Live at the Rat Suite CD/DVD Release Party
Commonwealth Hotel
Novemnber 16, 2017
The original Rat sign
Photo: Blowfish |
We all know that the Rat’s reputation is part of Boston
history and definitely a big part of our history. Twenty years
after its closing we can see that it was the nexus of all the
punk energy in town. Just by saying, “The Rat,”
you evoke the whole era.
Jimmy Harold and wife in the lobby area
Photo: Miss Lyn
The event at the Commonwealth Hotel on Thursday
was another confirmation of its iconic status. It was actually
a way to mark the release of the Live at the Rat Suite
CD and DVD. These will be given to anyone who stays at the Rat
Room. They also took the occasion to raise money for the Right
Turn charity which was laudable. Link
to Right Turn It was also declared
Rathskeller Day by Mayor Walsh. What really drew the large
crowd, however, was the Rat aura. People want to get that old
Rat vibe any way possible, and the night did that.
Miss Lyn and Jimmy Harold
Photo: Miss Lyn
A big part of the night was just seeing the old crowd again.
We didn’t know everyone there by any stretch but when we
looked at the people up front when the music started we recognized
most of the people there. Here’s our list: Jon Surette,
Jan Collins, Billy and Erna Connors, Adam Sherman, Ray Fernandes,
Larry Newman, Johnboy Franklin, Ralph and Corey Fatello, David
Minehan, John Lynch, Eric Law, Joanie Lindstrom, Melanie Ransom,
Wayne Veins, John Felice, Rick Harte, Eddie and Lenny of Stop
Calling Me Frank, Mr. Curt and Donna, Tom Baker, Linda Viens,
Justine Covault, Jay Allen, Michael Stewart, Bob Colby, Erin Amar,
Linda Laban, Judy Wilburn, Michele Meadows, Anne Rearick, Jon
Seamans, John Doherty, Arthur Freedman, Jim Ryan, Amy Prohaska,
Kenne Highland, Kenny Kaiser, Gene Dante, Nicole Tammaro, Evan
and Linda Shore, Patricia Ready, Jan Crocke, Robin Lane, Tim Jackson,
and Tony Kaczynski....and we're probably forgetting a few!
Onstage they had Willie Loco, the Nervous Eaters, Emily
Grogan, The Dogmatics and Richie Parsons and
that right there was a huge draw as well. There were blow up photos
of Rat performers. Some by Richie Parsons looked better than ever
super-sized. They passed around hor d'oevres lile pork sliders,
fish tacos and chicken wings but drinks were crazy expensive and
there was grumbling about that.
In the lobby area
Photo: Miss Lyn
The hotel was sleek and modern. But we noticed things like a
piece of chicken on the floor,HA!! a sign that the Rat crowd could
turn this high class operation into a dump like our old "home"
being celebrated...given enough time.
Willie Loco Alexander
Photo: Blowfish |
Things got real when Willie started to play.
He was accompanied by David McLean on drums and
Mark Chenevert on sax. Everything about Willie is so
idiosyncratic; the singing, the piano playing, his looks. It felt
good to take it all in again. It was a Rat flashback – big
time. We’ve been Willie deprived anyway for so long. He
did a short set. He played "Melinda".
The ender was “Let’s Go To The Rat”. How could
it not be? This is what we were all there for - a good hit of
Willie and wallowing in the memory of the Rat.
Nervous Eaters
Photo: Blowfish |
The buzz was still going on as the Nervous Eaters
took the stage. We’ve seen them regularly but we had the
feeling that many haven’t. The Eaters were in good form.
People voiced enthusiasm as each song became recognizable: “Last
Chance, “No More Heroes”, “Girl Next Door”,
and “After Your Good Times Gone”. The last song was
“Talk to Loretta” which was released on Rat Records
all those years ago. It’s another song that represents the
era. There were multiple solos to keep the favorite going a while.
Emily Grogan
Photo: Blowfish |
Emily Grogan used to work in the kitchen at
the Rat. On stage she told the story of staying with Mr.
Butch on the street when she stayed too late at the Rat
and the last bus was long gone. She also played a set with Mr.
Butch at the Rat. They opened up for Steve Albini’s
Rapeman. We never knew that. Emily is a songwriter’s
favorite songwriter. She played a song about Mr. Butch. Another
song she did called “Weathervane" was a gem. That song
is on the Live At the Rat CD. She had a top notch group
which included drummer Larry Dersch.
Photo: Blowfish |
Things were wrapped up by the Dogmatics. They
are a rarity - a party band with depth. They want you to have
fun but they also bring emotion into the mix with songs like “Thayer
Street” that mourn the loss of a lifestyle.
Their songwriting allows them to have the best of both worlds.
They did “Drinking by the Pool” and “Gimme the
Shakes”, all the while spreading a celebratory spirit. They
are made for nights like this.
Dogmatics with Richie Parsons
Photo: Blowfish |
Richie Parsons joined the Dogmatics for the
final few songs. They were practicing the songs earlier up in
the Rat Suite. Can you believe there is such a place? The Rat
Suite in a fancy hotel? $800 a night. The memories andthe legend
lives on but it’s an odd turn of events for sure.
Dogmatics, Richie Parsons and Jimmy Harold
Photo: Blowfish |
And of course we have to mention the man who made the Rat- Jimmy
Harold. Without him all this wouldn't even exist!! Jimmy
did a great job back then and is well aware of the importance
of the Rat. He is also thankful to all of us who helped make that
place called The Rathskellar The Rat. He truly feels it is OUR
Rat because in his mind and heart it was all of us that made it
the great place it was. Thank you Jim Harold - he 's someone who
deserves a lot of thanks from a lot of people. We love
you Jimmy!!
And for even more photos of the great night check out Matt Lambert's
FB page Trebmal

Jimmy Harold and James Ryan
Photo: Miss Lyn |
Linda Viens, Judith Sprague, John Surette
Photo: Miss Lyn |
Linda Viens, Judy Wilburn
Photo: Miss Lyn |
Signed Rat Tshirt
Photo: Gee Julie |

Steve Cataldo - Nervous Eaters
Photo: Blowfish

David McLain - Nervous Eaters
Photo: Blowfish
Nervous Eaters
Photo: Blowfish

Emily Grogan
Photo: Blowfish

Robin Lane, Wayne Viens and Michelle Meadows
Photo: Blowfish

John Lynch, Willie Loco and David Minehan
Photo: Blowfish
The video playing in the room
Photo: Blowfish |
Willie Loco
Photo: Blowfish
Mark Chenevert
Photo: Blowfish
Willie Loco
Photo: Blowfish |
Photo: Blowfish |