Captain Vampire, Crow Follow, The Very
Square Root, Roslindale, MA
Saturday August 6, 2022
Words and Photos by Captain Easychord, additional photos by John
Keegan where noted

Crow Follow Photo: Captain Easychord
The heat is on! With temperatures soaring towards rarely-seen three digits
and sustaining with little precipitation and relief, the ventures into rock
shows has become a challenge, even a danger, for many unwilling to bear the
sweltering atmosphere and to leave their homes with the ACs blasting.
A notable example was the postponement of Red on Red’s Hallapalooza
summer outdoor festival in Lexington on July 23, now rescheduled to
a hopefully more hospitable clime time on September 10. But, for better or worse,
the indoor shows are going on! And last Saturday’s event at the tiny,
genteel Square Root bar in Roslindale brought a trio of notable
loco rockers to shelter from the swelter.

Captain Vampire Photo: Captain Easychord
First off the track was Captain Vampire, a trio lead by Nick
“Captain Vampire” Paraggio that kicks his dramatic, punk-meets-emo
songs into powerful high energy territory. Their set highlighted their soon
to be released EP All Will Be Free, with such rousers
as "More Weight", "Turn Back", "White and Gray"
and, best of all, "I’m Gonna Kick You Down the Stairs".

Crow Follow Photo: Captain Easychord
Crow Follow followed, and they were also plugging
new product - in this case a video drop of their song "Indiana
Line". They have been haunting the scene for quite awhile
with their dark, mysterious avant-punk droppings and that night
in Rozzie they wheeled out their songs "Doom Buggy",
"Wrong Devil", "Ride of our Lives", "Iron
Bottom Sound" and, of course, "Indiana Line" to
a very appreciative, enthusiastic audience! They even brought
in Girl with a Hawk guitarist Dan Coughlin
for their final number "54". I guess hawks and crows
go together!

The Very Photo: Captain Easychord
Last on the bill was the all-female power pop trio The
Very. And they were Very awesome! Guitarist/vocalist
Julie Kantner, bassist/vocalist Donna Sartanowicz
and drummer/singer Leslie Boisett-D’ell’Elce
are all rock veterans and their combined experience and talent
was very evident as they slayed into their raw but melodic tunes
mostly from their recently issued album The Universe
of You, which is well worth purchasing on Harriet
records. Faves include "There Will Never Be a Better
You", "A Little Sugar with Your Arsenic" and "Tiny
Scotch". Having combined these Very unlikely substances with
surprisingly pleasing results.
I proceeded to venture back out into the nighttime pea soup sauna of summer
very satisfied with the night’s entertainment. Hopefully the next show
I see will accompany a temperature drop!

Nick Paraggio - Captain Vampire Photo: John Keegan

Nick Paraggio - Captain Vampire Photo: John Keegan

Autumn Kirkpatrick - Captain Vampire Photo: John Keegan

Autumn Kirkpatrick - Captain Vampire Photo: John Keegan

Charlotte Clement - Captain Vampire Photo: John Keegan

Captain Vampire Photo: John Keegan

Judy - Crow Follow and Nick - Captain Vanpire Photo: John Keegan

Julie Kantner - The Very Photo: Captain Easychord

Julie Kantner - The Very Photo: John Keegan

Leslie Boisette-D'ell'Elce The Very
Photo: Captain Easychord

Donna Sartanowicz - The Very Photo: Captain Easychord

The Very Photo: John Keegan

The Very Photo: John Keegan

Square Root Photo: John Keegan

Audience Photo: John Keegan