The BGN News Archive
May 11, 2015

The Meatmen
We hit the ME Up midweek with the Meatmen. Miss Lyn saw
then last swing around at the Middle East Down. That was 2008, and WTF?
seems like now there's less of an audience. The human talk machine called Tesco
Vee remarked about it too commenting: "Remember when we filled the Channel
in the 80's? Now we end up in this janitor's closet at the Middle East." We
can add that it wasn't sold out either. We're not complaining we got a good
bill with exciting bands and it was only $10.00.

The Humanoids
We caught some of the Humanoids. They were rocking
metal-wise and with style. Joanie Lindstrom was up front soaking it in.
We'll catch a full set at some point. Lots of people mention that they like
these guys. Eric Law crops up and tells us that the next group Against
the Grain has been doing well on this tour. It seems like Eric is following
the Meatmen tour for a week. Earlier that day he brought Tesco Vee and
company to Weirdo Records where they are having a 75% off sale. They
all bought massive amounts of CD's. According to Eric, Tesco is a collector…music,
robot dolls, old toys etc. Tesco's most recent score was a King Kong doll that
he got for $800.00. He's serious!

Against the Grain
Against the Grain bursts on stage full of energy, they play the set
almost without stopping at all. It's song after song of shredding and riffing.
It seems like an endless cascade. This is a group who know how to give momentum
to a set. Amidst the fret board gymnastics they plant some rapid tandem leads
and the injection of harmony and melody is like a patch of blue sky. They have
a fun attitude along with the tattoos and abundant hair. The whole set is very
entertaining and contributes to the upbeat night.

The Meatmen
Now The Meatmen, what can you say? They've been doing it for years and
it has been the same fun filled show with small variations. While waiting for
the band to get on the stage we spied a four foot long paper list attached to
the amp, we joked that maybe that was the set list...we got up close to see
and it was! They play a lot of short songs, that's what they do......along with
the joking and the costume changes.

The Meatmen
Tesco says he hates religion, politicians,
Morrissey, Danzig, the Dwarves and you. He used to be a kid bitching about it
all now he'll be 60 in August so does that make him a curmudgeon? He still talks
about sex like an adolescent, maybe he's changed (maybe not) but the songs are
the same. It's Tooling for Anus, Jerkin' Off, Pope on a Rope, I'm Going to
Fuck You Up, Dwarves, Morrissey Must Die and much more. Visuals included
porn mags, light up Devil horns, Pope hat, horse head, plastic penis drinking
bottle, double dong dildo and six foot SPAMJAVELIN that spurted glitter. There
was a section of people moshing. A few were taking advantage of the sparser
crowd and ricocheting across a wide floor space. Miss Lyn almost got pulled
in to the mix, we had to move way back but that's punk rock. We were laughing
the whole time. The music was good. I loved the Morrissey Must Die song
and all the old favorites although they didn't play War of the Superbikes
and that was on that long set list too.

Lenny Lashley
Saturday night was the third annual JOEFEST; a remembrance for Joe
Coughlin whose spirit lives on especially at the Midway where he
was a habituate. Joe was always joking about everything and they joked about
Joe being dead a few times during the night. Joe would have approved. We walked
in as Lenny Lashley was just getting off. He was doing his Army of

Stump The Undertaker with Paul of MOTO helping out
Then Roy Sludge did his Stump The Undertaker.
He started by playing Muskrat Love and doubling down on the schmaltz
which was only possible with the help of his Schmaltzmaster Casio. It was like
a cold shower - it felt good when it was over. This is what Sludge is aiming
for of course. His idea of a sing-along is Fear's I Hate Living in
the City. New Cape Cod is the reality check to Old Cape Cod.
The set goes deep into enemy territory with Who
Stole the Kishka . Paul from MOTO joined Roy for a
MOTO song called (You Need) A Knee to the Groin. It was lots of laughs
and just the sort of thing Joe loved to hear.
Lots of familiar faces were around including Terry
Brenner who has come through one hell of a bad patch.

Johnny and the Jumper Cables
Johnny and the Jumper Cables reunited for the night.
The Jumper Cables were one of a plethora (I know...just go with it) of groups
Kenne Highland has fronted through the years and maybe the rockingest.
And that's what they did, just full on, no bullshit rocking out. They threw
out the covers at the beginning; MC 5, Stooges, Dead Boys and Blue
Oyster Cult. Johnny Black proved again that we are missing a lot
without him having a steady gig. It's ridiculous to be able to play like that
and not be doing it. He's got great tone and knows all the ins and outs of tons
of material.; couple that with Carl Biancucci's bass playing where he
knows every trick in the book, Tom Bull on drums who is sharp and energetic
and it's a combo that can't fail.

Kenne Highland
Meanwhile Kenne was in the best rock form I've seen him in a while. He was
looking good and sounding good. Now he not only sounds like Rocky Ericson
as they did Two Headed Dog but looks like Rocky too. He's got lots of
funny stories, they are populated by people who he ID's as 'alive' or 'dead'
. Most are dead which is sobering. They get to the Jumper Cable material which
is only three singles, but memorable ones: Landmine, I Get Nervous, Death
Squad of the Mind, and the song that could be a Meatmen song - Kielbasa.
They are all on Stanton Park - give them a look (you
can do that here) That was one cool reunion.

Photo shrine for Joe Coughlin
Joe Coughlin would have loved the night. We did think
of him during the sets and of others. It's been a long time since we began in
1975; we rock on but with a sense of history these days. (In
And in other news -
Andrew Szava-Kovats has trailer #7 of The Women Who Rocked Boston
out now....this one features Girls Night Out. See
it here.
For those of you who still haven't gotten your hands on Johnny Angel's book
Looking for Lady Dee...Read our Q
& A with Johnny Angel ....and order the book, links are provided....also
for your reading pleasure here's our 1979
Thrills Interview.
The Monsieurs are going on a short tour of Europe. Much the their surprise
they are very popular in Germany.
So with that are some shows that are happening this week....
May 13 (Thursday)
Bowery Boston & League of Ordinary Gentlemen Comic Book Podcast present:
Agent Orange with In The Whale and The Silver Screams
at great Scott's (FB
event page)
May 14 (Thursday) John Cooper Clarke
is performing at Berklee!! At the David Friend Recital Hall (921 Boylston Street)
Click the link
to read more about JCC and to buy tickets.
May 15 (Friday) How awesome is this? Punk
Rock Karaoke Featuring: Greg Hetson (Bad Religion, Circle Jerks), Stan Lee (The
Dickies), Steve Soto (Agent Orange) Derek O'Brien (Social Distortion, D.I.,
Agent Orange) and here's how they are working it: "we have sign up
sheet at the venue. Pick your song, we give you lyrics. When your song is called,
come up and join the band! We hand pick our favorites from 1983 back to when
dinosaurs pogo'ed along side with the punkers." so you get to watch the
show AND get up on stage with these guys if you want to!! (FB
event page) (Buy
tix here)
May 15 (Friday) an awesome hardcore show
at The Democracy Center, Mt. Auburn St Cambridge, with The Boston
Strangler, The Flex (on tour
from the UK), Red Death
(DC Hardcore), Leather Daddy and Preskool Dropouts. FB
May 15 (Friday) 10th
Annual HoZavc Blackout Fest at the Empty Bottle in Chicago with
The Real Kids, (they have this description listed: "Legendary 70s
Boston Punk/Power Pop band featuring John Felice from the original lineup of
the Modern Lovers" also on the bill are Cozy, Platinum Boys and
May 15 (Friday) In Provi at Dusk
- Thee Fabulous Itchies, The J Band (an X tribute band) and Greg Allen's
Fringe Religion. (FB
event page)
May 16 (Saturday) A Crash Course for
the Ravers WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has The Black Cheers!! cool!
May 16 (Saturday) Also don't forget it's
Somerville Porch Fest is al day this day...check out the
site and a list of bands and maps here. Litehouse (& the Black Souls
doing a short set) at 9 Morgan Street, Guns of Brighton are at 62 Elm St. #2,
Tigerman Woah and friends are at 28 Alpine Street and the list goes on.
May 16 (Saturday) Hixx are at Club
Bohemia at The Cantab
May 16 (Saturday) The Evil Streaks,
The Downbeat 5, The Reverb Syndicate (from Ottawa) and The Radiator Rattlers
are at OBrien's
May 16 (Saturday) it's Musical Madness
in the Merry Month of May as Tiger Bomb rip it up & tear it to shreds
and Bates Motel drives you psycho with excitement at Bayside Bowl
in Portland ME!! (FB
And coming
up after this week we have.......
May 22 (Friday)
The Brigands and The
Black Souls are at the Tavern at the End of the World.
FB event page
May 23 (Saturday)
A Crach Course for the Ravers on WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has Richie Parsons
as a guest today!! Listen in!
May 23 (Saturday)
The I Want You (punchy pop-rock) and The Sharp Shadows (powerpop/punk
from NYC) are at STORE 54 (This is a Bob Colby Presents show).
In addition, you can contribute to a unique "crowdsourced" video shoot
for an upcoming video from The I Want You - just bring your phone or pocket-sized
video camera. So come on down and join the party (and bring your own beverages
- but no food, please). While you're at it, sign up for the BCP mailing list
at (link is case-sensitive) and be in the know with
our future plans!
May 23 (Saturday)
Memphis Rockabilly Band is at The Amvets in Randolph and it is a FREE
show from 8:30PM to Midnight
(AMVETS Post 51 9 Amvets Lane off Pleasant St., Randolph, MA) Cheap drinks!
Big dance floor. Swing dance, slow dance, twist and stroll! Pizza and more.
Lots of free parking.
May 23 (Saturday)
There are TWO Disturbing the Peace shows at Middle East Up this day:
Matinee Show (doors 1PM) : Chestnut's 40th Birthday Bash!!! with Stray Bullets,
Slitstitch, A Minor Revolution, The Black Cheers, and Orphan Killbot.
Then an early evening show (Doors at 7) with NOTOX, Yo!Scunt, Neighborhood
May 24(Sunday)
at TT's there's a midday most awesome show...Mike's
Monster Guitars Two Year Birthday Bash and this is also a benefit for
the MSPCA!! On the roster are The Dogmatics (5:45 ), Triple Thick
(5:00 ), The Worried (4:15 ), Andy California (3:30), Axemunkee
(2:45 ), Pioneer Valley Pioneers (2:00 ) and Hambone Skinny
starts off the show at 1:15.
May 24(Sunday)
Cranktones are at Atwood's with DJ Easy Ed setting the
May 28 (Thursday)
OK it's officially summer when Cal Cali gigs start popping up around town! The
Cal Cali Band and Randy Black & the Heathcroppers are at Sally
O'Briens in Union Sq Somerville.
May 30 (Saturday)
A Crash Course for the Ravers WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has The Forz today
plus great music and stuff.
May 30 (Saturday)
Reddy Teddy are at the Rhumbline up in Gloucester.
&May 31 (Sunday)
Roy Sludge Trio is at State Park in Kendall Sq- this is a evening
&June 4 (Thursday)
Motobunny, The Charms, Watts and Greg Allen's Fringe Religion
are at TT's.
June 6 (Saturday)
Fox Pass is at Club Bohemia at The Cantab.
June 6 (Saturday)
Muck and The Mires, The Forz and The Woggles are at The
Middle East. Doors are at 7pm- its an early evening show - and its $10 at
the door! FB Event
tix here
June 13 (Saturday)
Taxi Driver, Honest John, The Pink Parts and SPO are at The Middle
east Up and this is an early evening show starting at 6PM. $10.
June 13 (Saturday)
at The Midway - The Kurt Baker Band (from Barcelona - 1
of only 2 US appearances), Jay Allen and The Archcriminals, The Connection
and Kris Rodgers and The Dirty now that's a great show!! (FB
event page)
June 18 (Thurs
day) Vivi'D Presents : GBH along with Total Chaos,
The Welch Boys and Urban Waste at The Middle East down. GBH
ruled when they played the ME Down last year!!! (Check out our review b)
June 19 & 20 (Friday
& Saturday) it's the Girls in the Garage Music Fest
with you guessed it bands with females in them, all at the Lizard Lounge!!
For both nights doors are at 7, Music starts at 8PM Check
the FB page for set times and to (eventually) buy tix. Check out the particulars
below, that's a whole lot of amazing bands!!!
June 19 (Friday)
Stars Like Ours (feat. Michelle Paulhus and Kristen Edmonston),
The Black Souls (feat. the fabulous Kim Ackland!), The Charms,
Petty Morals, The Evil Streaks and The Dents
June 19 (Friday)
Gymnasium, The Titanics and
Devil On Horseback are at The Midway
&June 20 (Saturday)
Cujo, Drab, Axemunkee, Andrea Gillis Band, The Downbeat 5 and The
Other Girls
June 20 (Saturday)
Bob Colby teams eclectic multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter Audrey
Ryan with Thick
Wild (his favorite discovery of last year) at Store 54.
June 20 (Saturday)
Rockabilly original Sleepy La Beef played a few punk clubs back in the
day. Hes turning 80 and having a birthday party gig at Johnny Ds
, also on the bill are Roy Sludge, Andrea Gillis and Marc Panasky along
with DJ Easy Ed spinning discs and setting the mood for the celebratory
evening. Check
it out and buy tix here. Music starts at 7:30 folks!
June 20 (Saturday)
You folks in RI check out this show!: The Monsieurs (12), Thee Itchies (at 11PM)
Party Pigs (10 PM) and The Neutrinos (9:30) at Dusk in Provi. (FB
event page)
June 24 (Wednesday)
The Adolescents and The Weirdos with Laughing Stock
are at The Brighton Music Hall.
July 11 (Saturday) Mudhoney along with
White Dynomite will be at The Brighton Music Hall
July 11 (Saturday) it's official The
Gizmos (and a TON of other bands) are playing Mutant Fest II
at the Blockhouse in Bloomington IN. FB
event page
July 17 (Friday) at Club Bohemia
- Greg Allen's Fringe Religion, Caged Heat, The Rusty Bucket Band and
the Black Souls.
July 18 (Saturday) Mission of Burma
opens for The Foo Fighters and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones at
Fenway Park
July 22 (Wednesday) Jaz Coleman
founding member of Killing Joke is doing a Spoken Word performance at
The Middle East Down. its al about his new book: "Letters from Cythera".
Jaz will delve into his many experiences that have influenced his philosophical
outlook on life and also discuss, Supersynthesis, a principle which has facilitated
his many accomplishments including acting, conducting, singing, composing, geometry,
architecture, and occult history. Tix
available here. This one will be different, there's seating and VIP seating
tix for this show.
July 26 (Sunday) Screeching Weasel,
plus The Queers and The Mr. T. Experience are at The Royale.
You can
get tix here. This is a 6PM show!!
August 3 & 4 (Monday and Tuesday) Darkbuster
returns!! at The Sinclair. Get
your tix here but act fast friends!!
August 3 (Monday) Tsunami of Sound
and The Vista Cruisers are at Opus Underground, Salem.
August 6-8 (Thursday - Saturday) Boston
Fuzzstival 2015 is at The Middle East Down. The Fuzztival highlights
"the best bands in the region that make psychedelic/fuzz/garage/surf rock"
and its goal is "to build bridges within the local music community."
Stay tuned for the lineup and more info keep checking their FB
August 8 (Saturday) - Head over to Store
54 to help Bob Colby celebrate his birthday (two days early) with
The Rationales and My Own Worst Enemy!
August 22 (Saturday) Memphis Rockabilly
Band is at the Marshfield Fair. check
out the particulars here
and of course The New England Shake-Up! September
25,26,27 2015! Keep yourself updated at their
FB page
CONTACT US AT…….misslynbgn @ yahoo.con Send us your gig listings, your news
and anything else ya got!!
Terry Brenner and John Keegan at Joefest
Johnny and the Jumper Cables
Against the Grain