The BGN News Archive
September 7, 2015

The Count at the Cantab
Acting out shooting up during Sister Ray
This week Church adds its name to the clubs that are closing this year.
It actually already closed! And the owners are selling the music venue section.
Hopefully more shows will come out of whatever happens there. (Here's the story
from Vanyaland)
The room held a lot of people and the sight lines were clear to the raised stage
but the booking has been erratic at best and just plain useless to us for a
long while now. The last thing we saw was Punk
Rock Karaoke and that was fun. In the past we saw Agnostic
Front , Richard
Lloyd , Dream
Syndicate , Jim
Jones Review , Outlets
and on and on.

Jiblantos with Keegan on sax
We need more clubs just to have places for John Keegan
to play with his myriad group involvements. When hes not in the audience
and writing up a gig for us, John is playing sax. At Sally OBriens
on Friday he was in the Jiblantos
an eclectic outfit of accomplished players who also have a knack for good arrangements
that capture the nuances of their often obscure song picks. We were delighted
at the take on Goo Goo Muck that transformed to Tequila at some
point. Another highlight was I Got Drunk that we know via Los Lobos.
They ended with Captain Beefhearts Zig Zag Wonderer. Their modis
operandi is to play the songs pretty straight and then let Keegan blow a freewheeling
solo that shakes things up and adds excitement.

White Light White Heat:
Tribute To Lou Reed's Rock and Roll Animal Tour
We followed the Keegan Tour to Saturday at the Cantab
where he played with the Count who was doing a night covering the White
Light White Heat album. The band was Mike Quirk on bass, Kenne
Highland and Fred Pineau on guitars, Lady Carolyn singing,
John Morrill on drums and Keegan blowing sax. No major costume
changes for the Count this show, I missed that. All songs tonight except two would be written
by Lou Reed. SET LIST
There was full club and the audience was into the concept. Over 40 years and
the Velvets material sounds better all the time. This is the music that spawned
thousands of groups and continues to do so.
With only one rehearsal, the group was ragged in spots but
they've been playing this material through the years too. They start with Sweet
Jane, and we get to hear the guitars of Pineau and Highland
mesh. Lady Carolyn is in good voice and she treats us to As Tears
Goes By later. A few times Morrill on drums stands up and pounds
the primitive rhythms out. It gives a visual to what hes playing and that
was a pretty cool thing to do. Quirk on bass seems to know every song
down pat and when others get lost, he doesnt and holds down the fort.
Keegan adds his patented unrestrained sax to the mix and you could tell
he practiced the solo to Walk on The Wild Side and that was perfect.

Nelson Slater and The Count singing Vicious
The Count was wielding a cane although he didnt
seem to need it too much but its a ways from when he used to hang from
the pipes. I love his talking between the songs when he relates the history
of the music, the scene and his career. He had played the Cantab 42 years ago
in 1973, wow!! He has been a Lou Reed aficionado since before that. He
was at the Lou Reed tribute in NYC put on by Laurie Anderson that included all
those rock heavy weights. He mentioned this performance of White
Light, White Heat by Blondie.
For the real Boston punk veterans they played the Bonjour Aviators (Fred
Pineaus band from 1974) Fury in Your Eyes, that gave Lady Carolyn
another fine vocal and even though the song fell apart the ferocious guitar
riff by Pineau was tantalizing. This song deserves to be reborn. Thats
Freds job should he decide to accept it.
They end with Pills the Bo Diddley via the Dolls rocker that always works.

Nelson Slater Photo: John Keegan
Nelson Slater was next. The Count has brought
in Nelson before. He went to school with Lou and Lou produced his LP.
Nelson Slater Band was an acquired taste well worth developing. Arch,
art damaged, avant vocals layered on a bed of Suicide-light synth presets,
raw seesaw violin and atmospheric guitar. Their performance was, in one sense,
welcomely out of step with the traditional structures of its bookends. In another
sense, it was a fine extension of Lou and John Cale's more experimental
Black Angle Death Song moments.

Joe Brown and Kenne Highland Photo: John Keegan
Kenne and one of his many alter ego's - Alice Highland
- were in fine form. The band was tight riding on double duty Mike Quirk's
boom and Matt Burns' clatter. They stayed pre 75. The crowd was singin'
and boogyin' to classic Alice effluent like Eighteen, Is
It My Body, School's Out, and Ballad of Dwight Frye.
Time cut the set short but not before the band tore through a rock hard Muscle
of Love and a burned rubber horned up Under My Wheels.
In other news:
Brett Milano has another book coming out. Don't All Thank Me At Once:
The Lost Genius of Scott Miller is scheduled for release this fall. Here's
a review.
Trophy Lungs starts
their Midwest Tour later this month. We love
'em here at the BGN and if you're in the Midwest check
their FB page for the dates they are coming to a venue near you! The
guys also have a new record out. Day Jobs can be scooped
up here. They'll be back in town and at O'Briens Oct 1.
Mark Lind's annual Boston's Burning Shows (this one is #3!) are
coming up this month (9/18, 19 & 20) at The Midway. See listings below for
more info.
We also wanted to say a word about two losses to our community this past week.
Sadly guitarist Allen
Devine passed away. He has been in many bands in Boston over the years
including Digney Fignus and with Asa Brebner and was known by many as a really
nice guy all in all. He had been living in Germany most recently and, of course,
producing music there as well. We all were so sorry to hear about Allen's passing.
Also Diane Hayes who has loved the Boston music scene for year died this
week after a ferocious, but ultimately losing, battle with cancer. We will miss
her smiling face at local shows. RIP Allen and Diane!
Here are some shows coming up this week....
September 9 (Wednesday) There's
a new band in town that promises to be killer! The Hi-End which consists
of Johnny Carlevale of the Skeleton Beats, Curt Florzcak
of Greg Allen's Fringe Religion and Bruno, Anthony and Scott
from The Swindlers. They're at The Midway this night along with AdapterAdapter,
The Short Term and The Shallow End Divers (FB
September 11 (Friday) The Knock Ups
and The Four Point Restraints are playing a FREE show at
The Jeannie Johnston Pub in JP. FB
event page here
September 12 (Saturday) The JP Music
Fest is happening at PineBanks Field in JP from 12Noon to 7PM. Some of the
bands playing will be The Hi-End (see Sept 9), The Upper Crust, Streight
Angular, Love Love, Rick Berlin and Trusty Sidekick!! Here's the
FB page
for more info and directions.
September 12 (Saturday)
at The Midway are M.O.M. (Mercury On Mars), The Classic Ruins, State
of the Union and Stop Calling Me Frank.
12 (Saturday) Lyres
are at The Middle East up along with Little War Twins and
Hudson K
September 12 (Saturday)
Barrence Whitfield & The Savages are at the Brighton Music Hall
September 12 (Saturday)
Mercury On Mars, State of the Union, Stop Calling Me Frank,
and Classic Ruins are at The Midway
September 12 (Saturday) WMBR's Bats
in the Belfry presents...A Decadent Celebration with Dreamchild,
Ondyne's Demise and Anda Volley at The Lilypad Inamn Square
Cambridge. And it'll be hosted by Mistress Laura. FB
Event Page Starts at 10PM
September 12 (Saturday) Mayte & Nicole
Present a Night at The Greeks (79 Bow St, Somerville) ! With Jay Allen
& The Archcriminals, Animal Talk, and I Thought They Were
September 13 (Sunday) This year's Somerville
Rock And Roll Yard Sale will again be in Union Square, Somerville: a DJ
and live local bands will entertain you while you peruse the awesome goods offered
by lots of local independent vendors things like great Records / Vintage / DIY
Handmade goods galore in and around Union Square Plaza. Time: 11AM- 5PM FB
page here
And some cool shows into the future....
September 16 (Wednesday) Oh Malô,
Bent Shapes, Bay Faction, The Colonnade are at the Middle East Up.
September 17 (Thursday) at The Oberon
this should be an amazing experience: Endation has put together a special
show "The Chimera" explores musical and artistic dichotomies.
Act I features the raw, intense, melodic force of two-piece Endation accompanied
by movement and dance. Act II brings the audience into the dreamy, experimental
world of Bent Knee as visual artists create pieces inspired by the band in real
time. The Chimera invites the audience to seek their own interpretations in
the disparate pieces that form one singular evening of performance. Buy tix
here. Get more info on the
FB event page.
September 17 (Thursday) Sham 69
and The Welsh Boys are at Middle East up.
September 18 (Friday) Livver, Tenafly Vipers,
Dead Cats Dead Rats and Profit Margin are at Koto in Salem,
September 18 (Friday) Mark Lind has his
annual Boston's Burning shows lined up at The Midway Show
#1 with The Blue Bloods, Energy, Taxi Driver, Iron Chin, the Damn Garrison
September 18 (Friday) The NEW Rosebud
is having a 1 Year Birthday Party Luau starting at 6PM. Tsunami of Sound
will be playing. Tix are way steep at $100 each but loads of stuff comes with
them. Happy 1st Rosebud...we'd love to see more bands playing at your place!!
September 19 (Saturday) A Crash Course
For The Ravers is featuring The Charms and Rick Barton! Lissen
in on WMFO 95.1 from 1-4PM.
September 19 (Saturday) Mark Lind
presents Boston's Burning Show #3 with The Drax, Warning
Shots, Duck & Cover, Warn the Duke. This is an Early Show at 4pm
September 19 (Saturday) Mark Lind
presents Boston's Burning Show #2 with Lenny Lashley,
Jared Hart (of The Scandals), The Skeleton Beats, Live Nude Girls -
This is a Night Show at 9pm
September 19 (Saturday) You can check
out the Dorchester Quincy ROCKFest at the Wollaston Yacht Club and see
The Richie Parsons Band, The Fathoms, Phill Reynolds and Martin /
info here.
September 19 (Saturday) The Real Kids and
The Nervous Eaters are playing together in Beverly at The
Spotlight Tavern. So far this show seems to have been a little under the
radar. You might remember last November's gig that, unbeknownst to us (and Terry
Brenner!) was canceled by the club's management. No one found out until a day
or two before the show!! Everyone was pretty upset over it. The club has mended
their bad ways and we are assured the show WILL go on this time. Here's
the FB Event page.
September 19 (Saturday) Pop Gun
along with Fireking, Classic Ruins and 138 are at Koto in
Salem, MA
September 19 (Saturday) And even further
up north it's Tiki
Freakout 2015 at The Bayside Bowl with Tsunami of Sound, The
Beachcombovers and Zombie Beach. Also DJ Matt Little from
WMPG will be spinnin' platters between sets.
September 20 (Sunday) Mark Lind
presents Boston's Burning Show #4 with Cactus Attack,
The Old Edison, time and place, Scrimmy And The Bingo Wings, and
Bundles- This is an Early Show at 4pm
September 25,26,27 The New England Shake-Up!
Keep yourself updated at their
FB page
September 25 (Friday) Illegally Blind
Presents: Boogie Boy Metal Mouth (EP Release), The Televibes, Black
Beach, Esh The Monolith, and Midriffs at The Middle East Up.
September 25 (Friday) At "The Greek's"
(Greek American Social Construction Club) in Union Square Somerville are The
Evil Streaks, The Black Souls, Silver Mirrors and The Electrolux Combo.
Here's the FB
September 26 (Saturday) Continental
(ft. Rick Barton), The Nervous Eaters, and The Charms are
doing a Matinee show (doors at 1) at the Middle East Up.
September 26 (Saturday) Muck & The
Mires are back from Japan and they party it up Sugar Blood Jinx and
Hambone Skinny at Sally O'Brien's in Union Sq Somerville. FB
page here
September 30 (Wednesday) Grex, Kenne
Highland and Fable Grazer are at The Lily Pad in Inman Square
Cambridge. 7-10PM All Ages. FB
Event page here.
October 1 (Thursday) Trophy Lungs
return to Boston after their triumphant tour of the midwest. Check 'em out at
October 3 (Saturday) Fireking is having
a Double Trouble VINYL Record release party at The Midway along
with guests The Grip Weeds, Watts and John Powhida
October 4 (Sunday) at the Middle East
Down: Chameleons Vox (UK) (The Chameleons from the old days continued)
playing Script of the Bridge, Avoxblue, The Milling
Gowns and DJ Matthew Griffin . Doors are a little early - at
October 4 (Sunday) Television
is together again and touring!! They are at The Wilbur Theater. Buy
tix here.
October 4 (Sunday) it's a very special
reunion of The Coachmen featuring Jerry Miller, Roy Sludge, and
Johnny Sciascia at The Midway. FB
page here
October 8-11 The Third Annual Rat Beach
Party WILL happen - at the C Note on Nantasket Beach -- October
8th-11th. Check
the FB page for updates.
October 11(Sunday) at The Midway: A Benefit
in memory of Joe Rutledge with Worm, Spectacle, The Swindlers, Charlie
Dont Surf, and Mailman Carl. This is an early show with doors
at 4PM
October 10 (Saturday)
Patti Smith has a new book out called M Train.She will
be reading from the book at the John Hancock Hall in the Back Bay Event Center
downtown near Copley Sq. sponsored by the Harvard Bookstore, 7PM (doors at 6).
It's $30 but that includes the book as well! For more
info and to buy tix go here. Also.... The cable channel Showtime just
bought the rights to do a TV series of Patti's book Just Kids!!
I can't wait for that one!
Read more here.
October 10 (Saturday)
The Real Kids made a smart move to change the date they play at The
Midway. Here they are on Oct 10 with The Johns.
October 11 (Sunday)
The Rev. Joe Fagan has
a new band; Highway Chapel and they will be performing at The C Note
in Hull for an 8Pm evening show.
October 17 (Saturday)
A Crash Course For The Ravers & Brian Young will feature Greg
Allen's Fringe Religion! That's
WMFO 95.1, 1-4PM
October 17 (Saturday) As
part of Crash Safely
2015 a Benefit for MS at The Midway are The Sprained Ankles,
The Dents, Muck & the Mires, Phil Aiken Army, Gymnasium
October 25 (Sunday) As part of Crash
Safely 2015 A Benefit for the National MS Society the Middle East Up
has Township, Watts, Unnatural Axe and Fireking - that's a GREAT
October 25 (Sunday) - TRiPLE
THiCK, Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders (ex-Lazy Cowgirls),
Thee Itchies and Hambone Skinny are at The Midway
October 31 (Saturday) a Halloween Show
at the Midway with The Satanics, Devil On Horseback, The Drawstring Lamps
as Dead Kennedys, Ian Cat & the Crimsons as My Bloody Valentine
CONTACT US AT…… - Send us your gig listings, your news
and anything else ya got!!
John Keegan, Fred Pineau and The Count in Love and Flame Photo: John Keegan
Lady Carolyn in Love and Flame Photo: John Keegan
John Morrill Photo: John Keegan
Nelson Slater checking the set list
Keegan with air raid warden helmet
John Morrill in Love and Flame Photo: John Keegan