Paul Caporino, CLAGG,
Billy Connors
Project, Thee Fightin' Fish
The Midway
February 9, 2019
Mike Quirk
Mike Quirk and Adam Sherman shared a birthday
bash at the Midway Matinee on Saturday, February 9th. They
filled the place with family, friends, bands, and cake.
Paul Caporino
Paul Caporino had the early slot and got to open up the usual
setlist with a batch of solo M.O.T.O. He kept his enlarged
heart on his nudge and wink puerile sleave, threw in some deep cuts and cranked
out a pile of catchy, crunchy riffs. The Midway felt like a country honky tonk
on punk when the crowd joined in for the choruses on "I Hate My Fucking
Billy Connors Project
Billy Connors Project classes the joint up with
a deep book of fully formed tunes. The band alternates between
Billy’s Chuck Berry homage "Limousine
Jean" and the riffed rocker "I’m Gone" and
Adam Sherman’s more nuanced tunes like
"Knockdown Day" and "Graceless Hideaway".
Q does double birthday duty on his lucite base.
A new number, "Self Destructive Heart", keeps the streak
alive. The two ep’s on
Bandcamp should catch your ear.
Club Linehan a GO GO
Club Linehan A Go Go weaves their wall hanging
out of debatably bad 70’s tunes. Lady Caroline
has a fine set of pipes and they are on display from the first
line on Kiki Dee’s "I Got the Music in Me". BGN’s
own Kenne H. is rocking his Scottish tartan and
looking to win back the island with his dangerously unsheathed
Les Paul knock off. Q is the genial host. He
takes most of the vocals and keeps the wack list of Hendrix, Barrett,
Blondie, Roxy Music and Lou from coming untethered from the string.
Caporino is back with Mark from
A Bunch of Jerks for an everyone in the pool
run through of "Born to be Wild".
Thee Fightin' Fish
Thee Fightin’ Fish come out like prime
Mike Tyson. Andy Excuse has got some itch to
scratch and he’s gonna push everything till he gets it.
He has skipped the stun setting on his guitar phase switch and
set it to kill. Stigmatic, Bob Roos, no slouch
on six strings himself, peppers Andy with hot shots and eggs him
on. They are wound tight and close for so early in the evening.
George Kondylis on drums and Matt Robinson
on bass know its a good one and jump the bus. They tear through
Al Stewart’s "Year of the Cat". A strap malfunction
gives Andy an excuse to bust a few moves on the floor. The video
is floating around the Facebook ether. Check out
Thee Fightin' Fish on Reverbnation.
Happy Birthday, boys. Let everyone eat cake.
Billy Connors Project
Billy Connors Project
Billy Connors Project
Adam Sherman - Billy Connors Project
Adam Sherman - Billy Connors Project
Billy Connors Project
Club Linehan a GO GO
Club Linehan a GO GO
Club Linehan a GO GO
Club Linehan a GO GO
Club Linehan a GO GO
Club Linehan a GO GO
Paul Caporino
Thee Fightin' Fish
Thee Fightin' Fish
Thee Fightin' Fish
Thee Fightin' Fish
Thee Fightin' Fish
Thee Fightin' Fish