The BGN News Archive
May 4, 2015

Middle East at the Partisans show.
As usual Blowfish has been religiously out and about finding live shows: I
didnt catch the Partisans back in the day but they were 1978 Welsh
punk band (First record released in 1981) and they were playing the Middle
East last Sunday. It seemed similar to the Anti-Nowhere
and GBH
gigs recently and I was expecting it to be sold out but that was not the case.
It was only about half full when I got there.
Lots of young punks decked out in spiky hair and jackets who were probably
not born when Partisans were originally around. They have a sense a history
which is great. There were older punks there too but not upfront when the action

Opposition Rising
Locals Opposition Rising had short hardcore tunes with simple singalong
choruses. I thought they did a good job. The lead singer however entreated the
audience to come forward; most didnt (there was some moshing none the
less). He pleaded a few more time to no avail, then berated people for not coming
forward. Its probably never a good idea to rank out the paying customers.
His in between song banter also included many gripes. It seemed to be his persona
guy. Hey, if it wasnt for the negative thing in 1977 we would still be
around the fire singing Kumbaya; I thought it was a hoot.
He wasnt wrong about people being reluctant to coming forward for his
band though because when The Partisans took the stage I got knocked around
and pushed aside a half dozen times with people rushing forward to jam the front
of the stage. The crowd was just focused on the headliners.

With that the club livened up and moshing began bigtime.
The Partisans were dishing out old time punk and it was so good to hear
it. Punk is the core of the BGN and we are not hearing it much anymore.
Partisans had the attitude, the sound, and the catchy songs.
They got a rabid crowd reaction in response. It was wild and hot up front. Punkers
were coming out drenched in sweat after a few songs.
Some reasoned that the $20.00 cover charge hurt attendance. That was part of
it and maybe the Partisans dont have the recognition that Anti-Nowhere
League has.

As the gig was going on the left side of the club (as you face the stage) was
closed off because of water dripping from the ceiling. Someone thought the TTs
bathroom was overhead and sure enough TTs announced via Twitter that it
was closing till Monday because of the issue.
Thursday at The Milky Way had a show with a lineup that interested me
with every group, but not other people, evidently, with hardly anyone there.
Months ago I had listened to Nick
and the Adversaries and thought it sounded like pop fun. Then the winter
intervened and it took till now to see them. They were everything I hoped for
and more. The first two songs reminded me of the Yachts, whom I love,
with the muscular guitar and keyboard backdrop. The rest of the set reminded
me of many Australian groups from the 80s like The Hitmen, Mental as Anything,
Split Ends and Hoodoo Gurus. Talking to Nick afterwards showed that he didnt
know some of those groups but however he got there he has a dream pop set. The
last time I was so thrilled finding music like this was with the Connection.

Nick and the Adversaries
Nick the singer/guitarist used to be in Lost City Angels. He looks like
Owen Wilson and has that light manner also. The group delivered in every way
and the drummer was outstanding with his excitement building rolls and accents.
They are a great discovery and now need some good shows to raise their profile.
Another group I've missed because of the winter was Night
Slice. I dont know whether they have improved in the intervening months
or the excellent sound at the Milky Way helped me to hear them more clearly
but they seemed better to me. Their whole shtick, the cheesy music with 50s
sci-fi lyrics, seemed to hit the mark and resonate. They have staked out this
territory where they seem like a band singing horror movie themes (like Green
Slime ) or like they are a band in a 50s horror movie or maybe
better yet the house band for Creature Double Feature. Like the B-52s
they are outliers. They are not like any other band around (outside of Darling
Pet Munkee), you have to come with open ears and mindset to them.

Night Slice
After a set you marvel at what singer Bridie Wolejkos voice has
done. Its clear and pitch perfect and draws you into the melodies that
have a haunting resonance. I found out later she went to Berkeley for voice.
The guitar player knows what he's doing and twice played long sinuous solos
that had real magic in them, very memorable. The bass player sometime strums
his bass creating a unique rumble. The drummer hes an electronic
box. They are odd and they are fun; a nice addition to the scene.

The Knock Ups
The Knock Ups had a few snafus before they got up and running. That
seemed to throw them a bit but by the time the set closed they'd gotten beyond
it and the rough garage punk was cranking pretty good. At that point I wouldnt
have minded hearing a few more songs. They are messy and unruly and thats
what makes them good. Its party time music. John
Keegan saw them just a while ago in Salem.

John Surette
My attention was on John Surette. Hes such a natural on stage.
He looks and a moves like a rock star and its completely unforced. His
backup vocals werent just mimicking the lead vocal but were more like
a call and response. He played some interesting lines with a very dirty sounding
guitar. Everything he does has thought in it and is a step above the expected.
Hes soon going to start another CD that continues the story of Tomorrow
The World. The big night for the debut of that was at the Middle East
during a snow storm and I and many others missed it. I wished that had been
redone but John pointed out that getting those people together even once was
a big chore. Johns stint in Boys Life left a lot of good
memories on the Boston scene. John is looking to contribute some more good music
and seeing him on this night made me hungry to hear it.
And in other news -
You already know how much we love Johnny Angel's book Looking
for Lady Dee...we had to have a chat with Johnny about it. Read our
& A with Johnny Angel also for your reading pleasure here's
our 1979 Thrills
And Johnny Rotten is out and about promoting his book
is an Energy so he's doing lots of's
one with Fox News Radio. And here's an interview
from NPR.
Always a fun idea...from AV Club here's a list
of the 2014 qualifiers for worst band names. Two names on there are
bands we've seen and liked: Crystal Methodist ( we went to see them because
of the name) and X__X. Penis Fly Trap must have been on there
in previous years.
Here is a video by the band Western
called I Cant Heal. The main actor is Paul Lebel who
used to be in Three Hands a stand out band in the 80s who never
got the attention commensurate with their talent so says Blowie. He does
I great job in this. After hearing it a few times we got hooked on the emotional
song itself.
So with that are some shows that are happening this week....
May 6 (Wednesday) here's
one to put in your calendars my friends: The Meatmen, Against the Grain
and The Humanoids at the Middle East upstairs....(UP???
They sold out the downstairs last time!!) anyway here's the FB
event page
May 8 (Friday) Roy
Sludge is doing
a free show at
Vincent's in Worcester...great
music cool cocktails and famous meatball subs...what could be better??? (info
May 9 (Saturday) JOEFEST
III: The
3rd Annual Joe Coughlin Memorial Concert with M.O.T.O.,
Johny & The Jumper Cables - Stump The Undertaker and Lenny Lashley
at The Midway
May 9 (Saturday) Tsunami
of Sound, My Own Worst Enemy and The Shambolics are at Sally O'Brien's
(FB event page)
May 10 (Sunday)
The Monsieurs, Mother
Tongue, A Band Called E and Bong Wish are at The Middle East UP(FB
event page)
May 10 (Sunday) Fast Times, Nobuddys,
Jumper! and Go Long Kid are at The Midway and its only $5!!
And coming
up after this week we have.......
May 14 (Thursday) John Cooper Clarke
is performing at Berklee!! At the David Friend Recital Hall (921 Boylston Street)
Click the link
to read more about JCC and to buy tickets.
May 15 (Friday) How awesome
is this? Punk Rock Karaoke Featuring: Greg Hetson (Bad Religion, Circle Jerks),
Stan Lee (The Dickies), Steve Soto (Agent Orange) Derek O'Brien (Social Distortion,
D.I., Agent Orange) and here's how they are working it: "we have sign
up sheet at the venue. Pick your song, we give you lyrics. When your song is
called, come up and join the band! We hand pick our favorites from 1983 back
to when dinosaurs pogoed along side with the punkers." so y9ou get to watch
the show AND get up on stage with these guys iof you want to!! (FB
event page) (Buy
tix here)
May 15 (Friday) an awesoem
hardcore show at The Democracy Center, Mt. Auburn St Cambridge, with
The Boston Strangler, The Flex
(on tour from the UK), Red
Death (DC Hardcore), Leather Daddy and Preskool Dropouts.
FB Page
May 15 (Friday) 10th
Annual HoZavc Blackout Fest at the Empty Bottle in Chicago with
The Real Kids, (they have this description listed: "Legendary 70s
Boston Punk/Power Pop band featuring John Felice from the original lineup of
the Modern Lovers" also on the bill are Cozy, Platinum Boys and
May 15 (Friday) In Provi at Dusk
- Thee Fabulous Itchies, The J Band (an X tribute band) and Greg Allen's
Fringe Religion. (FB
event page)
May 16 (Saturday) A Crash Course for
the Ravers WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has The Black Cheers!! cool!
May 16 (Saturday) Hixx are at Club
Bohemia at The Cantab
May 16 (Saturday) The Evil Streaks,
The Downbeat 5, The Reverb Syndicate (from Ottawa) and The Radiator Rattlers
are at OBrien's
May 16 (Saturday) it's
Musical Madness in the Merry Month of May as Tiger Bomb rip it up &
tear it to shreds and Bates Motel drives you psycho with excitement at
Bayside Bowl in Portland ME!! (FB
May 22 (Friday)
The Brigands and The
Black Souls are at the Tavern at the End of the World.
FB event page
May 23 (Saturday)
Memphis Rockabilly Band is at The Amvets in Randolph and it is a FREE
show from 8:30PM to Midnight
(AMVETS Post 51 9 Amvets Lane off Pleasant St., Randolph, MA) Cheap drinks!
Big dance floor. Swing dance, slow dance, twist and stroll! Pizza and more.
Lots of free parking.
May 23 (Saturday)
There are TWO Disturbing the Peace shows at Middle East Up this day:
Matinee Show (doors 1PM) : Chestnut's 40th Birthday Bash!!! with Stray Bullets,
Slitstitch, A Minor Revolution, The Black Cheers, and Orphan Killbot.
Then an early evening show (Doors at 7) with NOTOX, Yo!Scunt, Neighborhood
May 24(Sunday)
Cranktones are at Atwood's with DJ Easy Ed setting the
May 28 (Thursday)
OK it's officially summer when Cal Cali gigs start popping up around town! The
Cal Cali Band and Randy Black & the Heathcroppers are at Sally
O'Briens in Union Sq Somerville.
May 30 (Saturday)
A Crash Course for the Ravers WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has The Forz today
plus great music and stuff.
May 30 (Saturday)
Reddy Teddy are at the Rhumbline up in Gloucester.
May 31 (Sunday)
Roy Sludge Trio is at State Park in Kendall Sq- this is a evening
June 4 (Thursday)
Motobunny, The Charms, Watts and Greg Allen's Fringe Religion
are at TT's.
June 6 (Saturday)
Fox Pass is at Club Bohemia at The Cantab.
June 6 (Saturday)
Muck and The Mires, The Forz and The Woggles are at The
Middle East. Doors are at 7pm- its an early evening show - and its $10 at
the door! FB Event
tix here
June 13 (Saturday)
Taxi Driver, Honest John, The Pink Parts and SPO are at The Middle
east Up and this is an early evening show starting at 6PM. $10.
June 13 (Saturday)
at The Midway - The Kurt Baker Band (from Barcelona - 1
of only 2 US appearances), Jay Allen and The Archcriminals, The Connection
and Kris Rodgers and The Dirty now that's a great show!! (FB
event page)
June 19 & 20 (Friday
& Saturday) it's the Girls in the Garage Music Fest
with you guessed it bands with females in them, all at the Lizard Lounge!!
For both nights doors are at 7, Music starts at 8PM Check
the FB page for set times and to (eventually) buy tix. Check out the
particulars beoow, that's a whole lot of amazing bands!!!
June 19 (Friday)
Stars Like Ours (feat. Michelle Paulhus and Kristen Edmonston),
The Black Souls (feat. the fabulous Kim Ackland!), The Charms,
Petty Morals, The Evil Streaks and The Dents
June 20 (Saturday)
Cujo, Drab, Axemunkee, Andrea Gillis Band, The Downbeat 5 and The
Other Girls
June 20 (Saturday)
Bob Colby teams eclectic multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter Audrey
Ryan with Thick
Wild (his favorite discovery of last year) at Store 54.
June 20 (Saturday)
Rockabilly original Sleepy La Beef played a few punk clubs back in the
day. Hes turning 80 and having a birthday party gig at Johnny Ds
, also on the bill are Roy Sludge, Andrea Gillis and Marc Panasky along
with DJ Easy Ed spinning discs and setting the mood for the celebratory
evening. Check
it out and buy tix here. Music starts at 7:30 folks!
July 11 (Saturday) Mudhoney along with
White Dynomite will be at The Brighton Music Hall
July 11 (Saturday) it's official The
Gizmos (and a TON of other bands) are playing Mutant Fest II
at the Blockhouse in Bloomington IN. FB
event page
July 18 (Saturday) Mission of Burma
opens for The Foo Fighters and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones at
Fenway Park
August 3 & 4 (Monday
and Tuesday) Darkbuster
returns!! at The Sinclair. Get
your tix here but act fast friends!!
August 3 (Monday) Tsunami of Sound
and The Vista Cruisers are at Opus Underground, Salem.
August 6-8 (Thursday - Saturday)
Boston Fuzzstival 2015 is at The Middle East Down. The Fuzztival
highlights "the best bands in the region that make psychedelic/fuzz/garage/surf
rock" and its goal is "to build bridges within the local music community."
Stay tuned for the lineup and more info keep checking their FB
August 8 (Saturday) - Head over to Store
54 to help Bob Colby celebrate his birthday (two days early) with
The Rationales and My Own Worst Enemy!
August 22 (Saturday)
Memphis Rockabilly Band is at the Marshfield Fair. check
out the particulars here
and of course The New England Shake-Up! September
25,26,27 2015! Keep yourself updated at their
FB page
CONTACT US AT…….misslynbgn @ yahoo.con Send us your gig listings, your news
and anything else ya got!!
The Knock Ups
Nick and the Adversaries
Night Slice
Opposition Rising