The BGN News Archive
May 18, 2015

The Monsieurs
Have you seen The Monsieurs? Its time if you havent. This
is an act that could be legendary.
We first saw
them at Radio and then recently
at The Midway.
Blowfish saw them again on Sunday at the Middle East Up: There were about 40
people there. Chris and Mr. B who initially told me about them showed
up. John Doherty who has been on to them from the beginning was there
also along with Mitch and Henry from Triple Thick.
Hilken Mancini and Erin King had white shirts
with OUI and NON placed on alternate breasts. They lay down their signature
swirl of sound; simple beats and raspy distorted guitar sometimes with short
riffs. Andy Mc Bain gets in a confrontational stance and snarls out the
lyrics. Now the first couple of songs if sung and played straight ahead would
almost be bubble gum music with la la las and an almost jaunty feel but
straight ahead has nothing to do with The Monsieurs. Andy sneers as he snarls
the lyrics. He seems to be accusing you of something or hes mad at you
for something. Soon hes off the stage and singing into a guy and bumping
him back
and back
and back and then surprise - the guy hugs Andy and
starts singing too. Then Andys on the ground, then falling into people,
then singing loudly two inches from a womans face.

The Monsieurs
This audience is a great one. They get it. Soon a few start
to sort of pogo and others join in. The last song Kerri Ann (Video
by John Doherty) is a long one and everyone is dancing and swaying with
it. Andy is all over the floor on this while funneling everything hes
got into the heartbreak lyrics.
I dont know whether I was happier to hear the group
or to be at the gig to see a receptive audience like that. We Boston punkers
can be a bunch of stifferinos, not moving never mind dancing, but this
night was different. The Monsieurs turned the Middle East up
into a house party.
That was a fun gig.

Alkaline Trio at Brighton Music Hall
The Alkaline Trio surprised a lot of people by selling
out four nights at the Brighton Music Hall. I got hooked on
their emotional punk pop a while ago and grabbed tickets months ago for the
first night. They were playing whole CDs in their sets. I dont care
about any individual CD. For me its a combination of the emotion in the
singing and the songwriting that threads through all the CD's.
This is not news- but the BMH is uncomfortable
when its full. It gets hot, has zero seats and people bump into each other
as they move around looking for a good spot. It was all that on Wednesday. The
openers Jeff Rosenstock were pleasant but nothing that made
much of an impression on me.
As the Alkaline Trio went through their
set the crowd got more and more into it. There was the occasional moshing going
on but more than that is was a group sing-along with hands pumping in the air
for emphasis.
I felt left out because I wasnt hearing what I wanted. I didnt
get the emotional tug from the vocals. I wanted to be swept away and that didnt
happen. I dont know specifically why. Other people reporting on the concerts
are praising them. I thought they were good but to get the fix I want I have
to go back to the recordings.

John Cooper Clarke Photo: Miss Lyn
The next day on Thursday we headed to 921 Boylston St for
a small theatre style room run by Berklee where we caught
John Cooper Clarke. We have been
posting this gig for weeks figuring people would be interested in the Punk Poet
who got lots of attention back in the day but there were only 40 people tops
there, and only three people we knew: Eric Law, Betsy Sherman and Betsy's
brother Paul Sherman. We think he should be filling up the main Berklee
Hall but I guess thats crazy talk, we just don't get it.
Clarkes later fame comes from his poem Evidently
Chickentown which was heard on a Sopranos episode. (Hear
it here at the 1:45 mark). The Arctic Monkeys made a song
out of is poem I Wanna Be Yours. Heres
Clarke talking about it - He talks about the poem and recites
it at the end.
On stage JCC is absolutely hilarious as well as amazingly
personable and down to earth. He recited old and new poems, the new material
being just as pointed as the older faves. He also did a section on Haikus and
one on Limericks. It was a mind tingling time. The accent coupled with the rapid
fire delivery was ultra-appealing and the lyric twists would constantly tweak
your synapse.
Now we have to mention his outfit and the way he looks! Coolest
of cool with his big dark glasses, stick thin body and skin tight clothes, pink
suede ankle boots and black mess of hair. I didn't want it to end.
I wanted to hang out with him, go to dinner after the show, hear more jokes
and stories. But all good things come to an end and the show was over and an
fabulous show it was!!

Punk Rock Karaoke
Miss Lyn loved the idea of Punk Rock Karaoke at the
Church on Friday. Performing the songs was a group of members of famous
punk groups play the tunes and YOU sing them. Group members were : Greg Hetson
(Bad Religion, Circle Jerks), Stan Lee (The Dickies), Steve Soto (Agent Orange.
Adolescents) and Derek O'Brien (Social Distortion, D.I., Agent Orange).
It was a hoot to see the wannabes getting up there with a variety of ability.
Its funny when they cant sing and its exciting when someone
can nail the tune. But it was also great to see the appreciation the members
of the audience had for their heroes. A couple of people hugged Steve
Soto. There were lots of handshakes and thank you's. What a great idea!
This is ripe for some locals to do. Maybe they have done it at those Misfits
nights they had a while back?

Broken Stereo
The openers were called Broken Stereo whose last song
was Im
From Boston, Fuck You sung like an anthem; could be someones
theme song.
Again, not a lot of people there; not even a half full club.
And in other news -
As you well know by now TT's will be closing in July. That's some sad
sad news. Bonny Bouley and Kevin Patey are keeping quiet for now,
we are all waiting to hear what they will say about this. Vanyaland brke the
story earlier this week. Here's
the article. It was also covered in
the Boston Globe.
Thunder Road which used to be the beloved Radio has a few half
decent shows coming up...maybe things'll start percolatin' there.
I've been ranting about the Damned doc coming to Boston and it finally
IS!!! July 31 at The Regent Theater!!! YAY! (see listing below)
Vanyaland is two years old. Rising from the ashes of the Phoenix
Vanyaland has been getting a higher profile as it goes
on. They seem to get the big club stories early. Its nice to see this
success happening. Happy Birthday Vanyaland!
So with that are some shows that are happening this week....
May 22 (Friday)
The Brigands and The
Black Souls (that's Kim Ackland and Cam Ackland with band) are
at the Tavern at the End of the World.
FB event page
May 23 (Saturday)
A Crash Course for the Ravers on WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has Richie Parsons
as a guest today!! Listen in!
May 23 (Saturday)
The I Want You (punchy pop-rock) and The Sharp Shadows (powerpop/punk
from NYC) are at STORE 54 (This is a Bob Colby Presents show).
In addition, you can contribute to a unique "crowdsourced" video shoot
for an upcoming video from The I Want You - just bring your phone or pocket-sized
video camera. So come on down and join the party (and bring your own beverages
- but no food, please). While you're at it, sign up for the BCP mailing list
at (link is case-sensitive) and be in the know with
our future plans!
May 23 (Saturday)
Memphis Rockabilly Band is at The Amvets in Randolph and it is a FREE
show from 8:30PM to Midnight
(AMVETS Post 51 9 Amvets Lane off Pleasant St., Randolph, MA) Cheap drinks!
Big dance floor. Swing dance, slow dance, twist and stroll! Pizza and more.
Lots of free parking.
May 23 (Saturday)
There are TWO Disturbing the Peace shows at Middle East Up this day:
Matinee Show (doors 1PM) : Chestnut's 40th Birthday Bash!!! with Stray Bullets,
Slitstitch, A Minor Revolution, The Black Cheers, and Orphan Killbot.
Then an early evening show (Doors at 7) with NOTOX, Yo!Scunt, Neighborhood
May 24(Sunday)
at TT's there's a midday most awesome show...Mike's
Monster Guitars Two Year Birthday Bash and this is also a benefit for
the MSPCA!! On the roster are The Dogmatics (5:45 ), Triple Thick
(5:00 ), The Worried (4:15 ), Andy California (3:30), Axemunkee
(2:45 ), Pioneer Valley Pioneers (2:00 ) and Hambone Skinny
starts off the show at 1:15.
May 24(Sunday)
Cranktones are at Atwood's with DJ Easy Ed setting the
And coming
up after this week we have.......
May 28 (Thursday)
OK it's officially summer when Cal Cali gigs start popping up around town! The
Cal Cali Band and Randy Black & the Heathcroppers are at Sally
O'Briens in Union Sq Somerville.
May 28 (Thursday)
Butterscott is having a CD Release Show With special guests Viva
Gina, My Own Worst Enemy and Mick Mondo at Cuisine en Locale . Doors
are at 7, music actually starts at 8PM!!
May 30 (Saturday)
A Crash Course for the Ravers WMFO 95.1 1-4PM has The Forz today
plus great music and stuff.
May 30 (Saturday)
LOVE LOVE celebrates the release of their debut album (recorded
at Q Division Studios and Squid Hell) with special guests Tanya Donelly,
The Needy Sons (with Bill Janovitz) and Jenny Dee & The
Deelinquents at the Lizard Lounge. Music actually starts at 8:30. (FB
event page)
May 30 (Saturday)
Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys, Zip-Tie Handcuffs, Weird
Womb, Cask Mouse and DJ Panda are at Great Scott's
May 30 (Saturday)
Mars, Horse Mode and Sue's Guitar are at the Greek American
Club in Union Sq Somerville
May 30 (Saturday)
Reddy Teddy are at the Rhumbline up in Gloucester.
May 31 (Sunday)
Roy Sludge Trio is at State Park in Kendall Sq- this is a evening
May 31 (Sunday)
Wow Peter Greenberg is joining our pal Max Demata and his band
Sonic Daze at the Pelican Pub in Bari, Italy! That is SO cool!!
June 4 (Thursday)
Motobunny, The Charms, Watts and Greg Allen's Fringe Religion
are at TT's. Enjoy the TT's shows while you can!!
June 6 (Saturday)
Fox Pass is at Club Bohemia at The Cantab.
June 6 (Saturday)
At Tavern at the End of the World you can get MOTO, Fireking and
Even Twice.
June 6 (Saturday)
Muck and The Mires, The Forz and The Woggles are at The
Middle East. Doors are at 7pm- its an early evening show - and its $10 at
the door! FB Event
tix here
June 7 (Sunday)
The Wrong Chaneys In Residency Night #1 with special guests The Knock
Ups, Night Slice at the Midway
June 13 (Saturday)
Taxi Driver, Honest John, The Pink Parts and SPO are at The Middle
east Up and this is an early evening show starting at 6PM. $10.
June 13 (Saturday)
at The Midway - The Kurt Baker Band (from Barcelona - 1
of only 2 US appearances), Jay Allen and The Archcriminals, The Connection
and Kris Rodgers and The Dirty now that's a great show!! (FB
event page)
June 18 (Thurs
day) Vivi'D Presents : GBH along with Total Chaos,
The Welch Boys and Urban Waste at The Middle East down. GBH
ruled when they played the ME Down last year!!! (Check out our review b)
June 19 & 20 (Friday
& Saturday) it's the Girls in the Garage Music Fest
with you guessed it bands with females in them, all at the Lizard Lounge!!
For both nights doors are at 7, Music starts at 8PM Check
the FB page for set times and to (eventually) buy tix. Check out the particulars
below, that's a whole lot of amazing bands!!!
June 19 (Friday)
Stars Like Ours (feat. Michelle Paulhus and Kristen Edmonston),
The Black Souls (feat. the fabulous Kim Ackland!), The Charms,
Petty Morals, The Evil Streaks and The Dents
June 19 (Friday)
Gymnasium, The Titanics and
Devil On Horseback are at The Midway
June 20 (Saturday)
Cujo, Drab, Axemunkee, Andrea Gillis Band, The Downbeat 5 and The
Other Girls
June 20 (Saturday)
Bob Colby teams eclectic multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter Audrey
Ryan with Thick
Wild (his favorite discovery of last year) at Store 54.
June 20 (Saturday)
Rockabilly original Sleepy La Beef played a few punk clubs back in the
day. Hes turning 80 and having a birthday party gig at Johnny Ds
, also on the bill are Roy Sludge, Andrea Gillis and Marc Panasky along
with DJ Easy Ed spinning discs and setting the mood for the celebratory
evening. Check
it out and buy tix here. Music starts at 7:30 folks!
June 20 (Saturday)
The Knock Ups, Thalia Zedek Band, plume and Andrew Scandal are
at The Midway (a night show)
June 20 (Saturday)
You folks in RI check out this show!: The Monsieurs (12), Thee Itchies (at 11PM)
Party Pigs (10 PM) and The Neutrinos (9:30) at Dusk in Provi. (FB
event page)
June 24 (Wednesday)
The Adolescents and The Weirdos with Laughing Stock
are at The Brighton Music Hall.
June 27 (Saturday)
It's a Spectacular Birthday party at Cuisine en Locale for GRCB-
Girls Rock Campaing Boston. It's their 5th Birthday and they are doing
it up in style with an ALL AGES carnival themed party 6-10PM --Birthday Cake
(a real one!), Carnival Games & Creative Activities, Trivia and Raffles,
Temporary Tattoo Station, Photo Booth, DJ SIT N SPIN dance party, Local female
rock celebrities playing covers of GRCB band's original songs and tons more
cool stuff. Here the
FB page so you can stay up to date an all the happenings.
July 5 (Sunday) Caged Heat (yup
with Chilly Kurstz, they're back!) , Greg Allen's Fringe Religion,
The Low Babies and Lady Pilot are at The Midway. This is an afternoon
show at 4PM! Here's a recent
interview with Chilly on Blowing Smoke.
July 11 (Saturday) Mudhoney along with
White Dynomite will be at The Brighton Music Hall
July 11 (Saturday) it's official The
Gizmos (and a TON of other bands) are playing Mutant Fest II
at the Blockhouse in Bloomington IN. FB
event page
July 14 (Tuesday) - WHAT a great show this
will be The Rezillos with Petty Morals and Casanovas in Heat
at Johnny D's. And the Rezillos have a new full length CD out. There
will be a CD and a limited edition vinyl album available at the shows !! Get
tix here.
July 17 (Friday) at Club Bohemia
- Greg Allen's Fringe Religion, Caged Heat, and the Black Souls.
July 18 (Saturday) Mission of Burma
opens for The Foo Fighters and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones at
Fenway Park
July 22 (Wednesday) Jaz Coleman
founding member of Killing Joke is doing a Spoken Word performance at
The Middle East Down. its al about his new book: "Letters from Cythera".
Jaz will delve into his many experiences that have influenced his philosophical
outlook on life and also discuss, Supersynthesis, a principle which has facilitated
his many accomplishments including acting, conducting, singing, composing, geometry,
architecture, and occult history. Tix
available here. This one will be different, there's seating and VIP seating
tix for this show.
July 26 (Sunday) Screeching Weasel,
plus The Queers and The Mr. T. Experience are at The Royale.
You can
get tix here. This is a 6PM show!!
July 31 (Friday) THE DAMNED: Dont
You Wish That We Were Dead documentary is FINALLY playing in Boston!!
It's at the Regent Theater at 7:30. You can buy
tix here. Watch the
trailer here.
August 3 & 4 (Monday and Tuesday) Darkbuster
returns!! at The Sinclair. Get
your tix here but act fast friends!!
August 3 (Monday) Tsunami of Sound
and The Vista Cruisers are at Opus Underground, Salem.
August 6-8 (Thursday - Saturday) Boston
Fuzzstival 2015 is at The Middle East Down. The Fuzztival highlights
"the best bands in the region that make psychedelic/fuzz/garage/surf rock"
and its goal is "to build bridges within the local music community."
Stay tuned for the lineup and more info keep checking their FB
August 8 (Saturday) - Head over to Store
54 to help Bob Colby celebrate his birthday (two days early) with
The Rationales and My Own Worst Enemy!
August 22 (Saturday) Memphis Rockabilly
Band is at the Marshfield Fair. check
out the particulars here
and of course The New England Shake-Up! September
25,26,27 2015! Keep yourself updated at their
FB page
CONTACT US AT…….misslynbgn @ yahoo.con Send us your gig listings, your news
and anything else ya got!!
Punk Rock Karaoke
Punk Rock Karaoke
Punk Rock Karaoke