Faster Pussycat
Manchester, N.H.
July 31, 2017
It probably defeats the purpose of vacation to be looking for a gig to attend
before you unpack. Ah, well, a guy gets antsy. I have a methodology: take out
the old geometry compass and draw a circle through a town an hour drive away.
Anything inside the area is fair game for a roadtrip. This time the circle passes
through Portland, ME, Berlin, NH and creaky but kinda cool Manchester, NH where
Faster Pussycat was holed up on a tour of every rock lovin’,
second class Worcester east of the sun and west of the moon including Etobicoke,
Ontario. I figure, “what have I got to loose?” I’m on vacation,
right? Other than the “maybe it’s time for that intervention”
looks from my family, this Russ Meyer retrospective scratch ticket was worth
the nickel’s wear and tear.
Danny Nordah
Ok, Faster Pussycat did look like the house band in Tortuga
at the end of the world. They’re a crew of not so brand new Nashville
Pussy sleazegrinders who may have grown up with a pet Ratt in a trailer park
run by Arthur Kane and Johnny Thunders on a side street behind Hollywood Boulevard
and were kitted out by a teenage Vivian Westwood and led by Al Jourgensen’s
light industry doppelganger. Things looked way more fun than the pink shirt,
khaki and flip flop crowd in Wolfeboro. It’s Monday night. The room is
half full. This could go south faster than a 3 pm slot at the 4H Grange Fair
in Tufftonboro - but it doesn’t.
Pole Dancer
Maybe it’s the portable pole dancer set-up in the parking lot. Maybe
it the Harleys. Maybe it’s 4 buck tallboys or the walking phosphorescent
green jello shots. Maybe it’s that Jewel looks like an archaeological
dig where design elements of its last five lifetimes overlap in the strata.
Somehow it all comes together. The crowd is on the inside of the in-joke. Most
know the fist pumps - Slip of the Tongue, howls - Don’t Change that Song,
lift that phone lighter and emote moments - House of Pain and they know words
- to everything. They’re showin’ big love and the band responds
in kind.

Ace Von Johnson
Faster Pussycat throw a lot of shit into the blender but they
know the key to a fine concoction is choice ingredients. The lyrics keep their
nasty tongues in their witty cheeks. Ace Von Johnson’s
guitar leads are strung out, short and taste metallic. Xristian Simon’s
rhinestoned rhythm guitar crunchs the punk. Drummer Chad Stewart left
bruises and Danny Nordahl’s low end was clipped and pushy.
Taime Downe’s gargle with thumb tacks voice was shredded
throughout. Everyone banged in on the choruses and left the crowd sweaty and
ready for another go. Downe took a quick break while the band
took a Stewart led run through AC/DC’s apropo Sin City
and Nordahl took the vocal on Supersucker’s karma ditty,
Pretty Fucked Up. Bathroom Wall, with that wicked hooked up little guitar figure
and surefire dating advice, sent the Jewel crowd running to add a contact to
their iphones.
So, next time you go on vacation, don’t forget to pack you’re geometry

Chad Stewart

Xristian Simon |

Taime Downe

Taime Downe |