Whistle Stop Rock
Group Interview
By John Keegan
Keegan - Love the WhistleStop tour idea. Who are the bands involved?
Justine - The bands and organizers are, in no particular
order - Cold Expectations (JoEllen), Tiger Bomb
(Lynda), The Knock Ups (Cat, Gretchen), The Chelsea
Curve (Linda), Kid Gulliver (Simone), PowerSlut
(Linnea), Field Day (Joan), Heather Rose in
Clover (Heather, Lisa), and Justine and the Unclean
Keegan - How did the idea evolve, why do you
care about it?
Lisa - I think many of us are equally musicians and music
fans alike. That appreciation for other bands who run in the same circles initially
connected us together, and some networking discussions started this process.
It’s awesome to play live music and even better to play live music with
friends, and bands that you enjoy as a fan. I think our bands “fit”
well together from both a sonic and a professional standpoint. Pulling this
group together allows us to join forces, amplify our message, and all row in
the same direction.
Linnea - One day I woke up and saw a Facebook group chat from
Simone about wanting to play some shows together. Then it kind of exploded from
Linda - (Making loud explosion noise with lots of expressive
hand gestures.)
Simone - It was pretty straightforward. I wanted to play/play
again with my friends. A lazy attempt at booking that turned into something
Lynda - I’ve always felt a kinship to other musicians,
especially women. After Simone’s suggestion, I thought, “I want
Tiger Bomb to be part of a cool collective of women,” and besides, we
are becoming more aligned with the Boston music scene each and every week!
Keegan - How did you land on the name?
JoEllen - The longest, funnest back and forth on chat ever.
Some highly inappropriate names were enjoyed by all, but this one was the winner.
Lynda - Yeah and our logo fits great with the name, can’t
wait to see it on a tee shirt!!!!!!!!
Linnea - Whistle stop references a traveling campaign that
goes from city to city. We’re stopping in a handful of different New England
cities to bring our campaign of ROCK!

Cold Expectations with JoEllen
Keegan -You have six dates booked through March.
What do you all envision as an extended timeline and a total number of dates?
Linnea - New England, East Coast … who knows where this
could go?
Simone - I’d like to play in Cleveland.
Lynda - I’m from Detroit area (Justine too) so I’d
like to take us there, also maybe someday EUROPE!
Linda - Yeah! All of this! Plus Toronto is on my wish list!
Keegan -Anything in the offing for central and
western Ma rockers?
Lisa - We’re suped to be hitting the HiLo in North Adams
on April 25th!
Simone - And looking into dates in Northampton, as well.
Keegan - It seems like the local version of a
big undertaking. What's the motivation?
Linnea - Much like a band can bring something unique to a
song with each player’s individual contributions… when you join
forces, you can accomplish new and wonderful things. I’ve never been part
of organizing anything on this scale, and it’s been amazing seeing the
different strengths we all bring to the group.
Keegan - We're curious about the roles people
play behind the scenes.
JoEllen - that’s the secret sauce.

Chris - Tiger Bomb
Lynda - The magic word is “collective.”
Keegan - Who dots the I's and cross the t's?
Lisa - remember the first question you asked about the bands
playing this festival? Everyone on that list has been contributing to this effort,
digging in on details, doing the hard work, and getting stuff done!
Keegan - Who has the crazy ideas that suddenly
seemed feasible?
Simone - What constitutes a crazy idea?
Lynda - Feasible?
Justine - Crazy = Feasible
Keegan - When things fall apart who's the person
pull them back together?
Simone - Nothing has fallen apart. At all.
Lynda - We sprinkle fairy dust on everything, then drink martinis.
Keegan -When someone has a meltdown, who is the
empath to talk to them off the ledge?
JoEllen - You’re assuming there are meltdowns. Everyone
has been very open, honest, and respectful. No melting, no ledges to be talked
off of. We’re an autonomous collective, beholden only to ourselves and
our bands.
Keegan - This seems to be a case of the "girls coming
out of the garage". Did that show plant a seed or serve as a model for
this idea? Or what did?
JoEllen - Is that a show reference? I have no clue! Regardless,
these girls have been out of the garage for a long time. Because of all of these
bands playing out frequently, or infrequently, and genuinely liking the other
bands on the tour, the idea of playing out together germinated. And grew really
fast. And why not put together a tour of awesome bands? The focus is on *awesome*.
Bands are awesome, women know how to get shit done and we’re getting this
done, and it will be awesome.

Cat and Gretchen - The Knock Ups
Lisa - Some of the best music and business is made in a garage.
Hell, look where Apple started.
Lynda - I do love the Girls in the Garage comp on
Romulan Records. All of these women are extremely hard working and superstars
in their own right. I am honored to know the greatness of each and everyone
of them. We got together to lift each other up and promote each other’s
shows. So why not play shows together and support one another? Boom!
Keegan - How are you choosing the local special guest(s)?
Justine - We are looking for bands that fit loosely in the
power-pop-punk genre, who we admire and who can bring in fans. We’re keeping
a list of bands who have reached out or who we aspire to play with. If you’re
in the region and interested, you can contact us at www. whistlestoprock. com.
Keegan - Is there a steering committee or is
decision making a free for all?
Justine - No steering committee, we decide things together
as a group of members from each band. If we disagree, we talk it out til we
agree. It takes a little extra time to check for agreement, but we are all committed,
reasonable people who want what’s best for the festival and for our bands,
so we see eye to eye on most things!
Simone - This isn’t the PTO.
Keegan -There has been a fair amount of talk
about mixing younger bands in with some of the more....seasoned....bands. Is
that something you are thinking about?

Simone - Kid Gulliver
Justine - We are defaulted to inclusion, and are not categorizing
bands by age. It’s about the rock, not how many times anyone has been
around the sun. Open to up-and-coming bands as well as established bands ...
but most importantly awesome bands who fit with us musically.
JoEllen - Yes to inclusion!!
Lisa - Agreed, but just to add ... seasoned does not equate
to old or young in age to me, so this isn’t an “either seasoned
or young” choice we’re making. Key to this group is a respect of
each others’ thoughts and ideas and a full-throated support of each others’
music and talent. I believe we’re linking up with bands that share this
philosophy and who make sense with this team musically rather than by age or
Linnea - It didn’t feel like age or experience went
into consideration so much as genre, and the fact we are all powerhouses who
get shit done
Simone - I sent out a message to great musicians. I didn’t
think about, or care, how old they are.
Lynda - Age means absolutely nothing to me, you can be a seasoned
musician at 18.
Keegan - By definition, this show has an identity
all its own. Sure, its only rock n roll but what do you hope folks will take
away from a full slate of these bands?
Justine - A day of hooky, great songs, friends having fun
and supporting each other in doing what they love, and oh yeah, your socks rocked
Linnea - Your 8 (or is it 9?) new favorite bands.

Justine and Janet Justine and the Unclean
Simone - Take your vitamins. You’re going to need them.
Lynda - I want the average person off the street to come in,
check it out and say, “Holy Shit, these bands rock!!!!!”
Linda - Although all the bands fall easily under the umbrella
of power/pop/punk, the diversity within this collective is really astonishing!
I would hope fans of one band would find a couple of other favorites out of
the bunch.
Keegan - Is there anything that you would like
to mention that we haven't asked?
Linda - I’d like to request that Mallo Cups be added
to the rider.