Boston Groupie News-Issue #29
December 1981
The interview starts out with this:
Note: Since this interview in December of '81 The Neats
have; Just put out a fabulous 7 song EP on Ace of Hearts Records called "The
Monkeys' Head in the Corner of the Room" The songs are "Red and Grey" ,"Same",
"Lies", "Ring Ring" , "Tonight" , "The Monkey's Head" and "Tonight". They now
plan to do some touring 'as far as we can go" and hopefully to the West Coast
this summer. There are plans to return to the studio in October if not before
and all the members of the band have new jobs, except for Eric….Terry "hauls
beer cases" at a liquor store, Jerry is now making picture frames and Phil has
developed a wonderful tan at his new landscaping job.
Now for the interview:
BGN- When all four of got together for the first time
did it sound like it does now?
EM- No, the first song we ever played
together was "Gloria". It was the only song we all knew…none of us knew how
to play! Well, Phil knew how to play guitar. He's been playing for a long time.
Phil- And Eric, you hardly played guitar then, you were playing harmonica.
Jerry had been playing bass for about a year then.
BGN- Two of you come from Pennsylvania right?
PC- Terry and I come from Pittsburg.
BGN- Why did you come to Boston?
PC- Like a
lot of other people we came here to go to school.
BGN- Where?
PC- Boston Architectural
Center. Actually we were just enrolled there….
TH- It sounded like a cool thing
to do. But it turned out not to be so cool.
BGN- So you're college drop outs?
We never technically dropped out, we just never went.
EM- I came from Connecticut.
I had gone to school in Virginia for one year for I don't know what reason…so
I came up here and moved in with a friend who knew Phil and Terry from the Architects
Collaborative. Later I worked there so that's how we m et. Then a year later,
Jerry who used to be my neighbor in Connecticut moved up here. I got a hold
of him, I didn't even he was playing bass at the time. I hadn't seen him in
a while, and he came over and that's basically how it started.
TH- We were basically
fucking around. We had half a drum set, one amplifier. I played drums to counteract
Phil's guitar playing. I figured if he was gonna make noise, so was I!
BGN- What date was this all happening?
PC- About August of '79.
TH- Our first gig
was in December.
BGN- How'd your name come about?
EM- I was working at TAC and
wrote down a list of names while I was cutting wood in a room so one of the
names was Cutting Wood.
TH- We thought about The Bloody Truths for a while.
PC- Yeah and The Exacto Knives. What came out to be was there was the list that
Eric had come up with and I was reading through them and I saw one of them and
said "What's this; The Newts?"
EM- It's funny 'cause our second gig was at
Cantone's and we rushed to the paper to see our name in the paper and it said
"The Meats"!
TH- We almost gave it up right there.
BGN- So, besides "Gloria" what were some of the songs
you did?
EM- Our first sort of original song we did was a sort of mix up of
spy songs called "Spy Collage"
PC- Secret Agent
Man, Goldfinger…one of our first songs with vocals was "Phnom Phen".
BGN- You basically never did covers then?
EM- We did a couple. Sometimes well do "You're
Gonna Miss Me" by The Thirteenth Floor Elevators.
TH- We did "green Onions"
for a while.
PC- We did a few I don't' ever want to admit to. We had a lot of
filler for our first gig. We never really practiced for it. This friend of ours
said "Hey you guys want to back up another band for a party?" so we said yeah.
EM- But it was at the Dorchester Yacht Club and it was pretty big, there were
a lot of people there.
BGN- How did it sound different from the way you
sound now?
PC- It was heavier.
EM- More grinding but the basic feel was there.
BGN- It seems like a sound that really developed.
TH- Yeah, it was the music we
were listening to, the music we were playing and the sort of instruments we
were playing.
BGN- Yeah, you're really big on the Vox instruments.
JH- It makes
a difference. A Vox bass has a more atmospheric sound. There's something tp
the instruments. They're sort of antiquated sounds. These sounds haven't been
heard in 20 years. We can convert the sound that they were originally used for
to our own means. We can take the best qualities of the '60's garage or '60's
psychedelic sounds and out them to our own use.
BGN: It's too bad a lot of people peg you as just
a 60's band.
EM- Yeah!! A lot f our stuff isn't that….I can't
think of one song we do that's a straight blues progression. What the Lyres
are doing is great and they do it well with their blues progressions and real
power but the guitar sounds are a lot different than our guitar sounds.
Our sound is still developing though. I think it changes monthly almost. I change
my amp settings every time I play out just about. You always have to develop.
BGN- When did you realize you were really getting
your sound together?
EM- Well we did a couple gigs, The Yacht Club and Cantone's. We played Cantone's
like once or twice a month then we took off the summer before last and that's
when we started to come up with our sound. We practiced a lot.
BGN- When did you start with the open strings?
PC- I sort of always have. I don't' usually
bar across the strings, for one thing it's very hard. I could never do it.
BGN- Terry, what sort of thing are you going for
when you play the drums?
TH- I'm
always trying to play with Jerry as much as I can, not just to keep the beat.
And he plays a lot more bass than most bass players so that tends to make my
drumming sound fast.
BGN- Jerry, what about your playing bass?
Jerry- When
I first started to play the bass I talked to Dan Salsmann who was The Maps'
bass player. I asked him what he was trying to do when he played and he said
he tries to follow the vocal lines, so I started thinking along those same terms
a little. The melody for the lyrics can travel over the bass more effectively
a lot of the times.
BGN- What are some of your song lyrics?
EM- "Ashes to ashes, black to white, up from the middle if you could leave
tonight and think of things that made it day. Blue green and yellow, red and
grey, red and grey"
BGN- what the hell does that mean??
EM- There's got to be some significance there.
When we find it we'll let everyone know!
BGN- How did the song "Six" come about?
Jerry- Well, I remember…sort of remember…I had this bass line and I was trying
to figure out how many times to do it so I asked terry "Gee, how many times
should I do this?" and he said "Do this six times"
EM- And it was the day your
friend Dean came over and he had been to the Science Museum and had those buttons
the give you with the little sixes on them. We went up to the living room and
started thinking of the lines.
Jerry- We tried to get as many sixes in there as we could. "Six" and
"Do the Things" are my favorite songs because they tell people things
to do. Sometimes I feel a rapport with the crowd, I feel like I'm talking to
BGN- What about your recording history? Right now
you've only got four of your songs on tape, right?
EM- Yeah, "DO the Things" was the first tape we ever did. That was in
June of 1980.
BGN- Is this the same tape that ended up on the propeller
TH- Same one.
EM- it was the first time we
ever recorded. That's the first notes and everything.
BGN- Before things did start to pick up for you did
you ever think "Wow, this isn't going to work!"?
TH- I never thought about it working 'til it did.
EM- There are always
nights when we'd think "Oh God, what the fuck are we doing here?" but we were
always good friends and it was something to do.
BGN- What about Rick Harte?
EM- It's
great! Rick's gonna produce our next single. We should start work on it in January.
BGN- What did you think when he approached you with
the idea?
TH- Before he offered he would say things like "that guitar sound you guys
have would really be hard to get down on tape." He'd throw out hints.
Jerry- That's the hardest
part, when people who can book shows or put you down on vinyl come up and compliment
you. It's so hard not to strain at the reigns. You just go "Geez, shucks….boy,
I'd like the work with you. Can I give you a ride home?" But this is really
a relief!
BGN- Is this gonna be a 45 or an EP?
EM- You know, sort of like the Mission of Burma
thing…I'd really like to put out six strong songs.
BGN- But why do I detect displeasure at the Propeller
TH- There wasn't anything bad about it, it just wasn't going along and
when the record came out we were having benefit after benefit.
EM- When you have that many people shouting about everything….like just to get
the cover out, no one could agree on anything even down to the colors. The last
night we picked straws to see who would pick the colors.
Jerry- The first cover design they had I stole and hid 'cause I didn't'
want it to be used.
BGN- Let's talk about day jobs.
Jerry- Well, I do freelance
design work, mostly. I just finished a project for an MIT geology professor
and I do book covers for a geology publishing house.
TH- I work for a Boston car dealership in the service department telling people,
lying to people about what's wrong with their cars.
EM- I work at Rounder Records doing receiving and inventory.
It's interesting.
PC- I sort of pick up whatever I can find. Now I'm working
for an MIT graduate student. I'm sort of helping him with is thesis on architecture.
BGN- What was the best gig you ever did?
PC- Maybe the Underground closing gig, that was
a great one.
EM- It was incredible. It was in slow motion almost. The
whole place fell apart in like five minutes through this one song.
TH- Someone
took the ceiling tile and jammed it into the fan. It was like it was snowing.
The mix on the tape is weird 'cause the microphone got buried in the rubble.
You can hear someone stepping on one and grinding it in.
EM- it was done on a
four track, one line was off the board for the vocals but the other mikes were
up in the ceiling so once that came down that was it. There were wires falling
down and sparking! There could have been a fire, it was unbelievable!!
BGN- What was your worst gig?
PC- Canterbury's. We did a gig there with Pastiche
and had a 60/40 split on thirty-five dollars.
BGN- Do you all live
in this house together?
EM- We did but Jerry moved out in August.
BGN- Hey, like wow man, a real commune atmosphere
PC- Oh please! Not at all!!
EM- You wouldn't believe how UNcommunal it is. It's like, anything that
goes in the refrigerator: "Who stole my beers!!??" or "Damn it, I had a jar
of peanut butter in there!!" You can look at it, there's nothing in there!
BGN- I hope you've worked out your toilet paper situation!
EM- It's never there.
PC- That's why we like to play The InnSquare Men's Bar,
they keep their rolls of toilet paper in the band's room!
CLICK to see the page on the Neats gig at Church on 12/28/2009