The BGN News Archive
O’Brien’s was the place again for an early week show. Tuesday they had the Bruvs who we know we like and the other acts sounded good.
The first band was Bin Men. We could’t find anything about them online. They were very raw. They grinded out a groove with a dirty guitar playing a short progression and just kept it going. The main singer was doing a rant on top of that. It reminded us a lot of The Fall. Especially since the main singer seemed like he was really addressing an issue with intensity. As usual we couldn’t catch it.
Social Dispute are a trio from Maine. They were nice and punk. Songs were blasted out loud and fast. Check out their Bandcamp page where the longest song just breaks the minute mark. They said they had a short set and they did. The songs went flying by but we enjoyed the jolt.
Social Dispute did everything very simple, Black Hatch from New Hampshire was in the same punk/hardcore area but had a lot more detail in the music. There was metal playing, tandem leads and then some high pitched vocals at other times. You can hear the high vocals at the 30 second maark on their song “The Cadillac”. The songs had arrangements that kept the elements changing and interesting. We were constantly listening to see where the songs would go. They all were players who were up to the task. All in all an engaging set. There actually was too much to digest at one listening. They're a band you could see time and time again. Their Bandcamp page.
The Bruvs are a duo and family. They are the brothers Jack and Dave Petti. We saw them in Nov. 2016 and August 2017. They expended a lot of energy on stage. That made a show you would remember. Playing-wise they seem to be tighter. The drumming we thought was noticeably better. The singer was also better than we remembered. There were a lot of times where the two voices blended and gave an extra punch to the material. They actually recorded a cover of the Beach Boys “Little St. Nick” last Christmas that captured some of those Beach Boys harmonies. You need balls to take on a Beach Boys song! The guitar playing was raw and basic and worked to deliver their better than average material. We keep trying to catch the words that seem like they would add to the effect but instrument volume would not allow that. We like what they do enough to make us go out to catch them whenever possible. Their Bandcamp page. There were about 30 people tops at O’Briens. We always think there should be more for a show like this. But then again.....We tried to get to Tavern at the End of the World a little bit early to catch what seemed like what would be popular bill: Justine and the Unclean, The Connection, The Melatonines and on top of that a solo stint by Lou Mansdorf (Rum Bar’s Tycoon). It was to no avail as the place was packed. What a great feeling in that place, with the booze flowing, the plates of aromatic food passing through, and the din of conversations. There were a LOT of familiar faces in the crowd.
The only problem was that it was impossible to get into the music room. So when Lou Mansdorf started his set we could not see or hear enough to get an appreciation of the set. When Justine and the Unclean played the full band could be heard a bit better but still not to get the full effect. Mark Davis was able to get in the room and got a better photo than we got. They also had a multi-colored disco ball that messed up photos a bit. With all that we still could make out some of the Justine and the Unclean’s punky magic. Those tunes cut through everything.
We left soon after that. Outside we ran into Tom Baker who was bringing in a cake for birthday boy Lou. and then....Saturday we headed out to the Midway, again on the early side, to catch the 40th Anniversary tour of the Hudson Falcons only to be greated with a ‘Sold Out’ sign. Good for them, bad for us. We saw the Falcons in June last year at the Middle East. In one way we don’t mind being shut out of any gig because it’s sold out or crowded. It’s those great shows with only ten or twenty people in the audience that are more problematical. As we were frustrated at Tavern at the End of the World on Friday, John Keegan was at Once in Somerville for the Bentmen show getting ice cream sandwiches thrown at him. Just saying it's crazy doesn't cover it, click photo below to get John's story and fab photos. ![]()
And in other news.....
'Handsome Dick' Manitoba was recently arrested for domestic assault ...read about it here. The Legendary Jayne County Gets Her First Art Retrospective in NYC! You can see her paintings at Participant INC Gallery through March 11th. Read about the show and Jayne's history here on INTO Richard Lloyd wrote a book about his time with Television but a lot more too. Some of which is pretty weird. Check out Blowfish's review of the book on our review page here. And last but not least - Great news....Sonia finally gets her liquor license...now if they'd just start booking bands we want to see!! Read about it on Vanyaland Here's some good shows coming up ..... February 15 (Thursday) Major Stars, Black Helicopter & Henry Owings at Once Ballroom February 16 (Friday) Jittery Jack, Stop Calling Me Frank, Kenne HIghland and friends at Sally O'Briens FB page February 16 (Friday) Bundles, Dan Webb & The Spiders, Birdwatching, Michael Kane & The Morning Afters at OBriens February 17 (Saturday) Roy Sludge at Atwood's at 4Pm February 17 (Saturday) Damn why isn't this in Boston?? LUX LIVES at Koto in Salem with SPiTZZ, Evil Streaks, Tsunamibots. FB Page February 18 (Sunday) The Crank Tones at Atwoods And further out we have... February 21 (Wednesday) Gutter Demons, The Skeleton Beats, The Negans, Nick The Barbarian at KOTO in Salem February 23 (Friday) The Dirty Truckers "Best of" double shot release party with very special guests: Tad Overbaugh & The Late Arrivals and Michael Kane & the Morning Afters February 26 (Monday) Thrust Club, Electric Street Queens, Sister,Disco Nap at Charlie's Kitchen February 24 (Saturday) Jason Bennett & the Resistance, Blood Stained Brindle, Jesse Ahern and The Roots Rock Rebel Revue, and Jake Bell & the Maybe One More's at The MIddle East -this is an early evening show at 6:30PM February 24 (Saturday) A Bunch of Jerks, Muck & the Mires, Jay Allen & The Archcriminals, Hambone Skinny at The Midway 9PM show March 2 (Friday) Damon & Naomi, Thalia Zedek and Kevin Robert Thomson at The Lily Pad Inman Square 7-10PM March 3 (Saturday) Silver Screams, Duck & Cover, Too Many Voices, EVERT ..this is a .4-8PM show at The Midway. Evert is a new band with Joe Packard, Matt Burns and Jim Alger...can't wait to see them!! Evert FB page. Gig FB page. March 3 (Saturday) The Von Traps, The Brave Noise, RooFTops at O'Brien's Pub March 3 (Saturday) Peter Perrett (of The Only Ones) at The Brighton Music Hall FB page for tix etc March 3 (Saturday) Wimpy Rutherford's 60th w/ The Guts reunion & Time Out Timmy at Sue's Space in Rollinsford, NH. FB page March 4 (Sunday) All ages matinee with Lenny Lashley’s Gang Of One, Genuine Rust, The Abductors, Restraining Order at the Thirsty First: Tavern & Grill, 280 Central St, Lowell, only $5!! FB page for info March 6 (Tuesday) Crimespree, Marko and The Bruisers, The Sewer Buddies, Go Figure at O'Brien's March 7 (Wednesday) Ghostwriter, Coffin Salesman, Olde Boy at OBrien's March 9 (Friday) Nick & The Adversaries, Continental (ex-Dropkick Murphys/The Outlets), The Hi-End, The Gala at The Midway March 10 (Saturday) The F.U.'s, The Lost Riots, The Humanoids, Punk Band at The Midway for the afternoon show ( 4pm - 8pm) March 10 (Saturday) Carissa Johnson Talk Talk Talk Album Release at Great Scott also on the bill: The Organ Beats, Lady Pills, and Watts! March 10 (Saturday) A garage rock'n'roll extravaganza with The Monsieurs, Johnny & The Food Masters, Atlantic Thrills, Clever Girls, Strange Fuzz and a bunch more band- starts at 6PM- at the News Cafe Pawtucket RI...here's the FB page. March 14 (Wednesday) Clan Of Xymox and Stoneburner at Once March 14 (Wednesday) Dropkick Murphys, Agnostic Front & Bim Skala Bim at The State Theatre, Portland, Maine FB PAGE! SOLD OUT BTW March 16 (Friday) Richie Ramones, Marko and the Bruisers, Musclecah,The Pathetics at Ralph's Diner in Wistah March 18 (Sunday) State of the Union, The New Frustrations, Billy Connors Project, Far Above The Ground at The Midway- this is a day time show 4Pm March 23 (Friday) Barrence Whitfield & the Savages with Mr. Airplane Man at the Middle East!! FB page and tix link here. March 23 (Friday) Demon's Alley, The Hi-End, Greg Allen, Otter River at Ralph's in Worcester. March 24 (Saturday) Nervous Eaters, The Connection, Classic Ruins at O'Brien's Pub April 17 (Tuesday) My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult: 30th Anniversary Show at the Brighton Music Hall April 22 (Sunday) Hardcore Stadium presents: The Unseen, American War Machine, Moose Knuckle, The Von Traps at the Middle East - this is an ALL AGES show - starts at 6PM June 13 (Wednesday) doing their G.G. ALLIN 25th Death Anniversary Tour the Murder Junkies are at Cafe Nine in New Haven CT FB page June 20 (Wednesday) Reverend Horton Heat, Big Sandy, Lara Hope & The Ark-Tones at Alchemy Provi RI July 1 (Sunday) G.G. ALLIN 25th Death Anniversary show with The Murder Junkies, Smoking Triples, Jonee Earthquake, They Hate Us, Malcolm Tent at The Dutch Treat Franconia NH Here's the FB page July 12 (Thursday) Koffin Kats, The Goddamn Gallows, Viva Le Vox at The MIddle East CONTACT US AT....misslynbgn@yahoo.com Send us your gig listings, your news and anything else ya got!! You want your CD reviewed?? Contact us for that too.