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Humanoids, Electric Street Queens, Dyr Faser

The Midway Cafe, August 12, 2023


Johnny and Cozzy - Humanoids

A solid and receptive crowd came out to the Midway to catch an rangey, eclectic brain-fry bill. The Humanoids crawled out of their hard rock and metal B movie for a rare trip out into the night. For a band that seems to keep gigs few and far between they were tight and tough. Mike Demonic on rhythm guitar pummeled the big riffs. Bice made sure the drums kept one step ahead. Cozzy Cosgrove kept the electricity flow in the red on bass. All of this pounding swirled around Johnny Machine's flashy bursts of fingers flying leads and a operatic upper octave that threatened the glassware behind Lenny at the bar. Somewhere Dio and Halford were smiling. Shoot more. Shoot more.

Coco - Electric Street Queens

It's taken me way too long to catch Electric Street Queens. My loss. Following the Humanoids would give some bands agita - not ESQ's. They have their shit down but not pat. They're wigged up and out with with sleazy, glamorous punk shoved into a bullet blender set to decimate. Singer Coco jumped out of a late night, UHF, punk rock aerobics, direct to video video. I had visions of a sweat drenched tag team double bill with Hammered Saint.

Coco blitzed from the stage to the floor to the bar to some dude's shoulders. She shot out sparks and lightening bolts like Tesla's earthquake machine run amuck. It was kick ass, touch the third rail with your tongue, fun, fun, fun.

Dyr Faser

Dyr Faser used their twin V's to invoke palate cleansing, shroomie psych. There electricity dripped down the walls. It invited you to take a twisted but chill ride into the James Webb telescope's cosmos. 30 mg gummy optional.

Coco - Electric Street Queens

Coco - Electric Street Queens

Coco - Electric Street Queens

Coco - Electric Street Queens

Dyr Faser

Dyr Faser

Dyr Faser

Electric Street Queens

Electric Street Queens

Electric Street Queens


Bice - Humanoids

Mike and Cozzy - Humanoids


Johnny Machine - Humanoids

Mike and Johnny Machine - Humanoids

Mike Demonic - Humanoids

Mike Demonic - Humanoids


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