The BGN News Archive
What do you do when a club gives you the wrong band info? it happened to Blowfish this week: O'Brien's had a band called Brittle Bones listed for Wednesday. They had a link to a Bandcamp page where I saw that the band was from Australia and sounded like something I'd like to hear live. All good but it turned out that the link was to the wrong band. The Brittle Bones that were playing were a hardcore band from Boston. This has happened to me before too.
Brittle Bones are a hardcore metal mix. The guitars were tuned down and that gives that menacing rumble that marks the genre. The group was focused and the music was intense. There were a few wound up moshers that made the small club seem even smaller.
They were followed by Nihil a trio also from Boston who covered similar territory. They were beginning a two month tour and this was the sendoff. It was a very small but appreciative audience. I loved that the bands played full out and gave everyone a good show and I got a good dose of core. Friday I went to check out the Rumble at Once but couldn't find a parking space. I saw Skybar (WMFO) scoot into a space just before I got there. Damn!! I finally gave up. The whole area around Once was bustling. Worshipper won the night. Congrats on that guys! Saturday the BGN hit Allston Rock City. We wanted to hit the Record Pop Up store in the Brighton Music Hall but they were closing up just after 2pm. Ya think we would check our own page for times? Duh. We wanted to check out a few of the small labels that we have noticed like Ocelot and Head Versus Heart who had tables there. Next time, we guess.
We went down the street where Wayne Viens was having his close out sale/yard sale at Store 54. What a scene there! Loads of people and they were buying. On street level there was some flea market action. Jim Janota (Upper Crust, The Bags, Lyres etc etc) had, among other things, a bright orange skull for sale. He had a lot of good stuff actually.
In the alley Wayne had a super cheap record sale. There we found MBR DJ Joanie Lindstrom and Mitch from Triple Thick/Shiny Beasts. They were combing through the singles with a studied eye. Down the stairs we talked to Wayne for a while and we are setting up a time for an interview to talk about what's going on and his past and his future. Stay tuned for that. He had a pile of business cards that had Mitch's (of the Rat) image.
Then we checked out the Pop
Allston. That's where they had a
small festival a year ago. This place also has a bike coop,
yoga classes, a vintage market, and an
indoor skate park on the second floor. We saw Chris DeBarge
(The Curses, Stingray Tatt) there who had come from the BMH Pop
Up Record Shop & Store 54. He was just looking around.
We see a link between the DIY spirit of punk from 1976 and these independent short term pop ups that allow people to circumvent the corporate venues. We celebrate that and urge everyone to support these events!!
Of course the spirit of Punk was also alive this past week when on Monday the BGN went to see the true Godfather of Punk, Iggy at The Orpheum. This guy is in a class by himself! He put on an amazing show and the band gave him the strong back up he deserves. Master scribe John Keegan gives us his view of the show. Here's a taste of it- "It doesnt matter if Iggy fronts the raw and ripped latter day incarnations
of the Stooges or their more polished Iggy Pop doppleganger. The man is genetically
incapable of doing a duff show. And in other news ... Pere Ubu is doing a US tour!! They'll be at the Sinclair Monday June 27 Here's some good shows coming up this week.....
April 21 (Thursday ) This should be FUN!: Wok And Roll Karaoke! at Koto in Salem April 22 (Friday) OBN IIIs, The Monsieurs, Far Corners & Devil Music are all at Out of the Blue Too Gallery in Central Square (ALL AGES!) FB Page April 22 (Friday) Rock'n'Roll Rumble Final Show at Once April 23 (Saturday) The Real Kids with Stop Calling Me Frank and The Knock Ups at the Midway April 24 (Sunday) There's the "Generic Punk Show" at the Spotlight Tavern in Beverly with Fishhead, Rockin' Bob Punk Band, Barroom Heroes, Sliver Screams, Mongorellis, Screw Cart, Profit Margins and The Off Whites. This is an afternoon s and all ages show- it starts at 3PM And further out past this week....
April 28 (Thursday) Kids Like You and Me are hosting a three day music fest this weekend too! Thursday starts at Cantab's Club Boho with Funeral Cone, Gravel, Andy California, Mike Mountain, and G. Gordon Gritty April 29 (Friday) The Abbey Lounge Reunion!! at Sally O'Brien's Night 2- Frigate 7:00, Jay Allen & Archcriminals 7:40, Malibu Lou 8:20, The Dirty Truckers 9:00, The Swinedells 9:40, The Acrobrats 10:20, Spitzz 11:00, The Tampoffs 11:40 and The Konks 12:20 April 29 (Friday) Kids Like you and Me Night 2 is at The Middle East Up with The Monsieurs, The Prefab Messiahs, Nice GUys , Littlefoot, Scully, Black Beach and Future Spa - lots o'bands this show starts early at 6PM! (event page FB) April 30 (Saturday) The Abbey Lounge Reunion!! at Sally O'Brien's Night 3 - Schnockered 7:40, Asa Brebner 8:20, The Downbeat 5 9:00, Red Chord 9:40, Jordan Valentine 10:20, Coffin Lids 11:00, The Dents 11:40, Sugabomb 12:20 April 30 (Saturday) Kids Like You and Me Day 3 is an early show again lots o'bands - Guerilla Toss, URSULA, The Barbazons, Johnnie and the Foodmasters, Kal Mark, Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion! and Electric Street Queens- this is an early show starting at 3PM (Middle East Up)
April 30 (Saturday) Michael Graves, Diablogato, 138, The Martians and You Scoundrel are at Once April 30 (Saturday) The Upper Crust and Haley Thompson King are at Store 54 May 5 (Thursday) Randy Black and The Heathcroppers are at the Tavern at the End of the World. No cover! May 6 (Friday) Two Saints CD release, at the Spotlight Tavern in Beverly With The Black Souls and Greg Allen's Fringe Religion May 6 (Friday) Sunwatchers, Major Stars, Minibeast, and The Modern Voice at the Midway May 7 (Saturday) A Crash Course For The Ravers featuring The Cal Cali Band and Barry & The Remains will be on the show as well!! That's WMFO 95.1 FM 1-4PM May 7 (Saturday) At the Midway - both Day & Night Shows= ALL DAY!! Easy Eds Variety Hour 10th Anniversary Party!!! starring The Cranktones, Johnny Carlevale and His Band of All Stars (Special Reunion Show), The Barley Hoppers, The Bop Thrills, Easy Eds Record Hop and guest DJs and much much more!!!
May 7 (Saturday) Jon Macey and his Hummingbird Syndicate will be doing an all acoustic music show at In A Pig's Eye in Salem. May 8 (Saunday) Dash Rip Rock in town from New Orleans at Store 54. Also on hte bill The Titanics!! This is an early evening show- 7-9PM May 12 (Thursday) UYB (formerlyUp Your Buscket + members of Kilslug & AxCx) along with Positive Negative Man and (DJ) Spo are at The Cutting Room in Providence RI (FB PAGE for more info) May 13 (Friday) Barry & the Remains, Lyres, Cal Cali Band and Muck & the Mires are at ONCE Ballroom -This show STARTS at 8PM The Remains are on at 9:30. May 14 (Saturday) We loved him...he was unforgettable so the show goes on...Joe Coughlin Memorial- The Classic Ruinsand MOTO and Alan Shienfeld doing Stump the Undertaker. May 21 (Saturday) Chetstock 2016 2.0...at Once Lounge...this time we get Harlequin, Xanna Don't (with Peter Phair, Kevin Patey, William M. Hoar III, and Jay Arcari) , The Real Kids, Randy Black, Classic Ruins, The Hopelessly Obscure, Choir Boys and Chelsea Clutch and Linda Viens May 21 (Saturday) Quenby and the West of Wayland Band, Shiny Beasts and Hambone Skinny are at the Tavern at the End of the World. No cover!
May 21 (Saturday) Scissorfight, White Dynomite, Murcielago and Idiot Genes are at Great Scott May 21 (Saturday) The Founders, Lizzy Borden Band, Girl On Top, Z company are at PA's Lounge May 22 (Sunday) Kid Congo Powers and the Pink Monkey Birds with Tiger Bomb and The Tarantula Brothers are at The Space Gallery in Portland ME May 26 (Thursday) It's getting down to the final days - and final shows - at Store 54 and this is one of those- its also a GREAT one!....MiniBeast (featuring Peter Prescott) and the return of Akacod featuring Monique Ortiz, Larry Dersch and Dana Colley....Here's the FB page check for updates June 2 (Thursday) Kilslug, Psycho, Horrible Earth, Deathtaker and Mad Gasser of Bostoon at O'Brien's. Mark yr calendars for this one folks, it should be a show you'll not soon forget. June 4 (Saturday) When Particles Collide are having their vinyl release party along with Aloud at Great Scott.
June 11 (Saturday) A day show 4-8PM with Fireking, Big Giant, The First Supper, and Universe Narrows at The Midway June 11 (Saturday) The Upper Crust, Thee Fabulous Itchies, The Hi-End and Shiny Beasts are at The Midway - there's a lot going on this night- and the show starts at 8PM -check out the FB page. June 27 (Monday) Pere Ubu at The Sinclair July 22 (Friday) Fur Purse, Thalia Zedek, Weather Weapon, Phurnne, Death Cloud at the Midway October 15 (Saturday) The Upper Crust, Hickoids, The Grannies & Devil On Horseback at Once CONTACT US AT....misslynbgn@yahoo.com - Send us your gig listings, your news and anything else ya got!!