The BGN News Archive
August 11, 2008
 Pinkerton Thugs |
 Death in Taxes |
Ah finally!...another weekend of going out for the BGN!!....
Friday night I went to Harper's Ferry to see Eddie and The Hot Rods,
also on the bill, who I saw, were Death & Taxesd and The Pinkerton Thugs.
Ok first off;
where the hell was everyone????? I thought the show was going to sell out, we bought tickets ahead of time to
make sure we'd get in!!
Secondly: Hey all you other old farts!!! Where the hell were YOU?????
There was only me and a handful of the old schoolers who were actually there back
in the day ( Eric Law and I reminisced about the Orpheum show in '78;
The Ramones, The Talking Heads and Eddie & The Hot Rods, what a bill huh???)
, but mostly there were young people in the audience. (For example Ryan and
Iain of Red Invasion which is why they will always remain a fave band of mine!!)
So I have to say; Alright!! Kudos to the kids!!! They
were not only "there" they knew the words to every song and were SO psyched to
be seeing The Hot Rods!!!! THAT made me very happy.
The band sounded great, from what I hear the only original member is the lead
singer Barrie Masters, but the other member were appropriately aged and
were tight!! And great performers as well. Man, I had been singing (and am still
singing) "Do Everything You Want To Do" for the past 2 weeks at least so
it was great to hear it live!!
Also on the bill; The
Pinkerton Thugs… they were good, songs were good, but the band never related
to the audience at all, so it felt weird to me. I have to say the lead singer
had nicely pegged tight pants AND a majestic nose!
…speaking of tight pants, as you will see in accompanying
photos, I ran into Rick Barton of The Outlets and Everybody Out!.
He looked extremely HOT, wore a pair of fabulous
TIGHT pants and I talked to him about Everybody Out!
They just finished an acoustic album and an electric album and they just wrote
the best rock'n'roll party song since Kiss' "Rock'n'Roll All Night and Party Every
Day"…wow!! Can't wait to hear it!! They are touring during August and will be
back in Boston on Sunday, September 7th at Harper's Ferry with
Deadly Sins, Mark Lind & The Unloved and Asher. So don't' miss that
one!! Until then you can check out the Everybody
Out! Myspace site
Pants Patrol Report 8/11/08
 Rick Barton Pants=tight. |
 Pinkerton Thugs Pegged pants=check. . |
So Saturday we went to Church to see The Throwaways, Buried
in Leather, Bad Lieutenants and Electric Frankenstein. Hmm, this
gig was not one of the best nights evah, that's for sure.
We missed the Throwaways but Joanie Lindstrom said she thought
they were really great with the new lead singer Paul from Mung. So that's
very cool. But I mourn the loss of Staffy on stage.
in Leather were extremely entertaining as usual. Sometimes it's like they
are two separate bands, there's the metal punk music, serious guys playing away
up on stage, then there's this crazed lead singer mulling around on the floor,
living in a different world but singing songs that go with what the band is
doing on stage. He's really awesome and funny and kind of an enigma to me. We
love these guys!! Also this was their CD Release party so there's something
new you gotta buy, go to their site and purchase!!
OR they are playing again at The Abbey on August 29th so definitely go
check 'em out, and hit the merch table then!!!
Bad Lieutenants were….. well with a name like that, you have a LOT to
live up to and ya got to have something happening and there was just nothing
happening with this band. They didn't do anything for us. Sorry.
Electric Frankenstein was pretty damned good though. They looked cool
to me and really rocked it…yes they ARE high energy metal inspired punk and
excellent as well. Whew!!
Also I have to mention that there were some real assholes in the audience this night and that always help to raise the suck level of a show to me. There were some Church regular I hate to see in the crowd and others up there on the dance floor flailing their arms around HOPING their fists would meet with someone's face, I mean people, you don't have to be a raging asshole to have a good time. Bleck.
But on to cool stuff that's upcoming:
this coming Thursday & Friday at Church is the Annual Mission
Hill Little League benefits, Thursday its Jason Bennett & The
Resistance along with Scars and Super Power , Friday its Jason
Bennett & The Resistance again with Confront and Vagiant…..
but also:
Thursday night (Aug 14th) at TT The Bear's Place is Red Invasion
with Have Mercys and The Soso Glo's
on Friday night August 15th at The Abbey is Muy Cansado(cd
release), Prime Movers, Diamond Mines and The New Dumb
Sunday August 17th at Harper's Ferry is a cool show: The Cute
Lepers, The Power Chords, Avenue Rose and The Throwaways...
Now the big shows coming up are
NEXT weekend…. Unnatural Axe 30th Anniversary Tribute cd record release!!!!
These are three incredible shows...
First show:
Thursday August 21st at Church with The Outlets, Unnatural
Axe, Watts, Andy Pratt and The Beachcombovers Second show: Friday August 22nd
at Church with Cheetah Chrome, Willie Loco, The Dogmatics, Miss Chain
and The Broken Heels and the New Frustrations,wow!!!
Third show:
Saturday, August 23rd at the Middle East down with Unnatural
Axe, The Queers, The Meatmen, the Nasties and The Sleazies
my suggestion: buy tickets now!
And of course go to the Axe's
myspace site to hear the songs!!!
And what a way to end the month;
1) don't forget: Buried In Leather at The Abbey on Friday, August 29th
2) this should be one awesome show:
at Saturday, August 30th at TT, The Bear's in Central Sq Cambridge:
Sexpod, Thalia Zedek and The Poison Arrows
OK, now on to ...Saturday September 6th:
1) is the Somerville Rock and
Roll Yard Sale!! It's an outdoor sale In Union Square Somerville
, open to sellers of records, art, crafts, vintage items, etc. Vendor cost is
only $25 , the hours are 3-7pm (it may run later if people want)
they are still looking for vendors though space is limited so email 'em if you want to sell stuff
. And if you don't want to be a vendor well you'll
want to be there as a shopper so save the date!!
2) after that you can go to the Middle East for Magic Christian (members
of Blondie, Flaming Groovies, Plimsouls), Muck and The Mires, Parallel Project,
Fox Pass
and then Sunday, September 7th, an early and all ages show 6PM! at Harper's Ferry with
Deadly Sins, Mark Lind & The Unloved and Asher.
So we have a busy August and September my friends.....YEAH!! I like that.
and my friends, we'd just luv to hear from you so do email us, just click and write.....Miss Lyn