The Mummies and The Fabulous Itchies
Alchemy, Providence, RI
April 24, 2022
Boston spawns dead rock clubs and big venues while Providence, Worcester, and
Lowell keep low-brow dives with style front and center. Alchemy
keeps it simple with good sound, decent lights, a low stage, cheap drinks, and
that ineffable ambiance that says this place rocks. That Alchemy plays host
to The Mummies’, - as the poster says - "first-ever
NE" show is, after a two-year pandemic delay, a mad, sold-out coupe.

Somewhere, someone had gathered up the offal and sweetbread contents
of a bunch of Coptic jars. They tracked down a dog-eared copy
of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Finally, they burned a pile
of tannin leaves and woke The Mummies from their
long slumber to wreak havoc on the willing rabble at Alchemy.
The band and the crowd are unwrapped from the first notes of the
Young Rascals riff happy "Come On Up". The hoard takes
the advice literally and lurches forward again and again. Thanks
to the giant behind me who pulls me up every time I bounce off
the stage.
The pace never wavers. The Mummies tear through "Little
Miss Tee N T", "Your Ass", a cover of "She Lied" by
the Rockin’ Ramrods, "Big Boy Pete", and Devo’s "Uncontrollable
Urge". The drums, guitar, and bass are in lockstep with the riffs. The
vocals, short, scathing guitar solos, and primitive Farfisa blasts burst out
like insane explosions.

Who are these crazy, bandaged bastards? Are they lost souls who took a left
at Giza and end up embalmed? The crowd is wild-eyed and worshipful. The
Mummies’ wrappings unfurl at their mouths, fingers, and feet.
Are they the sons of Imhotep still searching the upper world for the princess
Anck-Su-Namun? Tonight it seems that they haven’t found her so they grab
for their instruments to unleash their pent-up, undead love. This is ugly beauty.
This is monster mash kick-ass rock n roll.

Dennis Kelly - The Fabulous Itchies
The Fabulous Itchies have been plying their trade in Providence
since the early ’90s opening for classics garage rockers like the Lyres,
the Sonics, and the Real Kids. They are semi-retired but come out every few
years to play with some of their favorite touring brethren. No covid rust here.
They jump out of the gate to kick the night off. Jack Hanlon,
on a big red Rickenbacker bass, and lead singer Ty Jesso both
look sharp and energized as they buzz around the stage. Drummer Jami
Sleaze and Dennis Kelly on guitar lay down the crunchy
groove. Unlike the Mummies, Hanlon and Jesso
keep their clothes and their garage tack sharp.

Jenny Hurricane is guest vocalist - The Fabulous Itchies
They take their roots back to Bill Halley and the Comets with a cover of "13
Women". The Comets were a mash-up of blues and country with faster tempos,
and a more prominent, less swinging role for the guitar - some argue the birth
of rock and roll. Thee Fabulous Itchies supercharge that formula
with a healthy dose of Providence attitude. They get the crowd moving with "Jump
Back". The aforementioned "13 Women" updates some 50’s
H bomb worries to a surprisingly current concern. They push the faithful to
'Shake it Some More' before they 'Tame the Tiger'. Jenny Hurricane
from The Midnight Creeps, in a fabulous spider dress, kicks
things up another notch with a chip on her shoulder, midset cameo that oozes
Lux and Ivy.

Jamie Sleaze - The Fabulous Itchies
Jenny Hurricane is guest vocalist - The Fabulous Itchies




Ty Jesso - The Fabulous Itcies