is it a problem for you?
David - Its been a continual problem but
it makes us work extra hard and people always said we were wimps.
BGN - How's that?!?
David - Because we didn't want to fall into
the local genre of material. We didn't want to come off as just another Boston
band. We try to aim for more universal things.
BGN - So where's it coming from? Who writes the
John - Right here! (TAPPING DAVID'S HEAD)
BGN - Now let's go back to the beginning. How does
it start?
David - Well, I was in a wretched cover
band; Starliner. We played with The
Real Kids one night and I said "Oh my God! Have I got to change
my style!!"
BGN - Then how'd you meet Mike?
David - Mike moved to Upton. One day in
school I saw this kid walking down the hall with a leather jacket on, tight
jeans and just slinkin' along. I thought "Geez, there's something with
this kid." Something connected. Then of course he turned me on to Third
Rail and Willie.
Michael - I kept sayin' "You gotta start
doin' your own music."
David - If Michael never moved to Upton
I can honestly say I'd be very frustrated by now.
BGN - When did the three of you get together?….you
two and Jimmy, the first guy?
David- Jimmy asked Michael to jam with
us. I said "What are you asking HIM for? He can barely play his drums!"
and he barely could. We had just given up a very prograssive drummer.
Michael - The drummer almost shit when he
found out I was his replacement.
BGN - I always thought you people could play, even
the first time I saw you. But you ditched all your early songs.
Michael - Oh thank God! We ditched every
one but "Roxanne" and "Teacher's Pet". At one point
we had twenty songs then we were down to, like, eight!
BGN - The early stuff had a lot of meter changes
and stuff. Now, like Michael's drumming, it's right in the groove. Your drumming
has changed, Michael. Was that conscious?
Michael- No, it's just comin' out that
way. I'm still learnin'.
BGN - People always mention your ages. What about
it? Is it gonne be your image?
Michael - I suppose it will be 'cause there's
nothing we can do about our ages.
BGN - Do you want to tell us your ages?
David - Michael's 18, I'm 20 and John is
over 20.
BGN - How do you define your sound?
John - Loud, fast and pop.
BGN- Do you have a thing about slow and fast songs?
David - Yeah, as a matter of fact the only
one in-between is "Flavors".
BGN - A big hit, too. What's it about? It's weird.
Michael - Very silly.
BGN - And sexist too I might add!
David - Yeah, it is but I worked in a Dairy
Queen for years and all we had was chocolate and vanilla and that's all
in the song.
BGN - What's "One Day Older" about? As if
you have to worry!
David - It's about the fear of getting
older, the doldrums of everyday life. Like somebody who gets up everyday and
puts on their clothes, catches the bus, reads the paper. Exactly the same thing
everyday yet everyday they are one day older.
BGN - Tell us about "Think It Over".
David- It's about some people where I lived.
Sometimes I don't have any hope for them. I'm trying to slap somebody in the
face, sort of, to say "Think it over! Don't be so dumb, so passive."
There's a line in there that goes "You're steady boyfriend knows more than
I do, he's thinking FOR YOU" You know?
BGN - You do a lot of three chord songs.
David - Sometimes, yeah. Some songs surprise
me when they are done 'cause they're not in the same key they were in when I
started and things like that.
BGN - You know your melody lines are your hooks?
David-Right. You have to draw attention
BGN- When you write songs you are thinking that
David - Eh, no, it just is the way it is.
BGN - When you write songs what comes first?
Michael - The rhythm. That's how most of
'em have started.
BGN - How come you only allow yourselves one cover
Michael - We have three! "Ready Steady
Go", the Generation X song, "She"
by the Monkees and "Once Before"
a Barry & The Remains tune.
BGN - So John, let's get your story.
John - I was down in Connecticut. There's
no scene down there though. I was in a band that was playing in Northern CT
and Long Island called The Great Buns. I
lived here in '72 and '73 but went down there to play with The Buns. Then last
year I got together with Third Rail.
David- He was in Third Rail for eight months.
John - I learned a lot from it and could
have learned more if we had played out.
BGN - When was the first time you saw The Neighborhoods?
John - The first time I saw David play was
in the studio for Lord Manuel's single.
David- We had never met. We said "Hi.
Hope we have a good recording session." And never thought we'd see each
other again.
BGN - So David when did you start playing guitar?
David- At the tender ago of…13. In fifth
grade, how old would I be then?
BGN - What was your first guitar?
David- A Stellar. And I worked in my Dairy Queen and got up 150 bucks,
got a Want Ad and bought my first electric. It was a Mustang. Then I
got a Les Paul, but it was stolen at The Club.
BGN - That's when you had your benefit there?
David - Wasn't that a wild benefit though?!
Mike- Willie had
just gotten signed and hadn't show up anywhere in a long time. So a crowd showed
up to see if he'd be there to play with us.
David- And that was the first time we had
ever played with Willie .
Mike- Yeah, we played with Willie , Mach
Bell, Lord Manuel and ourselves
as the Muffin Band.
BGN - Did you know you would end up playing with
Willie before hand?
Mike- Well, after The
Boom Booms broke up we asked him. We'd ask him every time we would
see him!
BGN - So how did you start playing with him?
David - Richard
Nolan set that up, also with the idea of exploiting the name of The
Neighborhoods behind Willie. It was a good
idea and it worked. We like Willie and he
likes us. We did a few choice gigs out of state and we might do a few more….
out of state. And there might be a surprise gig in a little while at The
BGN - How did Willie
feel about the fact that when you got on stage together you'd just naturally
steal the show?
David- He didn't mind. I asked him once
and said I was kinda sorry. He said it was all right.
BGN - Why did you stop playing with him?
Mike- Ah, it was heavy. We each just had
to lay back for a while.
BGN -David, where'd you get you stage moves?
David- Aw, it's just a natural thing.
BGN - It's like you're double-jointed….everywhere!
David- In fact, I am. I'd never seen myself
before 'til Jan Crocker videotaped us for
The Creeper. I said "Oh geez!!
This is outrageous!" but I loved it.
BGN - I was watching a TV show on rock'n'roll greats.
There was Elvis and his legs were going. It was
a big thing. Then it was Chuck Berry and it goes
all the way up. Buddy Holly and now Elvis
Costello has it and you have it!
David- It's so natural for me. It's like
you just can't get close enough to that mike! You're absolutely on your toes!
I don't do it on purpose and I'm sure they didn't either.
John - We call him Gumby.
BGN - You said in an article I read about you, something
that interested us; you'd like to see more women and blacks in the scene and
the music.
Mike- We'd like to do a show in Dorchester
or something, to get it to the people who never hear it.
BGN - Like you say different types of people bring
new stuff to the scene. Like Patti Smith….a woman
who brought a lot to the new wave.
John - Well, Patti's a vocalist. What I'd
like to see is more women musicians. It's a different concept, a different feel.
Back in the '60's those English kids were just learning to play guitars and
it was totally fresh. Now women, for the most part, are just learning to play
the guitar too.
BGN - Just imagine if someone like Jimi Hendrix were
to come along now.
David- Look at the blacks who started it
for us!! Chuck Berry, Fats
Domino, Little Richard. It was
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BGN- We'd love to go with a camera!!
David- No guests. We can't even bring in
speaker cabinets that can hold somebody on the way out! The security is really
tight. They checked our records but all our records were wiped clean when we
came of age.
BGN- If you weren't playing rock'n'roll, what would
you be doing?
John - Stealing out of Goodwill boxes.
Mike- We'd all have minimum wage jobs.
BGN- Do you have anything to say to your fans?
David- Our fans are the greatest, they know
who they are!
BGN - Thos genital grabbing semi-adults!
David- UGH!! Just don't' grab during a chord