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Willie BGNTWO.jpg - 5.73 K Ocasac BGN.jpg - 6.12 K The Late Risers Club WMBR at MIT Nervous Eaters pIc by Denise Donahue Johnathan Richman. Oedipus - for a while he had rainbow colored dandruff.
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May 6, 2024

Justine and Steve Earl
Happy Birthday Justine
-Justine with Steve Earle

Road To Ruane was screened at The Somerville Theater as part of the Boston IFF on Saturday May 5th...everyone you would expect and more were, in fact it was sold out!

Road to RuaneThe film moved as we expected with humorous memories of Billy, to talking about his growing up and then the 'snapping point' when his mother committed suicide - after telling Billy and his sister what she was planning. There's loads of footage by Mike Gill over the years...and you see Billy age, which is amazing because Billy always be young in our minds....but it's a reminder of what an amazing person he was though! There are many people interviewed in the film and they all talk about his generosity and how much he supported music, and not just local music. Music became his life and you even get to see inside his hovel of an apartment piled high with records, cassettes, books, posters, and well, trash. You also get a glimpse into his vulnerability.

There are some really touching moments in the film, (I shed a few tears) they don't gloss over what Billy was like, how messed up he was yet how brilliant he was (A former teacher even calls him "the smartest person I have probably ever met.") and how generous he was. Pat McGrath, is in the film a lot and he talks about Billy's progression into alcoholism and drug use. ...SIGH... either way what you come away with is how important Billy was to the local music scene and how lucky we were to have him here with us for all those years. Billy is someone who will never be forgotten.

Since we saw Road To Ruane and Memorial Day is coming up we want to also remember Justine and Matt.....

Justine and Baker Today we also remember Justine's her birthday!! Happy Bday are SOOOO missed and always will be.

In honor of this special day Tom Baker has released a cover of the Steve Earle song “You’re Still Standing There” that he recorded with Justine.
Baker says: “Justine and I started doing this song live a few years ago and liked it so much that we recorded it but never released it. Even though you’ve since left us Justine, with my heart turning upside down, I will always know You’re Still Standing There.”
Read more and click the link below int he

And not to forget Matt Burns!! The Matt memorial show is July 28th at The Burren. ... as Larry Newman, who is putting the show together says: "Matt was one of the nicest people I ever met in the Boston rock scene and almost all the bands that he played with will be performing at the show."

Matt BUrns

Matt Burns Memorial Show final line up: Frank Rowe, Larry Newman, Spik, Captain Easychord w/Schlemie, Kenne Highland's Air Force, Classic Ruins, The Reverend Joseph Fagan and his Deacons of Love, Vogon Poets and Shiny Beasts - Facebook Event page

Also, in the TREE video we have below in the Videos section is from the Dean Jackson/Jimmy Flynn Memorial show at Sonia.

The Rumble had its finals on Saturday. There were three bands; The Ghouls, Gut Health and Other Brother Darryl. The Ghouls won the 2024 Rumble

The Ghouls have just one song out now. They have an alternative sound but with a hard edge. We love that ringing guitar at the beginning of the song.

Gut Health just has two songs out on Bandcamp. The latest is “Conversation Lost”. There’s lots of angst in the song. This is a good punk group, with a terrible name.

Other Brother Darryl is the wildcard band. They have a folk/alt county style. One of the members of Shiverlane, who was also in the Rumble, is a member of this group.

Jaimie Reid Art Jaimie Reid’s work was shown in the UK at Brighton’s Enter Gallery. "Jamie Reid, A Lifetime of Radical Gestures" includes rare limited edition prints from the '90s to present day and never-before-seen imagery, including Reid's final work, "Anarchy in the UK," that depicts a shredded Union Jack held together by safety pins, paying homage to the 1976 Sex Pistols single launch of the same name. The show ran 'til May 2 but it’s even worth checking out the art in the article in the euronews.cutlure site.

The impact of Reid’s artwork was and is truly staggering. There’s only a few current artists that have had the impact on society like Reid. His work for the Sex Pistols helped to define the punk movement. Reid kept active in protest movements and radical politics his whole life.

Dogumentary The Dogmatics: A Dogumentary has wrapped up its Film Festival run by winning "Best Feature Documentary" at the World Music & Independent Film Festival (in the DC metro area). Congratulations!! So far the film has garderned 14 selections, 9 nominations, 5 awards. Hopefully there will be more info on broader distribution.

The Rockwood Music Hall closed this week. The club in the Fenway area has been open about a year. There were financial problems evidently. The Rockwood website is down. WBUR has the story

Cape Cod showA new Cape Cod not-for-profit group Outer Frequencies is bringing rock bands to Cape Cod. They'll host their debut event on Friday May 10th at 6 pm at Christ Church Episcopal in Harwich Port. The show will feature two local rock acts and two national touring - May 10 features Plaza (Cape Cod), Samuel SC (Emo legends from State College PA), Savak (NYC post punk) and Lefty Grove (Cape Cod)

Brad Marino Band has a show with Power Pop masters Rubinoos at the Bowery Electric in NYC. It’s Friday August 2, if you’re planning a road trip!
Facebook page

Joanie Lindstrom got exotic on her last vacation. She went to Ecuador. There she was subject to the Quito Pigeon Shit Scam. She did pass on the Slug Lunch but was popping Imodium every day anyway. No wonder the popular bar is called After Hell. Joanie in the Amazon! Read her tour diary of her Ecuador Vacation - Click Here.


Wormtown lives!

Channel 5 Chronicle did a story on how Worcester got the name Wormtown. That name has been out there in the punk world for 46 years but a new brewery called itself Wormtown Brewery and that has raised the term to consciousness to the mainstream.

Chronicle goes to Ralph’s Diner to interview L.B. Worm and Brian Goslow. L.B. Worm started the Wormtown Punk Punk Press fanzine in 1978. Brian Goslow had a radio show at that time on WCUW. Brian interviewed the BGN way back then. We felt welcomed by Brian who along with L.B. Worm was the voice of Worcester punk. Brian has been out there ever since showing Worcester in its most creative light. Brian is now managing editor at Artscope Magazine.

While you’re at it listen to some Wormtown Underground Radio.

DJ Mike Malone played a new Jesus and Mary Chain song called “Eagles With The Beatles” They name check some classic rock acts and start the song with the "I Love Rock and Roll" riff. The chorus about the Stones goes, “I’ve been rolling with the Stones/ Mick and Keith and Brian Jones /Bill and Charlie have gone home.” Hear it below.

Near the end of the show he played a set of Wormtown groups including Crazy Jack who we saw punch out one of the window panes at Cantones in 1978. Ah, good times!

Amplifier video
Sal Baglio has released The Amplifier Heads video “They Came to Rock.” The song is about aliens coming to earth to learn how to rock.

The video begins with a minute and a half setting up the story in old newsreel style. Then some drums and Barrence Whitfield scream starts the song. Barrence’s vocal really takes this song over the top.

The band performance was filmed at The Cut club in Gloucester. Ex Nervous Eaters bassist Brad Hallen is in the band line up.

Chelsea Curve

The Chelsea Curve are over in England! They were at the 2 Tone Coventry Museum. Evidently the museum has some instruments at the ready. The Curves got in there and did up the reggae song “Monkey Man.”

How can you not love a group like this?

They're playing in Mod Mayday in London. The two day festival has some classic mod bands: Secret Affair, Purple Hearts, Squire and The Chords. The Chelsea Curve will be playing with their English buds Sharp Class (they have a new song, see the New Music section below) and The Len Price 3.

Fezztones video Bye Bye Sunday Afternoon

Smitt E. Smitty and the Feztones have a vid for their “Bye Bye Sunday Afternoon” release of a week ago. It’s in Fez-A-Scope!
It has the usual high production values that is Smitt E. Smitty’s trademark.

Video of Sonic Lobotomy

Sonic Lobotomy, the video show from Salem, captured the Tree set at Sonia from the Dean Jackson/Jimmy Flynn Memorial show (3/24).

Once Tree starts, there’s no stopping. The music has a compulsive drive. You want the busy earth shaking bass to let up for a minute to give some relief, but no way. The group makes a lot of noise for just three instruments. Dave Tree is no shrinking violet on stage. Even when Dave is off stage he has an on stage personality. His strong political views and community involvement mark all his lyrics.

The bonus – an intro by Springa. The vid is 25 roaring minutes.

Joanie Lindstrom played a new song by Worshiper on her Late Risers Club show this week. The local heavy metal favorites have an album titled One Way Trip coming out in July. “Acid Burns” is an early single release. The beauty of this is that it comes with a video. You can preorder the album on vinyl on Bandcamp.
We couple that with the band’s video recorded set Live at Sum Studios. It’s twenty five minutes of heavy riffs and twin guitar leads.

There’s nothing the mainstream can’t co-opt, especially given time. Punk songs have ended up in commercials for a while. Now it’s Iggy’s song “Passenger” sung by Iggy and Siouxsie Sioux that is advertising some ice cream bars!! Yes ice cream bars!!
Siouxsie & the Banshees covered the song back in 1987. This is the first music Siouxsie Sioux has made in nine years...and did we's for ice cream bars?

Brooklyn Vegan has more of the story.

We couple that with Iggy’s original version.


Skybar had Adam Sherman on for an interview. Adam talked about getting to Boston and joining Private Lightning. Then he was in The Souls that did well. He took a long hiatus and ended up doing his very successful solo career that has been marked with quality songwriting. Adam is now on board with Rock Garden Records.
They played “Massachusetts Night” Adam’s latest song.

Adam does some songs live in the studio. Skybar gets Sherman to talk about his songwriting which is revealing. Adam talks about how he went to a Nervous Eaters fan to being a member.
On the show you get some of Adam’s solo songs as well as a few Nervous Eaters songs.

Brian Young had the band Perilous from New York on A Crash Course for the Ravers on WMFO. They played the Square Root with Little Billy Lost and 1.4.5. Bob Cat is in both Perilous and 1.4.5.

Brian plays half a dozen songs from Perilous so you get an idea of the group sound.
Go to the WMFO schedule page Hit the Crash Course for the Ravers show on 1 to 3pm on Saturday, then hit the ‘archive’ button.


This week Blowing Smoke interviewed drummer Jesse Meyer. Jesse is now with Diablogato. Jesse started playing in the mid 80’s and the list of bands he’s been in is amazing!! Between Steev and Jessie they seem to get them all.

Jesse is frank about his heroin addiction that waylaid his playing in the 90’s. And a few years ago he beat lung cancer. He advocates early detection.

Steev asked a question that we wondered too: What drummers influenced him? He says he taught himself by copying records by the Rolling Stones, Beatles, Cream and Hendrix, all classic rock acts. We found his talking about local drummers to be very interesting.

Jesse big regret is turning down the invite to join the Swinging Steaks. He came up with that band name too! Then he talks about being with Diablogato for 10 years now. He paints a bleak picture about making money with a band.

The Elastic Glam Breakfast Show starts with “Ride the White Swan” by T. Rex. We have a soft spot for that 1970s tune that was ground zero for our love of everything Marc Bolan.

Sethyspice played three songs from the brand new album Compassion Fatigue by Violet Palms. “All This Joy Has Made You Dull” has gotten lots of spins on the show. We love the song, heck, we love the title.

Sethyspice picked out a David Essex tune. We think that 1974 film Stardust starring Essex is the best movie about a musician chasing rock stardom.

The glam classics were by Sweet, Suzi Quatro and ending as always with David Bowie. MSN has an article that puts Sweet (along with the Runaways and Blue Oyster Cult) as an “extremely underrated band of the seventies”. Not to us, but it takes the mainstream a while to catch up.
We always get schooled on seventies glam we didn’t know. This week it was Racey with “Some Girls” and Hector doing “Bye Bye Bad Days.”


Happy Little Clouds Tom Baker new song

Happy Little Clouds got a lot of attention for the song/video of “The Emperor’s Song.”

Thir new song “I Don’t Suppose” is a worthy follow up to that. “The Emperor’s Song” had a notable vocal performance and the vocals on “I Don’t Suppose” are even more impressive. Singer Jac Mestel puts all sorts of soulful frills on the melody line. You don’t usually get a vocal like this on a post punk group.

And we just love the drum work! The hesitant tripping beat that punctuates the verse lines is so cool. Again this is not something you hear in a punk tune. The bass has character all the way through. It really makes the choruses work.

There’s a lot here that bodes well for Happy Little Clouds they obviously have the chops along with the song writing talent. The big thing is that they are not doing anything obvious, they're playing their own style and making it work.

Tom Baker has released Steve Earle's song “You’re Still Standing There” that he recorded with Justine Covault.
Tom says: “Justine and I started doing this song live a few years ago and liked it so much that we recorded it but never released it. Even though you’ve since left us Justine, with my heart turning upside down, I will always know You’re Still Standing There.”

Tom sings the first verse with that yearning quality he has, when Justine’s voice comes in for the second verse your heart will stand still.

Sharp Class from England Lynda Mandolyn goes pop

Sharp Class from England made a lot of fans in Boston with their swing through the area in May of 2023. “Catch My Breath” is their new digital single on Bandcamp. it's as good as any Mod music released back in the day!

They capture that Mod sound with ease. Its reeks of Jam like guitar. There are a few breaks where they add even more varieties of guitar riffage. Even with all the music they still pack in plenty of lyrics about not giving up. Despite their setbacks they vow to “catch my breath, and pick myself up.”
They hit all the right notes on this.

Lynda Mandolyn of Tiger Bomb has a single out on her own. “Billet Doux” which means Love Letters in French, is a sparkling pop tune. There is some French charm in the whole production. There is a video of the song which is charming and again seems to have some classy French vibe to it.


Kenne Highland CassetteIs this new music?? well no, but it's new to you and to us even...Gulcher has just released Krazee Ken Highland - 1973/1975. This is stuff Kenne Highland recorded on cassette in Brockport, NY way back when he was a teenager!! And Gulcher has seen that ALL of Krazee Ken's music is out there for everyone to enjoy ...or fanatically collect....

Dr. Yeow (early 1975 - Ken Highland: vocals, guitar; Peter Torok: bass; Gary Torok: drums) doing 1. Ready Eddie 2. Juvenile Delinquent 3. Dizzy Miss Lizzy/Bad Boy s

Port City Punks (December 2, 1973 - Ken Highland: vocals, guitar; Bill Rowe: bass) doing 4. Jammin’ At The Harvester [Highland]

Bloody Night (December 16, 1973 - Ken Highland: vocals, guitar, harmonica; Chuck Barney: lead guitar; Bill Rowe: bass, drums) doing 5. Man Killer, 6. Speed Kills, 7. Kiss Of The Rat, 8. Loose Goose

It's on Bandcamp folks...go get it!

Here's some good shows coming up .....

OVLOVMay 6, 2024 (Monday) Viraya, Bsmnt Bdrm, Dear Maryanne at The Silhouette

May 7, 2024 (Tuesday) Mercy Ruin, Yawn Mower, Voided Shape at Notch Brewing Brighton

May 8, 2024 (Wednesday) Autumn Astronauts, The Better End, Makeshift Kings at The Silhouette

May 9, 2024 (Thursday) Today Junior, Blame Shifters (LP Release!), Cheer Camp - at Deep Cuts, Medford.

May 11, 2024 (Saturday) Somerville Porch Fest!!! PF website

12-2 - Stop Calling Me Frank, The Haymakers, Shaggahs (88 Bay State Ave)

2-4 - Baabes (18 Charwood St, just outside of Davis Sq), Lucretia's Daggers (652 Somerville Ave), The Darlings (88 Boston Ave)

4-6 - Linnea's Garden and Happy Little Clouds (32 Stone Ave Union Sq), Crow Follow (21 Aldersey St just outside of Union Sq), Black Souls (33 Adrian St), Bird Language & Ruin The Nite (Vera's Union Sq), Galaxy Cake (5-6PM 25 Willoughby St)

May 11, 2024 (Saturday) Captain Easychord, Motel Chicago, Mike Weindenfeller, The Never Ends at The Jungle for a 4PM early show.

May 11, 2024 (Saturday) Anti-Fascist Vol 2- with Actor|Observer, Jealous Mind, Pretty Ugly, and others at Sammy's Patio - FB page.

MidwayMay 11, 2024 (Saturday) Johnny Plankton & TSMS, Hands Of Spite, FastTracks, Richard Mirsky & A.M.P at The Midway for a 3PM matinee

May 11, 2024 (Saturday) Alfred Be Loud and Acrylic Killers at Barrel House Z, Weymouth. Advance tickets here

May 13, 2024 (Monday) Solvent C, Captain Vampire, Cats On Film at The Silhouette

May 14, 2024 (Tuesday) Blame It On Whitman, Jude Ivy, Tatooine Punk Scene at Notch Brewing Brighton- music at 10PM FREE

May 14, 2024 (Tuesday) Swans at The Paradise

May 15, 2024 (Wednesday) Billy Liar, Loser's Circle, Jeff Rowe at Faces in Malden

May 16, 2024 (Thursday) The Dead Boys, Nervous Eaters, The Plimsouls at Sonia this is a 7PM show.

May 16, 2024 (Thursday) Helmet and Cro-Mags at The Middle East All Ages 6PM doors. FB page

May 17, 2024 (Friday) Worshipper, Sundrifter, Earthlore at Koto Salem

May 17, 2024 (Friday) Jon Snodgrass (Armchair Martian/Drag The River) Rad Owl, Matt Charette & the Truer Sound, The Shang Hi-Los at Faces Malden

SpaklesMay 18, 2024 (Saturday) DnA's Evolution, Trading Tombstones. The Spackles, The Mighty Suicide Squirrels at The Midway for a 3 PM matinee

May 18, 2024 (Saturday) Joan Jett covers night with Andrea Gillis & Friends, CE Skidmore & Friends, Brooke Feinberg & Friends At faces malden

May 20, 2024 (Monday) Kali Masi, Latewaves, Michael Kane & The Morning Afters, High & Dry at O'Brien's

May 25, 2024 (Saturday) Mach Bell Experience (MBE), David Hull and the Dirty Angels. Magic Room, Norwood MA

May 28, 2024 (Tuesday) Thrust Club, Phantom Ocean, Honey Cassette at Notch Brewing Brighton

May 29, 2024 (Wednesday) War Machine, Marcy the Baptist, Video Days, Humbug at The Silhouette

May 31, 2024 (Friday) Wreckless Wreck Chords Presents Memorial Day Bash With WORM, Working Poor USA, Kermitsfinger, HagglersBoston, Scumbari at The C Note - 7:30PM door- FB event page

June 1, 2024 (Saturday) Plymouth Punk Rock Market - Noon- 5PM - FB page

June 1, 2024 (Saturday) Ask Me About My Dumb Band! Volume 1 (a compilation of (mostly) Boston bands) cassette release show with Sapling, Orca Bones, Battlemode, The Jacklights and Double Star at The Midway- this is a 3PM Matinee. FB event page

Dead BoysJune 1, 2024 (Saturday) The Wynotts, The Black Cheers, Spillers, Fur Coat Judy at New World Tavern Plymouth. FB page

June 3, 2024 (Saturday) Subhumans, FEA, Drop Dead at Alchemy in Provi RI - FB page.

June 4, 2024 (Tuesday) The Subhumans, FEA at The Middle East Down - 6PM show

June 8, 2024 (Saturday) RON VOYAGE! Ron will be playing his final Chelsea Curve show before departing for distant shores! Give Ron a proper send-off with Stars Like Ours, Duck & Cover, State Of The Union, and DJ Sherman. It's a matinee at Midway Cafe from 3:00-7:15! FB event page.
Joining us to !

June 8, 2024 (Saturday) Tiger Bomb, Galaxy Cake, Clean Girl & The Dirty Dishes at Marshall Wharf Brewing in Belfast, ME - FB page.

June 9, 2024 (Sunday) this date is now the Band 19 Reunion show (also with The Dogmatics, Martin, Morrel & Fredette, Spiller and Roger Oliver) at The Magic Room, Norwood

June 14, 2024 (Friday) The Cherry Fog, The Double Takes, Wildfeuer, Force Us To Stop at The Union Tavern Union Sq Somerville

June 14, 2024 (Friday) Linnea's Garden, Ruby Grove, Cindy Lawson, Lovewhip at The Jungle

Nuggets liveJune 14, 2024 (Friday) Cold Expectations, Speedfossil (CD release show!), Bikini Whale at Faces, Malden

June 14, 2024 (Friday) Jason Bennett and The Resistance, Als Highway 50, Nick and the Adversaries at The Middle East Up TIX

June 15, 2024 (Saturday) Good June, Impossible Dog, Tatooine Punk Scene, Professor Caffeine & The Insec at The Jungle

June 15, 2024 (Saturday) Dogmatics, Cindy Lawson, Girl With A Hawk at The Square Root - FB page

June 29, 2024 (Saturday) TREE is at the Brighton Music Hall for an all ages early show at 6PM. TIX

June 29, 2024 (Saturday) The Lowell Summer Music Series has Buffalo Tom playing Boarding House Park: 40 French St., on June 29. Tickets

July 13, 2024 (Saturday) The Fleshtones, Cal's Conspiracy, Tiger Bomb at The Magic Room, Norwood FB event page

July 13, 2024 (Saturday) Bim Skala Bim 40th Anniversary Show with Void Union, Duppy Conquerors, Some Ska Band, and Brunt of It -8:00 PM | Crystal Ballroom at Somerville Theatre. Two shows! Special guests, FB page.

Punk in BrocktonAugust 9, 2024 (Friday) Barrence Whitfield & Sal Baglio’s Giant Rocket Roll Show! at The Bull Run in Shirley - FB page.

September 6, 2024 (Friday) Sharp Class, Muck and the Mires, The Chelsea Curve at The Burren - FB page

September 8, 2024 (Sunday) The Somerville Rock And Roll Yard Sale is in Union Square Somerville

September 8, 2024 (Sunday) The Lowell Summer Music Series has Belly playing Boarding House Park: 40 French St., Tickets

CONTACT US Send us your gig listings, your anything else you've got!! You want your CD reviewed?? Contact us for that too.


Crash Course for the Ravers


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