Desert Mountain Tribe, Bauhaus
Live Ones, Stop Calling Me Frank,
Bunch of Jerks
February 15 & 16, 2019

The Friday afternoon road trip down Rt. 9 - even with a 4:30 start - took almost
two hours. Desert Mountain Tribe open with phase and delay guitar and tribal
drum English psych in the “Little Johnny’s sad and fucked…”
vein. They do a fine job elevating the early arrivals. The last tune of the
set pushes the ante on everything as it swirls up and out through the hole in
the Ozone layer.
Bauhaus (Peter Murphy and David J.,
alas not Daniel Ash) are touring behind the 40th anniversary
(feel old here) of their seminal In the Flat Field lp.
Like Murphy’s voice, both the disk and the show have a
patina but have aged well. The mix is decent but slightly muddy
in a way that detracts a smidge from the vocals and guitar. "In
The Flat Field", "Dive", "Stigmata Martyr"
and "St. Vitus Dance" rock and howl. Murphy’s
lithe bent frame, fever dream slow theatrics, and Mark of the
Devil inquisitor posing - especially the mic stand crux immissa
crucifixion - keep the eyes engaged. Where Ash’s fits and
start guitar strangulations were endlessly inventive, Mark
Thwaite’s efforts preferred grind over stab. The
mix didn’t help in this area.

The show was solid, Murphy chill and charming with the crowd. There were highs
and no real lows it just never jumped off the edge. Burning From the Inside
gave David J. some low-end lead time. Bela Lugosi is indeed
undead. The three song encore took it way slow. King Volcano had some cool crown
visuals but following up with Kingdom Come and Dead Can Dance’s Severance
left one longing for a rave-up on T Rex’s Telegram Sam or better still,
Eno’s Third Uncle. There should be a rule about never giving a lead singer
a melodica.
Stop Calling Me Frank
On Saturday afternoon the Midway Matinee kept its string of
good time bashes alive. I arrived just in time to catch the last two New York,
primordial pre-punk numbers by The Live Ones. Singing drummers
must have extra wires in their brains. The crowd was twitching. We’ve
talked about both A Bunch of Jerks and Stop Calling
Me Frank recently. On this afternoon B of J’s two poppiest tunes,
Boxing Turtles and Camping Weekend throw off hints of Spring just over the horizon.
SCMF keep the party rocking with dance-able, horn honking Boston rock. Why am
I such a sucker for Whiskey in a Jar?









Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
Stop Calling Me Frank
A Bunch of Jerks

A Bunch of Jerks
A Bunch of Jerks
A Bunch of Jerks
A Bunch of Jerks
A Bunch of Jerks
A Bunch of Jerks
Joanie and Danny. What's in the can?
Live Ones
Live Ones
Stop Calling Me Frank and Beans