The BGN News Archive
We feel like we’re in dreamland by getting new Nervous Eaters songs and videos regularly. Their newest song/video is “Kelly’s Sixteen.” It’s another classic Eaters effort and another quality video. There’s some street sounds at the beginning of the vid that gives it some gritty verite vibes. There’s a neat intro where the drums start, Steve chops out some chords and then a bass slide slips in just as the whole band joins the fray. Also notable here is that new guitar that Steve has. What is that? It’s a beauty.
Steve’s vocals, especially at the beginning, seem to be channeling something. We can’t nail it. But listen to the way he intones the phrase “The question is” which he says as “the question issa.” Love that. Then the hook in the chorus is the killer. They all sing, “It’s all about you” in falsetto on “you” and the guitar line dups the notes. Put that up there with our all-time favorite Eaters moments. Another great moment is at the two minute mark. There they add a new section with some flipping chords and Steve yells, “right” and it’s into the guitar solo. So sweet. Typical Eaters in the fact that there is no milking it, it’s three minutes and out. Wow, we’re not worthy! Word is that this will be the beginning of some digital releases, vinyl 45’s, videos, Cd’s and finally an album.
Bandcamp was bought 18 months ago, now they are being sold again. We don’t know the ins and outs of these company mindsets. We wait and see if there are any changes to the website and so far nothing different. Article on the sale.
There aren’t many quality print rock magazines out there, but The Big Takeover vis one. They just gave Rum Bar Records a good review for a cluster of their releases. The spotlight fell on Danny the K, The Downhauls, Stars Like Ours, J.J. & the Real Jerks, The Gypsy Moths, The Cornfed Project and the Hi-End. You can read it all on The Big Takeover
Captain Sensible will be a guest at the Croydon Punk Film Festival where The Damned film The Damned: A Night Of A Thousand Vampires will be shown. We’re waiting for that film to be available here in America. The Captain comes from Croydon and famously cleaned toilets there at the Fairfield Hall previous to The Damned.
Hey, we could have a Boston Punk Film Festival! What about that? With The Boys From Nowhere, All Kindsa Girls, Let’s Go To The Rat, Women Who Rocked Boston, American Hardcore, All Ages, The Late Risers Club Movie, The Dogmatics: A Dogumentary. UNBA UNBA (Human Sexual Response) 1982, The Creeper , The Legendary Thundertrain, MOB: Not A Photograph, Yung Punx: A Punk Parable, La Peste (Jan Crooker), and Chet’s Last Call.
Wednesday 11/15: they'll have Mary Lou Lord. Thursday 11/16: Sal Baglio, Corin Ashley, Glowbox and Captain Easychord. Friday 11/17: Tom Baker, Girl With A Hawk, Cold Expectations, Muck and the Mires, and Speedfossil Saturday 11/18: The Brigands, Hummingbird Syndicate, and Big City Rockers. VIDEOS......
Kurt Baker’s new album Rock ’N’Roll Club is on the verge of release. What we have right now is a video of one of the songs called “Bright Blue Sky.” It’s notable because it’s a bit of a switch for Baker. It has a heavier sound and a more serious tone with an introspective facet to it. The video is shot on a beach in Spain that makes you want to do the trip. Here’s an article on the Wildfire Music which includes some tour dates
The Scruffy the Cat documentary Take Me Away was just posted on September 24. It was a Harvard Film school project from 1987. It's eighteen minutes long. You get to see the band in their young and scruffy prime. The whole band is portrayed: Charlie Chesterman, Stephen Fredette, Stona Fitch, Mac Stanfield, and Randall Gibson. They let Stona Fitch go during the filming. There are some live shots and rehearsals. You see some of the band in their day jobs, like Randall at The Hoo Doo. What a treat to see this after all this time. A reminder of another movie that has 25 Charlie Chesterman songs in it: The Adventures of Johnny Tao which was released in 2007. The songs are credited to Chaz and the Motorbikes one of Charlie’s groups. We talked about it in 2019
Local Music Now is a video show by Gretchen Shae. This week she had Sapling on. Sapling prove to be provocative, challenging, and innovative. You can get a better handle on them by seeing them because they come across as a regular band whereas just hearing them on a recording they sound like there is no way they can duplicate the songs live. For a trio they put out a much fuller sound than you would think. One of the revelations is that they use a Theremin, which explains the weird noises. In the interview the group expresses their urge to always explore and go for something new. One influential musician form the past that they like is Frank Zappa.
Color Killer do a great job with “High School Never Ends” by Bowling For Soup. They are now through with the cover songs and they soon will be working on new material. The boys are growing up!! RADIO...... Anngelle Wood’s Boston Emissions show this week began with three new releases we find of interest. The very first song was “All Purpose Cleaner”, a new one by Wire Lines. Then it was “Tsar is Torn” by Looking Glass War and “Animals” by Paper Tigers. Later Anngelle played “Final Girl” by The Jacklights as part of her Songs of the Week feature and we found ourselves welcoming the song as if it was on old classic. It has become so familiar to us lately.
Skybar has Steve Prygoda and JoEllen Saunders Yannis of Cold Expectations as guests this week on his Rising show. They have some recordings coming out, one of which is Lou Miami’s “(I Live With) Ghosts”. They'll also talk about the A Night for Justine show at Crystal Ballroom on October 6. Listen on WMFO 91.5 FM on Tuesday at 8pm and after that go to the WMFO schedule page Hit the Rising show on 8 to 10 pm on Tuesday, then hit the ‘archive’ button. PODCASTS......... Here’s your weekly hit of Glam from the Elastic Glam Breakfast Show. This week they celebrated what would have been Marc Bolan’s 76th Birthday. That meant a few more Bolan deep cuts. One was a version of “To Know You, Is To Love You” with Gloria Jones. The version of “Cosmic Dancer” by Kathie Jacoby hit the spot They also played the version of “Children of the Revolution” with Elton John and Ringo playing with Bolan We liked the “Bang Bang Orangutan” by Astrologer, “Saturday Night Till Sunday Morning” by Velvet Insane, and the 1974 song “Turn Me Down” by Streakers Locals The Looking Glass War sounded right at home in the line-up with their new “ A Gun On a Wall In a Scene”.
The Looking Glass War have gotten plenty of air play with their first two songs (“Arrive, “ I Can Tell By The Cars”). Now they have two more for the Where Neon Meets the Rain EP. “A Tsar Is Born” is about the new type of leaders the world is giving us. “A Gun On a Wall In a Scene” uses theatre imagery to make it’s point. It seems like the group uses that idea in their lyrics and that has proven to be their strength. It’s looks like there’s no stopping this band. They have the talent and drive.
The Owens Guns from Australia have a lot of anger and a lot of humor. That makes for some hilarious songs. On their album Dawn of the Braindead they go right after Bono in the first song. If you want to get on the hate Bono bandwagon here’s a place to jump on. A rude chant and a fife prime the pump for the litany of insults. They have other targets like Flat Earthers, racists and pedophile priests. The one that made us laugh the most was their depiction of the “Drunk Shirtless Guy.” They have the snappy couplets: "Shirtless guy acting dumb / Ruin it for everyone" “Drenched in sweat Low IQ/ Punch a guy Then he'll spew” "Don't be such a stupid prick / You’re not welcome in the pit" We have it on our Top Ten Songs
Here's some good shows coming up .....
October 4 & 5, 2023 (Wednesday & Thursday) Belly and Parkington Sisters at The Paradise October 6, 2023 (Friday) A Night for Justine (Justine Covault Triobute show) with Quest For Tuna, The Croaks, The Black Threads with guests, The Bags, Dink Pinkerman, Tom Baker and the Double Down, The Unclean with guests - at The Crystal Ballroom FB page October 6, 2023 (Friday) Crow Follow at The Parkside Lounge NYC October 7, 2023 (Saturday) Agent Orange, Spice Pistols, Baabes at The Middle East Down October 7, 2023 (Saturday) The Long Wait, The USM, Sonic Bomb at Faces Brewing Malden October 7, 2023 (Saturday) Hi End CD release Party with Grimly Pleased - Square Root - 8:00pm - 11:00pm October 7, 2023 (Saturday) The Courettes, The Devils Twins, Thee Fabulous Itchies at Askew in Provi RI
October 8, 2023 (Sunday) Worcester Punk Rock Flea Market at The Hotel Vernon - Market 12pm-6pm, Music: 7pm - ck FB event page for vewndors and music. October 9, 2023 (Monday) Black Beach, Saturniids, Astral Bitch, Bad//Verb at The Silhouette October 9, 2023 (Monday) Great Falls, Miracle Blood, Bed Time Magic, Don't Grow Old at O'Brien's October 9, 2023 (Monday) Voided Shape, Cotter Champlin Group, Mad Painter at The Jungle - music starts at 6:30PM!! October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) Nick Cave Book Signing - a signing of Faith, Hope and Carnage at The Harvard Square Bookstore NOON - sold out- sorry! October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) The Mission UK & The Chameleons: Deja Vu Tour 2022 Rescheduled to 2023!!! also on the bill Theatre of Hate October 12, 2023 (Thursday) Sydney Valette, Looking Glass War, Goiter at O'Brien's October 12, 2023 (Thursday) The Len Price 3, The Chelsea Curve, Cynz, Tiger Bomb. at Geno's Portland, ME
October 13, 2023 (Friday) The Len Price 3, The Chelsea Curve, Muck & The Mires at The Burren Backroom, October 13, 2023 (Friday) mssv, Minibeast at The Middle East Up October 14, 2023 (Saturday) Son of a Gun, The Legendary Brewmasters, The Ballbusters, Linwood Strange at The Midway - 3PM matinee October 14, 2023 (Saturday) Hammered Saint, Tiger Bomb, Greg Allen's Fringe Religion, Warthog at The Jungle MUSIC AT 8PM October 14, 2023 (Saturday) Murphy's Law, The Rumjacks, Bar Stool Preachers at Deep Cuts Medford October 14, 2023 (Saturday) The Len Price 3, Palmyra Delran and the Doppel Gang, Steve Krebs and The Maynard G's at Parkside Lounge NYC October 15, 2023 (Sunday) Honey Cassette, Miss Geo, Thrust Club at Once at The Rockwell - 6: 30PM early show. October 20, 2023 (Friday) The Jacklights, Double Star (EP Release Party!), Harry & The Hot Flashes at The Square Root
October 20, 2023 (Friday) The Zip-Ups, Magen Tracy & the Missed Connections, Stars Like Ours at Sally O'Brien's October 20, 2023 (Friday) Jonathan Richman is at The Somerville Theatre Tickets!! October 20, 2023 (Friday) Lewsberg, Chris Brokaw, Minibeast at The Middle East Up October 20, 2023 (Friday) Wreckless Wreck Chords presents Wreck-O-Ween at The C Note This is a TWO day event - Day 1 - Barfight Champs, War Graves, Mitch Kramer, Screams Of Hockomock, Witches Tears, Hardwired, Barry Larry Tickets here. $25 for both days Day 1 FB page October 21, 2023 (Saturday) Wreckless
Wreck Chords presents Wreck-O-Ween at The C Note - Day 2 -
Worm ( as Misfits for Halloween Guest Singers) October 21, 2023 (Saturday) Psych-O-Postive featured on A.C.C.F.T.R. WMFO 1-4PMS October 21, 2023 (Saturday) Psych-O-Postive NYC, Classic Ruins, Little Billy Lost at The Square Root October 21, 2023 (Saturday) Here they come, the Halloween shows....Halloween Kick Off Cover Extravaganza - post punk cover bands are ready to get you into the costuming swing: Gretchen and The Banshees, Staring at the Sea (The Cure), The Devil (The Pixies). Plus the whole night will be MCed by the most fabulous Gene Dante! Dress to impress. Dress to win! It's at Once at Arts @ The Armory. Tix
October 26, 2023 (Thursday) Mudhoney at The Brighton Music Hall 18+ TIX October 26, 2023 (Thursday) Tim Sköld and Nero Bellum combine forces for their brand new project, NOT MY GOD. with special guests Snakes of Russia, Klock Work Echo, Death Loves Veronica plus local guest metal industrial band Deprived at Koto Salem October 27, 2023 (Friday) Darkbuster, Working Poor USA, Noi!se, Battery March, The Stress at Sonia. SORRY SOLD OUT already! October 27, 2023 (Friday) Bootleg Dan Presents: The Grip Weeds, 1.4.5., Preacher, Kenne Highland Airforce at Lost Horizon, Syracuse NY FB page. October 28, 2023 (Saturday) The New Frustrations, State of the Union, The Grommets, Stop Calling Me Frank at The Midway for a 3PM matinee show. October 29, 2023 (Sunday) GBH and NIIS at The Middle East down. Tickets November 1, 2023 (Wednesday) Handsome Dick Manitoba playing classic punk including The Dictators songs - Garage B Brighton MA November 2, 2023 (Thursday) Handsome Dick Manitoba playing classic punk including The Dictators songs at Geno'sd POrtland, ME
November 3, 2023 (Friday) Handsome Dick Manitoba playing classic punk including The Dictators songs at Race Street Live Holyoke, MA November 5, 2023 (Sunday) Handsome Dick Manitoba playing classic punk including The Dictators songs at The Music Room in Yarmouth November 9, 2023 (Thursday) The Cocktail Slippers, The Chelsea Curve at Cafe Nine New Haven, CT November 10, 2023 (Friday) The Cocktail Slippers (Norway), Diamond Dogs (Sweden), Soraia at The Burren Back Room November 11, 2023 (Saturday) KLYAM's annual Rama Lama Ding Dong Fest! with Johnny & The Foodmasters, Balaclava (NY), Gossip Collar (ex-Spitz), Nurse Joy, Orange Whip (new band with members of Funeral Cone/Ancient Filth) at O'Brien's Tickets November 11, 2023 (Saturday) The Cocktail Slippers (Norway), Diamond Dogs (Sweden), Soraia, Tiger Bomb at Geno's Portland, ME November 12, 2023 (Sunday) Cynz, USM, C.E. Skidmore, The DFB at The Worthen House Attic November 12, 2023 (Sunday) Diamond Dogs, Soraia at Divine Theater, Holyoke MA
November 16, 2023 (Thursday) Cocktail Slippers, Muck and the Mires, Stigmatics, Sourpunch at Alchemy Providence November 17, 2023 (Friday) Tribute night to your favorite goth & post-punk bands: Staring At the Sea performing The Cure and Gretchen & the Banshees performing Siouxsie & the Banshees at The Midway November 17 & 18, 2023 (Friday & Saturday) Letters To Cleo and Gigolo Aunts at The Paradise Tickets November 18, 2023 (Saturday) The Fast Tracks, Hammered Saint, The Spackles, Sex Zombies - a 3PM Matinee at The Midway November 18, 2023 (Saturday) Color Killer, Rockin' Bob PunkBand at the Middle East - Matinee show starts at Noon!! November 24, 2023 (Friday) Bootleg Dan presents- Kurt Baker Acoustic, Brad Marino, Kris Rodgers, Drew Eckmann Band at Geno's Portland, ME November 25, 2023 (Fri, Sat, Sun) Blood Lightning, Kind, Casket Rats, Lipsmear at The Middle east Up November 25, 2023 (Saturday) Girl With A Hawk, Cold Expectations at The Divine Theater Holyoke, MA
December 2, 2023 (Saturday) Buffalo Tom at The Paradise December 2, 2023 (Saturday) Hammered Saint at Parkside Lounge NYC December 3, 2023 (Sunday) The Chelsea Curve, State of the Union, DJ Sherman at The Worthen Attic December 8, 2023 (Friday) Huck 2, Gretchen Shae and The Middle Eight and Key of Caustic at Koto Underground, Salem December 8, 2023 (Friday) Girl With A Hawk CD Release Party, Cold Expectations, USM, at The Burren December 9, 2023 (Saturday) Connor Storms, Fire King, Crow Follow at The Square Root December 10, 2023 (Sunday) Mad Painter, Church Puppets, Galaxy Cake at The Worthen Attic December 15, 2023 (Friday) Sheer Terror, Nothing But Enemies, American War Machine, ICU, Rejekts, Clearance at The Middle east Up December 15, 2023 (Friday) The Dogmatics at The Parkside Lounge NYC
January 26, 2023 (Friday) Hooligan Holiday Night 1 - Suited and Booted with DJ Boss Hooligan, Stress The White Boy, DJ Ruben Doc Marten Soundsystem January 27, 2023 (Saturday) Hooligan Holiday Night 2 - The Templars, Battle Ruins, Merauder, Violent Way, Powerhouse at The Paradise
CONTACT US AT....misslynbgn@yahoo.com Send us your gig listings, your anything else you've got!! You want your CD reviewed?? Contact us for that too.